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What so you think is going to be in the .22 update?

Titan Space Agency

What do you think is in the next update?  

  1. 1. What do you think is in the next update?

    • Resource mining.
    • Mony and other campain system stuff.
    • Just an update with more parts.
    • Part rebalencing
    • Female kerbals
    • Biger part sizes (3meter)
    • Better aerodynamics
    • Deadly reentry
    • Observatory
    • None of the above (post ideas below)

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They did mention they were going to push for career mode completion so I'm thinking the next logical step is to follow through with what they did for 0.21 and flesh the mode out further.

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I picked "Money and campaign stuff".

Of course, I'd like to see mining and aerodynamics in the long term, but I think the best "bang for bucks" in terms of gameplay added value/time coding ratio would be adding a few features to the astronaut complex and a campaign, whereas mining and aerodynamics seem far away.

Being a C++ business app dev, I tend to see things from a (value added)/(time spent) perspective and adding more campaign stuff to the game would make sense to me as it would capitalize on the previous crew handling rewrite.

But hey, SQUAD is awesome and this is their game, so we can be sure that ... we're not sure of anything. :D

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  Needles_10 said:
Astronaut Complex is like that.

except it doesn't allow moving kerbals between parts of a ship while in flight.

We're still limited for example to using EVA to get someone from a landercan to a hitchhiker storage container, or from one crew module of a spacecraft to another in general.

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  el_coyoto said:

Being a C++ business app dev, I tend to see things from a (value added)/(time spent) perspective and adding more campaign stuff to the game would make sense to me as it would capitalize on the previous crew handling rewrite.

much the same here, though not C++ but Java and C# :)

Career mode is the biggy to get more sales, so that's top priority.

Resources after that as the next big thing probably, but might well be the first expansion/DLC rather than part of the core release (that's how many studios would prioritise it at least).

More realistic aerodynamics are nice to have, but most of the intended audience would never know the difference anyway so low priority from a marketing/business perspective even if the engineers would love it.

Female kerbals? Apeases the feminist crowd, who're not no doubt an intended market anyway so no priority there, and the sex crazed teen boys who're also the ones wanting weapons so and multiplayer so they can blow people up, which has been confirmed isn't going to happen so no priority there either.

Deadly reentry would effectively break most every lander/return vehicle you can build with stock parts currently as none except the 1 and 3 person capsules have heatshields (and those no doubt only visual, not working), plus without aerodynamics it's not going to work well.

So creating that would mean revamping the entire aerodynamics system as well as all the parts, major undertaking for little in business gain. In fact it'd make things a lot harder to play, which is bad for business (though as an eventual optional "hardcore mode" might be worthwhile).

Observatory? Observing what exactly? New, as yet unknown planets, moons, asteroid belts to fly to? Who knows, but without that new content it'd be pretty much pointless.

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  Piggius_Max said:

IDK why enhancements and optimization isn't in the list of suggestions for this post.

Everyone is just listing all the shiny new stuff, we know most updates will have some degree of optimization.

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I would like to see just a pile of optimizing...

We got our parts, better space center, and other doodads in 21 but I would love a massive memory and overall performance enhancement and a Modders special update. Something that sees Squad and the kings of the modding cmmunity get together to look at memory leaks, conflict hunting, and favored MOD incorporation.

I know it is not really Squads concern that my PILE of mods is causing serious instability at times, but I really love KSP, and the mods. I am a mod whore and I am seeking help, but for now I wil cry like a big baby about having to pick a choose from my faves instead of just loading them all and setting loose.


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  jwenting said:
Apeases the feminist crowd, who're not no doubt an intended market anyway so no priority there,

I figured the intended market for a indie game was anyone who enjoys playing and can afford to buy the game. I'm here weather I was intended or not.

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  jwenting said:

Female kerbals? Apeases the feminist crowd, who're not no doubt an intended market anyway so no priority there

Are you serious with this? Don't project your own sexism on Squad by pretending to know who their "intended market" is.

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  GusTurbo said:
Are you serious with this? Don't project your own sexism on Squad by pretending to know who their "intended market" is.

My thoughts too, more or less. Humanity has two sides, male, and female. As the kerbals that exist already all appear male, it seems a little unfair to not have the ladies represented too.

No idea what's involved in making a kerbal facel, but it must be hard enough that it's not a priority. But I would love to see more variety in the little green people we send into space.

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The Game already contains some "ProgressTracking" / Achievement stuff, so I'm pretty sure they keep developing towards the career mode for now. Though i really hope for a lot of other stuff & improvements as well.

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  GusTurbo said:
Are you serious with this? Don't project your own sexism on Squad by pretending to know who their "intended market" is.

not caring whether there are female kerbals is sexism now?

No, quite the reverse. It's the people who insist there must be females that are the sexists. Either they're dreaming of having cybersex in cyberspace with a cyberkerbal femme or they have some perverted idea that anything that doesn't include at least 50% females is discriminating.

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  jwenting said:
not caring whether there are female kerbals is sexism now?

No, quite the reverse. It's the people who insist there must be females that are the sexists. Either they're dreaming of having cybersex in cyberspace with a cyberkerbal femme or they have some perverted idea that anything that doesn't include at least 50% females is discriminating.

No, it's sexist to take as an a priori assumption that a game about spaceflight is specifically for boys and/or men only, and that any attempt to attract female players is simply a token gesture to "appease" feminists. The original claim was that girls aren't in the "target market" for this game. That is a statement that implies personal knowledge of Squad's intention to target this game to males. It could very well be that Squad is interested in attracting both sexes with this game. From a sales standpoint, of course they would be, because it will make them more money.

The thing about this game is that it has the potential to spark a real interest in science for children. Why should girls be artificially excluded? The real, historical space programs have been overwhelmingly male, but women astronauts have always held out as role models for girls. Sally Ride, for example. This is a game that takes place in a fictional setting which is unconstrained by historical accuracy. Why not have characters for girls to identify with? What possible harm could result from that? Is there something wrong with encouraging women in science?

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I think of the kerbals like minions from Despicable Me. Just little, asexual, cute gremlins. My girlfriend thinks they're adorable and actually likes playing the game because of them and also because the game lets you do a lot of neat things and the visuals are impressive.

They don't have to have girl names to appeal to girls. It's a moot point. Girls would be more important if we were supposed to see ourselves as the Kerbals. I see myself as their protector/mission controller. If they call them Jessifer and Barbriana Kerman it doesn't matter to me.

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With the latest Tuesday blog/acticle thing... I'd like to add Tech trees and research to unlock technologies to my previous list.


(starting work on it doesn't mean it'll be in .22. It just means they started work on it.)

Edited by FITorion
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  FITorion said:
With the latest Tuesday blog/acticle thing... I'd like to add Tech trees and research to unlock technologies to my previous list.


(starting work on it doesn't mean it'll be in .22. It just means they started work on it.)

I agree. i would like tech trees very soon, and the possible unity update.

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