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[0.21.1] StretchyTanks v0.2.2 (updated 8-26-13)


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Ok so it's crashing because Mono had a problem and explicitly aborted.

This is probably the Linux equivalent of the memory errors that Windows users of KSP keep seeing. I've thought for awhile now that Mono is just bad at managing memory.

Not sure yet what the solution is yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ive run into a problem with stretchy tanks. first i stretched a KI-9000 to a certain size and cycled through the fuel types till i had simply LF. the problem is i have roughly half the amount of L in comparison to LFO. the size of the tank had not changed. why is the automatic converter limited my total fuel amount like this?

all these values were examined with your nifty highlight for details contraption'.

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ive run into a problem with stretchy tanks. first i stretched a KI-9000 to a certain size and cycled through the fuel types till i had simply LF. the problem is i have roughly half the amount of L in comparison to LFO. the size of the tank had not changed. why is the automatic converter limited my total fuel amount like this?

all these values were examined with your nifty highlight for details contraption'.

Better ask your question here : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57422 This is the current thread for the mod

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Very useful mod, but would it be possible for it to be configured to use resources from other mods, such as the ones from life support mods, interstellar, or kethane? Additionally, an even more useful feature request... Can we get structural stretchy tanks? I almost constantly have to add useless parts just to make things fit properly, and I would much prefer to not have to use multiple random objects and instead just select the proper size and be done with it. Would be quite useful while building landers, stations, and bases.

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A question about different tank types:

I've never used this mod before until installing RO/RSS, so I'm not sure if these parts are a result of that or from stock stretchy tanks, but I see pairs of parts like the 100-C and 9000-C, or the KI-9000 and KI9100, that appear to be identical in properties. Is there any actual difference between them?

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A question about different tank types:

I've never used this mod before until installing RO/RSS, so I'm not sure if these parts are a result of that or from stock stretchy tanks, but I see pairs of parts like the 100-C and 9000-C, or the KI-9000 and KI9100, that appear to be identical in properties. Is there any actual difference between them?

Probably not, you've probably got files that duplicate those parts. (in different folders)

check your GameData folder and see if there's any duplicate StretchyTanks folders. (StretchyTanks, StretchyTanks - Copy, StretchyTanks - Copy(1), StretchyTanks(1), etc etc)

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Probably not, you've probably got files that duplicate those parts. (in different folders)

check your GameData folder and see if there's any duplicate StretchyTanks folders. (StretchyTanks, StretchyTanks - Copy, StretchyTanks - Copy(1), StretchyTanks(1), etc etc)

Nope! Finally found the difference -- they have different dry weights. I haven't measured it yet, but I'd be willing to bet the 9000 and 9100 have different insulation amounts affecting the boil-off rate.

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Correct. Each tank is either a different fixed radius and tanktype default, or of variable radius and either tanktype Default, Cryogenic, Balloon (i.e. lower dry mass, no surface attach), Balloon Cryo, or Service Module (accepts life support and electricity; much higher dry mass, but has insulation like a cryo tank).

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I have run into a problem using these tanks with the B9 wings. I have built an SSTO fuel carrier, using the B9 Aerospace pack, procedural fairings and stretch tanks. With the wing attached to the surface of the tank, I can attach things like engines and air intakes to the surface of the wing. Then I stretch the tank a bit, and try to attach another engine to the wing, and while the wing is still visible, the engine just won't attach. However, it can attach to a space about five meters below the wing. If I detach the wing and then reattach it, it fixes the problem. Stretch the tank again, and the problem recurs. Reattaching the wing is not always an option, since it consists of a combination of symmetric and asymmetric components.

I have been able to reproduce this without the procedural fairings. I have not yet tested with the stock wings, and I have not tested if this occurs only if you stretch the tank to which the wing is attached, or any stretchy tank in the assembly.

Has anyone else experienced this? Are there any workarounds?

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Download Stretchy Tanks continuation and check if it is fixed! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57422

Downloaded and tested - same results. I deleted the original StretchyTanks folder in GameData and copied the new one over, so I'm sure I replaced the whole thing.

So this evening I plan to do a fresh installation, and then add the stretchy tanks and see if I get the same results on the stock wings. Then test with B9, and then add mods one by one until I find the culprit. It seems that I'm the only person this is happening to, so it must be something specific to the combination of mods I'm using.

I'll keep you posted, and hopefully have a craft file or two to upload once I'm done.

EDIT: This is only happening on the B9 HW21 Heavy Wing and the SW Wingtips from B9. It is doing the same thing with the Mark3 Procedural Wing. The B9 modular wings seem to be fine, as do the stock parts. I have tried with a clean installation, adding only stretchy tanks and B9, and it still does the same thing. Stretch the tank, and try to attach something to the wing near the leading edge.

B9 R4-0c

Stretchy tanks from the above link as of this morning.

Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer)

OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit

CPU: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T9600 @ 2.80GHz (2)

RAM: 8093

GPU: NVIDIA Quadro FX 2700M (2280MB)

SM: 30 (Direct3D 9.0c [nvd3dum.dll])

Edited by spearsp
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Simple enough request- but what about Career Mode compatibility? I've taken to adding the parts to the "Very Heavy Rocketry" node manually, since all that's required to use them in Career Mode is a tech node assignment (simply by adding "TechRequired =" followed by a tech name to the parts config), but it would be nice if the mod already came with built-in Career Mode integrations...

OR, is this something that's already been integrated into the "continuation". I just became aware of it, and haven't installed it yet, for fear for breaking my large number of existing flights-in-progress utilizing StretchyTanks in my Career Mode save...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is this plugin still actively developed or do i need to switch to "continuation" version ?

I tried to use 1m fuel tank and i have problem setting multiple swept wings along it's length, they tend to attach under odd angles. There is repetitive pattern along the length of a tank, but those points are far too apart to have useful amount of wings. Is there some kind of fix to cfg file that could help "straighten" out surface so that wings get attached perpendicular to tank's axis on any point along it's length ?

It's vital to my SSTO craft's design to have wings placed close together.

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Is this plugin still actively developed or do i need to switch to "continuation" version ?

I tried to use 1m fuel tank and i have problem setting multiple swept wings along it's length, they tend to attach under odd angles. There is repetitive pattern along the length of a tank, but those points are far too apart to have useful amount of wings. Is there some kind of fix to cfg file that could help "straighten" out surface so that wings get attached perpendicular to tank's axis on any point along it's length ?

It's vital to my SSTO craft's design to have wings placed close together.

Yeah you have to switch to continuation version.

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Is this plugin still actively developed or do i need to switch to "continuation" version ?

I tried to use 1m fuel tank and i have problem setting multiple swept wings along it's length, they tend to attach under odd angles. There is repetitive pattern along the length of a tank, but those points are far too apart to have useful amount of wings. Is there some kind of fix to cfg file that could help "straighten" out surface so that wings get attached perpendicular to tank's axis on any point along it's length ?

It's vital to my SSTO craft's design to have wings placed close together.

Yes - you need to switch to the StretchySRB continuation, which you can get from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57422. He has added solid rocket boosters and conical tanks, along with about a hundred new textures (okay maybe about ten). The conical tanks can be cycled through various shapes as well, so you can create a smooth curved fuselage with them. I'm now using these tanks for my SSTO craft, almost exclusively.

This will not fix the issue you are having with your wing attachment problem, and the texture on the tanks is purely graphical. I have the same problem with all tanks (Stock, B9 and Stretchy), where wings attach at a strange angle. With nothing else attached to the tank, it seems to be fine, but it seems that if there is anything attached to the tank behind the point that you're trying to attach the wing, then you can't attach it at the right angle. My workaround for this is to attach the wings from the front (pain in the backside), or to use surface mode (by pressing C) (also a pain in the backside, but better than the alternative).

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Symmetrical cross-section tanks

For now, tanks come as round, but why not have tanks and fuselages with 3,4,6 or 8-sided cross-sectional area ?

EDIT : polygonal cross-section to snap other parts on flat surface.

Xenon fuel

Please add Xenon Fuel resource to available fuels. I admit i did not yet try to build ion-powered crafts of any size, but stock tanks look a little puny to me.

Size Presets

Add Size presets to parts to match stock parts (or more, as author sees it fit). Presets could be called with hotkey or GUI window that can be shrinked to single icon.

Toroidal geometry

Yes i know there are toroidal tanks, but may i suggest a new twist : besides having editable main radius and cross-section radius, also add arc length. This would allow creation of "pie-slice" parts or plumbing-like knee-joint parts. Ofcourse these would also have polygonal cross-section variant.

Axial Alignement Markers

By adding a small marker ring at arbitrary point along part's main axis, builders can add part that snap EXACTLY to same position, without using SPH/VAB symmetry.

Radial Alignement Markers

Similar to the above, just for radial placement. Most useful if combined with above Axial Alignement Marker to create exact mount points. Any reasonable number is acceptable.


All above options should be mixed to maximize variety. Think of hex-shaped 3/4 arc torodial fuselage with mounting markers at several points. Good for weird-looking space-stations, vehicles and other special purposes.

Possible bug

Also pay attention to potential bug when trying to use markers on polygon cross-section part, example 7 radial markers on 6-sided surface. It could be fixed by forcing marker radial count to match polygon symmetry count.

Edited by fatcargo
last second additions
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Symmetrical cross-section tanks

For now, tanks come as round, but why not have tanks and fuselages with 3,4,6 or 8-sided cross-sectional area ?

Xenon fuel

Please add Xenon Fuel resource to available fuels. I admit i did not yet try to build ion-powered crafts of any size, but stock tanks look a little puny to me.

Toroidal geometry

Yes i know there are toroidal tanks, but may i suggest a new twist : besides having editable main radius and cross-section radius, also add arc length. This would allow creation of "pie-slice" parts or plumbing-like knee-joint parts. Ofcourse these would also have polygonal cross-section variant.

And again you have to go to the continuation thread .....


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