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[WIP] Wolf Pack Aeronautics

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Viperwolf and myself have decided to join forces and bring to you a bunch of craft designs of ours as well as a few parts. This comes after a funny yet good suggestion by sirkut that the two wolves should form a Wolf Pack... lol

Anyways keep your eyes posted here for our designs using many different mods and we will create a pack which will be posted to the Spaceport and list any mods that may be needed for the craft.

Also on the way once i get blender under control is some parts for making unique looking crafts.

WPA CF5 Mk 1 SSTO Payloader with Booster


WPA OZ Mk1 SSTO Payloader


WPA JT2 Rescue Craft - Did you leave you kerbals stranded at 2860km? This is your rescue boat.


WPA Geminis Mk 1 - Ever wanted to launch two rockets at the exact same time....now you can. Still in the experimental stages.



WPA Shuttle Mk 1



WPA Heavy Carrier Mk 1



WPA V Lander Mk 1



Edited by Toyotawolf
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I really like the payloader! I'm going to have to give that a shot.

I will load up some better shots of it and get the craft files up on Spaceport within the next few days(edit: have to track all the mods attached for each)

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The addon development forum is for parts in development. If you want to show off craft files, it's in the spacecraft exchange that it goes. When you have actual parts to show off, you can make a thread here for them and link to this thread for craft examples that can be made with it.

That said, moving to the spacecraft exchange.

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The addon development forum is for parts in development. If you want to show off craft files, it's in the spacecraft exchange that it goes. When you have actual parts to show off, you can make a thread here for them and link to this thread for craft examples that can be made with it.

That said, moving to the spacecraft exchange.

*ahem* . . .

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BTW, if anyone is interested in trying these crafts out, let us know so we can priorities the development/updates to the craft. Sirkut from Magic Smoke Ind.( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37707-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Parts ) Also ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24677-%280-21-x%29-Wayland-Corp-Development-and-released-download-Thread )has released a new pack that will change alot of parts. so this is being updated also.

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those ships are amazing, especially the Space shuttle, and the cargo plane that carries the KW rocketry orange tank D:

We will be posting these crafts to the space port within the next few days but our thread will be moving to the add-ons section as we are including some parts from a collaboration with sirkut.

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So close for the shuttle to be finished, trying to get it to work with MJ, it flys great on its own. In fact, it will make it to the Mun. Ive put it into orbit 7 times. It has emergency landing chutes just incase you have to land in water or something. maybe out of control instances. It is also to designed to glide and land without engines. You will have infinite RCS thrusters with B9 as long as your not in space.this will save all your monopropellant for space maneuvers. This craft can take off from the run way on a short run. however fuel is limited(very limited). The cargo bay is big enough to carry a nice load. Alot of time went into balancing for launch and gliding without engines. I just have to figure out why mj does not like it so much. I know alot of people want to use mj with there craft. BTW this craft is intended to be launched like a normal shuttle. Straight up!




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