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[0.21.1] StretchyTanks v0.2.2 (updated 8-26-13)


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That's the plugin I've been waiting for.

However, I think I have found a bug. I have an Apollo-style craft (craft file here *) that lifts off perfectly. The first asparagus stage also separates fine. But shortly before the second stage separation, this happens. It looks like some of the stretchy tanks somehow breaks and starts to stretch infinitely.

* Note that you will need quite a few plugins to use the craft file. Posting it here just in case. Contact me for a list of plugins needed.

Edit: I think the lines visible are 3 fuel lines and 6 struts, stretched quite some length. This conincides with the craft design.

Edit 2: Just added another screenshot showing a closeup of the lander. The outer tanks are attached using 3-times symmetry, with fuel lines going into the middle tank. Please also note that the lifter section (not visible in the screenshot) does not use stretchy tanks, but only stock. Also on a different note, there seems to be some Z-fighting going on when attaching a LV-909 to the bottom of a stretchy tank.

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Edited by blizzy78
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Crazy idea, but can a tank deflate as it's fuel empties? As in, it shrinks to a minimum length? Minimizing a SSTO's length in orbit would be useful, especially if you could empty it of fuel and have it fold up into a cargo bay, or the like.:D

That is the most awesome idea I've ever heard. Would love that!

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Found another bug: When attaching parts radially or at the top/bottom (off-center), they don't change their position relative to tank size. This might not be so bad for parts attached radially, but for parts attached to top/bottom this is bad because there will always be a gap when resizing a tank, or they will clip into the tank when making it bigger.

This does not happen when using the regular vertical stack attach nodes, parts will move with them.

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OK let me rephrase my prior question.

Do YOU plan on expanding this set to include other resource types....you as in you and not Module manager mod or any of its offshoots?

Why reinvent the wheel? Modular fuel tanks does all that, and does it while remaining compatible with everything else.

This really needs modular fuel tanks integration. :)

It seems like adding Modular fuel tanks support is about as essential as adding FAR support to the procedural wing mod. (IMO)

Edited by s20dan
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A couple of things / suggestions:

:D, first off.

Second, an idea. Would it be possible to have a fuel tank that expanded radially when full? Something along the lines of the old inflatable habitat?

Third, MFS support!

And I second the thought of having the fuel tank be adjustable radially. Still keep the different sizes, though, or alternatively have a button/key that snaps it to the size of the part it is attached to (or if that is too hard, snap to the nearest standard radius).

Better textures would be cool. An idea for that would be to have three sets of textures - one for the top/bottom end cap, one for a ring around the top and bottom, and one for everything in between. (When you rescale the fuel tank just rescale the middle bit not the rings.) No idea how practical that would be to code, or if I described that in an intelligible way, though.

Finally, would it be possible to have an elliptical tank (egg-shaped. Rescale height and radius, optional lock to keep current aspect ratio.) and/or ones for the fuselages (Mk I/I/III)?

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Support yes, Im all for that...I was more asking if its going to DEPEND on it for other resources (like LF, monoprop..nothing special).

Not everyone uses or wants to use modular fuel tank ya know......

Oh I see. Why wouldn't anyone want to use it? Is there some philosophical reason not to? ;) (Not referring to the slightly buggy real fuels version of the mod, just the basic one that lets you customise tank loadouts, and tank contents).

TBH, its probably down to MFT to add compatibility, as thats what happened with other mods I guess.

Great mod btw AncientGammoner, some rep for you :)

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TBH, its probably down to MFT to add compatibility, as thats what happened with other mods I guess.

It's well worth asking Ialdabaoth to implement things on his end. I asked him how to make Kethane work and he very quickly had a release out with support.

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How long has the community been asking for procedural fuel tanks? Too long, and you just delivered! Wow! It's about time and you have done it better than anyone could ask for!

Suggestion (if you are not too busy): Aircraft fuselages. The mk 1, mk 2, and mk 3 fuselages in procedural. Whenever you can, this is awesome enough.

Thank you!

EDIT: suggestion 2 based on reading previous stuff. Could you make them so they can expand radially? You'd still have to pick the right one for the starting diameter but them you could expand it

Another way of doing it (based off the adapter part in procedural wings) is to have one key expand the end(s, maybe each one should be separate for conical tanks o.0) and another do the middle radius so 1 part per resource rather than 4 or 5. Either way, downloading!

Edited by Captain Sierra
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I just made a few versions of each part containing LiquidH2, LiquidH2 + LiquidOxygen and LiquidFuel + LiquidOxygen but the contents do not scale with the size unless it is LiquidFuel or Oxidiser. IE, its hardcoded to only scale Liquid Fuel and Oxidiser by a pre-set ratio, which also over-rides any changes in fuel ratio made in the tank config.

So no Liquid Hydrogen procedural tanks just yet... :(

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Crazy idea, but can a tank deflate as it's fuel empties? As in, it shrinks to a minimum length? Minimizing a SSTO's length in orbit would be useful, especially if you could empty it of fuel and have it fold up into a cargo bay, or the like.:D
That is the most awesome idea I've ever heard. Would love that!

That would be pretty cool huh, however most of my experiments involving stretching stuff in flight have involved massive clipping and lots of explosions lol, so I wouldn't get my hopes up just yet.

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OK let me rephrase my prior question.

Do YOU plan on expanding this set to include other resource types....you as in you and not Module manager mod or any of its offshoots?

Why reinvent the wheel? Modular fuel tanks does all that, and does it while remaining compatible with everything else.

This really needs modular fuel tanks integration. :)

It seems like adding Modular fuel tanks support is about as essential as adding FAR support to the procedural wing mod. (IMO)

I have no problem with supporting other mods if that's what people want, but I think I know where Khaos is coming from about relying too much on other mods. Tell you what, I'll try my best to work in both directions, supporting other mods AND adding my own stuff, how about that?

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I have no problem with supporting other mods if that's what people want, but I think I know where Khaos is coming from about relying too much on other mods. Tell you what, I'll try my best to work in both directions, supporting other mods AND adding my own stuff, how about that?

I think most of the implementation probably has to come from MFS. I played around with both this and MFS last night, and MFS keeps track of volume separately in its own module (it doesn't even pull that from stock tanks, it gets added in to MFS config files used by ModuleManager). So it needs to be able to pull the new volume from your tank and then use that in its own nodes internally. I thought about dropping ialdobaoth a line but it's not my mod and I didn't want to step on anyone's toes or get ahead of myself....

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Modules are non-destructive. You can easily add "reflective" MFS support to this by adding the MFS module, and stock KSP will ignore it.

Check how ProcWings handles FAR integration.

Awesome mod, btw--I'll try as soon as I get back to desktop. Been waiting so long for this!

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howabout this.

make fuel tanks with like rounded/spherical ends.

make them have a slightly adjustable radius

someone should make a plugin similar in many respects to the "wet workshop" plugin made by Nova, possibly one that goes further, involving KAS-type things and other EVA activities.

>using proceedural fusilauges and fairings, one could allow for a wet workshop with the more sensitive on orbit equipment hidden/protected during ascent stages, in addition it would allow for the more complex machinery that goes into fuel tanks (especially cryogenic fuel tanks) to be shown.<

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I'd really like to see Procedural Command Modules. You'd get to pick size, kerbal capacity (limited by size, obviously), and any integrated parachutes, monopropellant, heat shield, IonCross oxygen or whatnot. Could also have a slider that lets you add more impact tolerance in exchange for higher weight.

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