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[0.24.2] TiberDyne Aerospace R&D Division - Shuttle System 3.6 Career Update!


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Why not set up the Engine mount to convert Oxidizer into LOX that only the OMEs can use, but not the SSMEs? That way, the SSMEs can't burn up your oxidizer.

Or, set up the SSMEs to shut off when the fuel runs out?

Ex: ET runs out of fuel, SSMEs immediately disable, prevents oxidizer in shuttle form getting used up.

Edited by awsumindyman
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Well, the Generator module can convert fuels, but not really 'on the fly' - and it would do the same to the fuel coming from the ExTank as well. I'll ponder if something like that might work though.

As for the 2nd suggestion, the engine module doesn't function like that sadly, so it would require a plugin to rework the engines fuel logic, which isn't my field of expertise.

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Hm, what's the problem? Just use LF and Oxydizer for MEs and OMEs. On my own Shuttle it works fine. On my Mind it's just a process of learning to find the right point to switch to OMS and not a technical issue. I think it's better to hold that stuff stock-a-like as handle with other Fuels.

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Well building a shuttle for your own use is one thing, its certainly easy for ME to know I need to use a hotkey to disable the Main engines and turn on the OMS engines, but its another thing entirely when we're talking about a modular mod pack. I promise you, most people do not read a single line of instruction before jumping in. This pack is almost 2 years old now, and I've had it setup a few different ways, including the way you suggest. Its very important for it to be as simple as possible by default.

If you're even 1 second late in turning off the main engines, your mission is ruined because it exhausts your onboard oxidizer.

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There's already an update of these (its a test release, not a final) and they work fine) - you just drop the Tiberdyne folder in the Gamedata folder next to Novapunch and it'll be just like you downloaded them together :)

But no, they don't really belong together as a single pack.

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Well, the Generator module can convert fuels, but not really 'on the fly' - and it would do the same to the fuel coming from the ExTank as well. I'll ponder if something like that might work though.

Then set up the converter to not register/accept/convert oxidizer flowing in from a fuel line.

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First B9, then CSS, and now TiberDyne? WOW.

A thing about the lift problem: Maybe the CoM and CoL are the ones affection how the shuttle react aerodynamically? If so, then...

I ran a test SKYLON plane made almost entirely B9 parts, and turns out if CoL is too far from the CoM, at some point the plane would have the tendency to go in a direction... Maybe you should work on the small Conrad on the shuttle.

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First B9, then CSS, and now TiberDyne? WOW.

What about them..?

About the canard - yeah I do use it to boost the control authority, its back as far as it can be really - the frustrating part is that the elevators on the main wing simple don't add to pitch control of planes when they're so close to the CoM, so its all on the canard. Its boosted to be quite strong, which is why it also rolls so strongly.

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0.22 is out and I already have NP2.03 released, so I'll go right back to finishing a full release for this, including career integration. I'd be interested in how you think that should work once you play with the stock techtree a bit (where it should unlock and such)

Also, I have converted the fuel system - after our last discussion I decided that the orbiter would work on Monopropellant only to solve the issue of Oxidizer crossfeed - so I re-tuned its MonoProp usage to stay about the save overall fuel-wise. I also added a power generator module that can convert monoprop to electricity once you're in orbit and the engine alternators can't keep you powered anymore. That also means that the external fuel tanks will use standard LiquidFuel + Oxidizer again and no more custom resources.

Also some Really Good News: the new Beefy 0.22 SAS controller is REALLY effective now, I don't think we'll ever need a plugin to manage engine thrust vectors again, you can just fly normally. This makes me really happy. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, I have converted the fuel system - after our last discussion I decided that the orbiter would work on Monopropellant only to solve the issue of Oxidizer crossfeed - so I re-tuned its MonoProp usage to stay about the save overall fuel-wise. I also added a power generator module that can convert monoprop to electricity once you're in orbit and the engine alternators can't keep you powered anymore. That also means that the external fuel tanks will use standard LiquidFuel + Oxidizer again and no more custom resources.

*does a headdesk.*

Why didn't think of that?!?! I'm so stupid!

*performs several more headdesks*

Anyways, humor aside, thank you for listening to and implementing my suggestion.

Awesome STS-based fuel stations, here I come!

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Actually I have been working on the shuttle. There was some issue with the rather 'hackish' implementation of the wings and the new SAS, so I had to make some major changes. I broke off the built-in elevators again and make them separate parts, then I converted the main wings and the elevators to node-attach instead of surface attach to make things easier to assemble. I left the front canards as surface attach so you can adjust their placements for a little extra balance control. Then using some new tricks that Unity allows I started over on the Center of Lift/Mass setup and the wing 'lift' numbers. I am pretty happy with the results, the controls aren't super sensitive anymore when rolling, and it flies pretty well. There is still infinite-glide bug, but that is unavoidable.

Just need to finish setting up the tech tree nodes now. I've been debating how exactly to do it. I am thinking of unlocking the Odyssey, SSME and Shuttle boosters/tanks first, and then the Buran/Energia boosters 2nd, and then the intrepid in Hypersonic flight since its an SSTO-capable system.

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TD 3.2 Beta is uploading to spaceport right now. The file got botched on the 1st attempt so if you downloaded it immediately it may be a bad file. Give it 5 or 10 minutes.


Features and change sin the latest version (3.2beta)


1. Changed the orbiter to use Monopropellant in its engines.

2. Changed the main engines to use stock LiquidFuel and Oxidizer. No resource file is required (remove old versions!)

3. Added a fuel cell to the cargobay "utility" section. It uses a small amount of monopropellant to produce some electrical change. Must be toggled on and off.

4 Converted the wings and elevators to a stack node attachment system to make shuttle assembly easier. The front canards are still surface-attachable to allow small flight balance adjustements.

5. Built the Bearcub jet engines into the "Intrepid" wing tanks to reduce wobble. Separate bearcub still available to use with the radial engine mounts on other craft.

6. Rebalanced the winglet and controlsurface forced to normalize flight controls.

7. Added tech tree entries to all parts. Shuttle parts begin unlocking in Tier5 and continue to Tier7.

8. Added variants of the Clamp-o-tron and Jr. docking ports with radial attachment disabled to make it easier to place cargo in the bay. (Tip: remove the nosecap from the external tank and build your cargo on to, starting with one of the new docking ports, then move it into the bay)

9. Added optional Robotic Arm (and a node on top of the airlock house in the bay to attach it to) Requires Romfarer LAZOR System.

Will upload the Mediafire mirror and update the 1st post shortly.

Done, mirror added to 1st post.

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Edited by Tiberion
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What happened to the Explorer shuttle?

You know, the one that could launch like the regular shuttle to carry cargo to orbit, but could have an extra tank placed in its bay so that it could perform crew rotation missions from the runway as an SSTO?

Is it still being worked on, or has it been canceled?

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Well the person who was working on it seems to have dropped off, he had modeled a couple of pieces but wasn't too pleased with them I think.

So its on hold for now, I'll need to look for another artist who wants to give it a try. I'm working on updating the booster/tank parts myself right now.

The Intrepid shuttle does what you want though, those jets in the wing are tuned to let you go hypersonic in the atmosphere up to just under 20km before they are in danger of flameout, and get you upwards of 1200-1400m/s and then you can use the main engines to boost up the rest of the way. The action groups are set up to turn off the different engines on the fly, so you would want to check those out.

It can't take off from the runway with much cargo though, so it really would be for ferry purposes.

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So has anyone tried out the tech tree? I'm not sure I feel good about how its setup now, but I don't have an alternative either.

I found it to be pretty decent. earlier would be too much, later would be too late. at the same time you unlock the shuttle components you're about to be able to build space stations so its quite good.

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