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[1.1]Hullcam VDS - mod adopted by linuxgamer

Albert VDS

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This mod has been in use since my begining to play a modded KSP. Excellent mod by the way.

A burning bug that has been haunting me and now has showed up again.

This time I isolated the problem. Anyone should be able to replicate this Hellcam bug.

This is stock with only HullCameraVDS.V0.32

The Science camera doesn't seem to be affected.

The Aerocam is used. Any time a quicksave is reloaded while the Aerocam is being used results in going to hades. Alt F4 is exit option.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is a bug, but in the future will you provide this fix? Okay when you have a camera on a detatched stage (eg. a booster) and you were viewing that cam during a stage sep. I predicted the game would bug out when trying to switch cameras back to the main vessel. The dreaded Kerbin black hole kraken starts. For now what could I do to remedy that? Maybe stick a unmanned probe on the boosters? Love this mod! I hope for a update soon !

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@lextacy: Thanks for posting that bug, I'll fix it in the next release. The reason why the "dreaded Kerbin black hole kraken starts" is because the detached camera gets deleted after 2.5 km.

You can either switch to an attached camera before the detached camera get deleted or do the following:

In /GameData/HullCameraVDS/Plugins/settings.cfg change "CycleOnlyActiveVessel = false" to "CycleOnlyActiveVessel = true".

This will switch to an attached camera when the current camera is detached from the active craft.

@MoeslyArmlis: Sorry for the late response, I'll try and fix it in the next release.

Could you also post you settings.cfg?

Edited by Albert VDS
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v0.33 now only has Aerocam, Aerocam180, and KerbPro cameras. Was that intentional?

Thanks for noticing, I used the wrong parts folder. Upload fixed which includes all the camera's. :)

Any chance you could add it to CKAN . It's a superlight weight mod manager.

Thanks for the great mod.

Good idea, I'll look at it right now. :)

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Found a little game breaking bug when clicking "disable camera" on any camera.

It just makes the game "break", you can't revert, change cameras, or anything, and the game throws some exceptions, here is the code chunk: (Just when i clicked it)

[EXC 20:27:14.624] TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Func`2' from assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.
MuMechModuleHullCamera.EnableCamera ()
BaseEvent.Invoke ()
UIPartActionButton.OnClick ()
[LOG 20:27:23.930] Game Paused!
[LOG 20:27:32.162] Game Unpaused!
[WRN 20:27:32.163] Can not play a disabled audio source
[LOG 20:27:34.494] Game Paused!
[LOG 20:27:34.957] Game Unpaused!
[WRN 20:27:34.957] Can not play a disabled audio source
[LOG 20:27:41.229] Game Paused!
[EXC 20:27:44.625] NullReferenceException
SpriteMesh.CreateMesh ()
SpriteMesh.get_mesh ()
SpriteRoot.Delete ()
SpriteBase.Delete ()
UIListItemContainer.Delete ()
UIScrollList.RemoveItem (Int32 index, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing)
UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing)
UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy)
ApplicationLauncher.RemoveApplication (.ApplicationLauncherButton button)
ContractsApp.OnDestroy ()
[EXC 20:27:44.629] NullReferenceException
SpriteMesh.CreateMesh ()
SpriteMesh.get_mesh ()
SpriteRoot.Delete ()
SpriteBase.Delete ()
UIListItemContainer.Delete ()
UIScrollList.RemoveItem (Int32 index, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing)
UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing)
UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy)
ApplicationLauncher.RemoveApplication (.ApplicationLauncherButton button)
ResourceDisplay.OnDestroy ()
[EXC 20:27:44.633] NullReferenceException
UnityEngine.Component.get_transform ()
SpriteRoot.SetCamera (UnityEngine.Camera c)
AutoSpriteControlBase.SetCamera (UnityEngine.Camera c)
SpriteRoot.UpdateCamera ()
UIListItemContainer.UpdateCamera ()
UIScrollList.SetupCameraAndSizes ()
UIScrollList.UpdateCamera ()
ScrollListResizer.ScaleListToFitContent (Int32 offsetTop, Int32 offsetBottom, Int32 offsetLeft, Int32 offsetRight, Boolean stdDirection)
ApplicationLauncher.RemoveApplication (.ApplicationLauncherButton button)
UIApp.OnDestroy ()
[EXC 20:27:44.641] NullReferenceException
ScreenSafeUIButton.setTextureState (Int32 st)
ScreenSafeUIButton.Unlock ()
MapViewFiltering.OnInputLocksModified (FromToAction`2 action)
EventData`1[GameEvents+FromToAction`2[ControlTypes,ControlTypes]].Fire (FromToAction`2 data)
InputLockManager.RemoveControlLock (System.String lockID)
FlightDriver.OnDestroy ()

Amazing mod btw!

Cheers! :)

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I am noticing some weird things. When viewing through a camera, the building tiles of the KSC flicker as if they are clipping. Also, when I use a camera, go back the the main view, and use the camera again, my view switches to somewhere below the ground.

I am sad to say VDS Hullcam does not seem very compatible with 0.90.

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I am noticing some weird things. When viewing through a camera, the building tiles of the KSC flicker as if they are clipping. Also, when I use a camera, go back the the main view, and use the camera again, my view switches to somewhere below the ground.

I am sad to say VDS Hullcam does not seem very compatible with 0.90.

Not seeing these problems here. Might be a conflict with another mod?

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Found a little game breaking bug when clicking "disable camera" on any camera.

It just makes the game "break", you can't revert, change cameras, or anything, and the game throws some exceptions, here is the code chunk: (Just when i clicked it)


Amazing mod btw!

Cheers! :)

I am noticing some weird things. When viewing through a camera, the building tiles of the KSC flicker as if they are clipping. Also, when I use a camera, go back the the main view, and use the camera again, my view switches to somewhere below the ground.

I am sad to say VDS Hullcam does not seem very compatible with 0.90.

Make sure you've got version 0.33 installed.

Suggestion: let the cameras have a "control from here" option so it's easier to line up a shot with a camera on the side of your craft.

I'll add it to the to do list. :)

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Any chance you could upload your mod to KerbalStuff.com ? I would love to have it indexed by CKAN for ease of installation / updating, but having it on kerbalstuff or even github would make our work soooo tremendously easier :cool:

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Any chance you could upload your mod to KerbalStuff.com ? I would love to have it indexed by CKAN for ease of installation / updating, but having it on kerbalstuff or even github would make our work soooo tremendously easier :cool:

Thanks for the tip, I just added it to KerbalStuff, I was planning on adding it to CKAN, but this way it's much easier. :D

I'd love to see wide angle viewports, or is that a limitation with KSP?

Added it to the to do list, thanks for the suggestion.

I downloaded it yesterday, it should be the latest and greatest. I will try to isolate the problem.

Alright, let me know if you find anything out.

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