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[WIP] Compact Rocketry v0.1.1


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  BlazingAngel665 said:
The legacy model was the first one you did. I tidied it up (just made the inside of the engine bell) it is now unwrapped and in gimp. I have a color scheme shamelessly eyedroppered (yes a highly technical term) from some of the stock bits. Now I just need warning labels and other intricate details like bolts and bits. I haven't done anything with emissivity or the thermal animation that requires more time and some unity know how that is not something I feel like doing atm. Also if you have normal maps or anything please add those in the download. We will need a proper dropbox that we can all add files to. Previews to come.

Alright, thanks! I may use that model you're working on for the CR-8, as it's basically the same shape. :wink:

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Preview time, yay!!!

This is the bit where you decide if you really want me modelling/texturing for you.

So, patch notes.

1. All textures are 'clean' this means that the hand drawn cartoony bits that are so iconic of KSP are not in yet

2. Some bits (the warning hatch) are in the wrong places because I unwrapped some pieces in the wrong spot

3. In the long run I should have just used the re-done model. The sphere stuck on the side of the thing took me like three freaking hours to unwrap (not sure why)

So without further ado, pictures. Hope you like 'em. C&C is appreciated.


Would that tank actually hold 02? I don't know and don't particularly care. The blue looks good on the gray, and blue is the color for oxidizer, hence it has 02. The blue its self is from the little stripe on the mainsail engine. The yellow color is from the caution tape on the band around the top of the engine bell. There is a little valve on the side of the tank and an arrow indicating flow direction.


I am thinking about adding some form of raised bit for the exclamation point. The "warning" is actually stenciled onto the side of a hatch which is obscured. I haven't figured out where this is actually going, it is just a prop I had ready to put into a texture.

So did you like it? Hate it? Want to see something done different? Post your comments and criticism below!

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1. All textures are 'clean' this means that the hand drawn cartoony bits that are so iconic of KSP are not in yet

2. Some bits (the warning hatch) are in the wrong places because I unwrapped some pieces in the wrong spot

3. In the long run I should have just used the re-done model. The sphere stuck on the side of the thing took me like three freaking hours to unwrap (not sure why)


Great job! The texture so far looks great to me, and you said that you haven't even finished :)

However, can we see what the texture looks like from afar? Can't really see the whole engine that close up.

Can't wait for the finished version :D

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  BlazingAngel665 said:
So did you like it? Hate it? Want to see something done different? Post your comments and criticism below!

I love it! Just add some lines, scratchy marks, Jeb graffiti (for fun, terribly write on the side "JEB WAZ HEER" or something :D) and it will be great!

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  BlazingAngel665 said:
The sphere stuck on the side of the thing took me like three freaking hours to unwrap (not sure why)

Did you use sphere unwrapping to unwrap the sphere? If you didn't, that may have caused it :P

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Ohai gaize, I maed noo engine.

Maek that four engines. :D


Yep. A tiny engine cluster, probably with higher thrust but much lower Isp.

The bottom of each engine's bell is about 20 centimeters in diameter, and the top of the model measures in at about 62.5 centimeters in diameter.

The faces, well, uhm...


Yeah, with some fancy triangulation and tweaking, this can be reduced a lot.

So, yeah. Adding it to the model pack.

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  Naten said:
Did you use sphere unwrapping to unwrap the sphere? If you didn't, that may have caused it :P

Yes but it was useless to me. I needed it done in some fashion that allowed me to know what face corresponded to what bit and it just wan't doing that for me. It just gave me a tangle of vertices connected by lines.

  Naten said:
Ohai gaize, I maed noo engine.

Yep. A tiny engine cluster, probably with higher thrust but much lower Isp.

The bottom of each engine's bell is about 20 centimeters in diameter, and the top of the model measures in at about 62.5 centimeters in diameter.

Umm wow. You poly count is minuscule. Add details I say. Pipes. Turbos. Hydraulics for gimbling action.

Thanks for the feedback guys. I will finish the textures.

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  BlazingAngel665 said:
Umm wow. You poly count is minuscule. Add details I say. Pipes. Turbos. Hydraulics for gimbling action.

Oh, yes, the engine bell itself is the thing that needs to stay below 2k polys! Oh, yes, now I remember!

I am still modelling the engine. I just wanted to show the draft version of the model. I'm currently adding the details.

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Maek that four engines.


Yep. A tiny engine cluster, probably with higher thrust but much lower Isp.

Not bad, I'll add the details that were suggested.

Also, Naten, please tell me if you just want me to add the tweaks you want, or if

you want a complete remodel, like I'm currently doing. Here's the engine that got remodeled:

(EDIT) Here is the download link for the engine on the first page and this engine as well:

(They are separate files)



I am going to be flying in a few hours to Illinois, so I will not be able to reply for the rest of today most likely

Edited by Mr.Desmond Tiny
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  BlazingAngel665 said:
Mr Tiny that is brilliant. It evokes memories of the LV class engines already in the game. That will be very sharp looking after it is done!

I agree!


I'm still working on my cluster engine model...

To Mr. Tony: I would prefer if you kept with the model I send you, but I still love the CR-5's new model you made. :wink:

It's just that to keep with the concept, it would be nice if you stayed with it. Remember, you guys still do great. :D

Please tell me what you think. I think it's almost ready for Tiny's tweaking job.

EDIT: Added a tiny little tube on the side of a nozzle, updated Sketchfab thing. Having Tiny do it soon.

Edited by Naten
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Looking better. You still need to enable smoothing and add an edge split modifier before exporting to DAE or whatnot. (You can save before adding the edge split and then export, then revert your save if you don't want to keep the edge split in the save file.)

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Alright, back from the flight, I will begin tweaking the engine.

Should be up in a few hours, might not get it done though, since its currently 2 am here, but it'll be up later today for sure.

(EDIT) Almost forgot! Naten, I will add the small tweaks to the cr5 model, and you can just call the re-skinned model

a different engine. That way you will still have the original cr5 model with only the small tweaks. Didn't want to

ruin something you designed :)

Edited by Mr.Desmond Tiny
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  Mr.Desmond Tiny said:
Alright, back from the flight, I will begin tweaking the engine.

Should be up in a few hours, might not get it done though, since its currently 2 am here, but it'll be up later today for sure.

(EDIT) Almost forgot! Naten, I will add the small tweaks to the cr5 model, and you can just call the re-skinned model

a different engine. That way you will still have the original cr5 model with only the small tweaks. Didn't want to

ruin something you designed :)

Thanks, let's make it another engine, as you said. :) It looks like it should be more like SpaceX's Merlin Vacuum, over the Cr-5 which will operate like a tiny Merlin 1C.

Here's what I plan for their efficiency to be...

Cr-5 engine...
0 = 230
1 = 410

Cr-5 engine reskin, maybe we can call it the Cr-5 Vacuum.
0 = 420
1 = 120

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Make sure to cut the polys down in all these pieces. The most recent sketchfab images shows tiny parts that have 16-24 sides, and that's just way too many. You could easily get by with 8-12 on those parts, and you'd save a lot of polygons that way.

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