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Higher powered R.C.S thrusters for docking

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The current RCS thrusters are sufficient for manoeuvring even medium-sized craft for docking.

If you have larger crafts, just put more RCS thrusters at appropriate locations - the small size RCS thrusters allows for precision control.

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5 linear RCS ports have the same monopropellant use as one RCS block. This is because the block has five nozzles XD so maybe just use five of the linear ones next to your docking port which would produce 5 times the thrust of a single RCS block.

It doesn't work that way. As I said, I've tested this. Unless you place the quads wrong, only one nozzle thrusts at a time. If all four nozzles were thrusting at the same time, they'd cancel each other out.

I threw two craft, identical except for one having four RCS quads and the other having four RCS linear thrusters, into a solar orbit, pointed them prograde and burned off the RCS fuel. Both craft had the same acceleration and burn time, resulting in the same final velocity.

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I am all for larger RCS thrusters. Maybe 3 - 5 kN Range.

There are, arguably, places where these will simply be more useful than multiple smaller thrusters, one for sure being part count.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Also, you might to be able to put the small ones everywhere on your ship, it depends on the room and if they can actually fit. Also, theoretically, a few big thrusters would also use less RCS fuel than millions of small ones. Just saying.

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I think that second linear RCS, would seal the deal, Also I Would like to see ability for assigning thrusters to specific axis, for example two pairs of strong thrusters could be used for roll control in lower stage, when engines gimbals will take care of Pitch an Yaw.

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Usually my problem is the opposite. I have a very tiny mass ship and find that I want a mode that 'nerfs' rotational power even MORE so than capslock does. Even under capslock I tap a WASDQE key just once and I'm already spinning at about 1 rev per two seconds or so.

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