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Better Stock Crafts - Z-MAP Satellite - VOTE NOW!

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Well, it seems like I won the last Challenge with my ChemRock Orbiter - that was not supposed to happen. I wanted to pat someone else on the back. Anyways - I thank you for the votes :D

Time for a second round - this time we are doing the Z-Map Satellite. Since I have the feeling that the last challenge dragged on to long and because I'm just not happy with external voting, I've changed the format a bit. So please read the How is this going to work? section.

As some of you might have noticed, the stock crafts in KSP are horrible for the most part. So I challenge you to come up with a replacement craft.

There are a few things required for you submission:

  1. You craft MUST NOT use any mods - 100% stock
  2. You need to show us at least one Screenshot
  3. You need to make you .craft file available

Otherwise your submission will not be accepted.

And there are a few things you should consider

-Your craft should be easy to use, simple and safe - stock craft are mostly for new players, they should not be overwhelmed by 10 action groups that must be used at the right time.

-Your craft should be an example new players can emulate. It should demonstrate design techniques. What ARE action groups? What's aspargus? Can linear RCS boosters be of some use? These are questions new players could be able to answer by testing your craft.

-If you use Action Groups of have any special commentary to make, use that neat, new description field in the VAB.

It's a fine line between encouraging a new player with something new and overwhelming him - try to walk it.

How is this going to work?

This time we will try 4 Days to build, 4 days to Vote.

You will have 96 hours to build you craft, post your entry here with at least one screenshot and its .craft file. Also be so kind to drop us a few lines, about your craft. What are your thoughts on the design? Why is it a good stock craft?

Once submissions are closed, I will create a new Thread where you can vote on your favourite craft. I would like to encourage you to write a few lines why you voted you that craft, it keeps the thread fresh and we all have something to read while we wait for the votes.

What craft are we doing this time?

Well, this time we will do the Z-Map Satellite.


This one isn't nearly as bad as the last craft. The staging might be dubious, with a very high TWR at launch. Still, I hope we can do better...

Since some of you asked about guidelines what the craft is supposed to be, I thought up a few things and even got some pictures :D

The new "Z-MAP Satellite" should be the first rocket a new Player uses to put a satellite into Orbit. Think R-7 Rocket & Sputnik or Redstone & Explorer 1. Another Inspiration could be more modern rockets like the Ariane or long march rocket.You should also add a nice looking satellite.

For you to have some inspirations, I gathers some pictures of launch vehicles we are looking for:


Well, the MRLV launched a manned capsule and not a satellite, but I like it for it's distictive look.

Edited by Xeldrak
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I would actually like the Z-Map if only it had a battery. And the Launch kit is pretty similar to what I would actually use for single launches of small satellites. But I changed it up a bit for my submission.

Presenting the Ratatoskr Multi-purpose Probe


With launch kit



Launch is quite beginner friendly with the rocket capable of achieving orbit with a full throttle vertical ascent from the first stage, then tipping over 45 degrees with the second stage, climbing until desired apoapsis then using the remainder of the second stage and some of the third to circularize.

A more efficient ascent is capable of delivering the third stage to orbit with all its fuel, while the sepratrons ensure no debris is left behind

The third stage is an independently controllable transport stage capable of delivering the payload satellite to its desired orbit before de-orbiting itself.

The Ratatoskr itself is a multipurpose satellite/probe with a full array of scientific equipment and communications hardware. Action groups for deploying these are included in the description. Unlike its prediscessor the Ratatoskr has solar panels angled to catch the sun regardless of the probes orientation and enough battery power to sustain it for significant periods of darkness.

While the Rockomax 48-7S engine may be overkill for orbital maneuvers compared to the LV-1, with it the Rataoskr is capable of much more


Edited by Rhomphaia
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Well i thought I'd have a go at this, as i had a probe and launcher laying about idle in my VAB.

I give you...

The Kerbin Explorer


and the nearly 100% successful Mun Mission

A 3 stage creation to deliver its probe payload to kerbin orbit and beyond in a quick and easy fashion.

The launcher comes with a bit of everything (fuel lines, sepratrons, SRB's, etc) so a beginner can see a reasonable amount of design possibility's while still maintaining a fairly simple craft.

Easy to fly and completely stable, so even someone as useless a pilot as me should be able to get it to orbit with 2Km ÃŽâ€v left in the 3rd Stage and the probe still stuck to the pointy end. Just follow a typical launch profile and you'll be looking at the stars in no time. Third stage is also fitted with a small probe core so the stage can be disposed of when its job is done.

The probe itself is designed for multiple purposes and is fitted with all the science stuff kerbalkind can offer, landing legs, comms equipment, solar panels, battery and even a parachute for atmosphere landings.

Only 2 action groups

1. Toggles the full array of useless vital measuring equipment

2. Toggles the solar panels and comms equipment

Craft file >>>HERE<<< and rest of the pics ↓ there

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I thought I'd give this one a shot. I was hoping to show people starting out that you really don't need much to put something into orbit. I was also hoping to keep the spirit of the original craft as well as a nod to the famous Sputnik.

This craft has enough deltaV to get to a low 80 Km orbit with enough remaining fuel to de-orbit the remaining stage. The ascent is very simple, full throttle launch till around 10km then pitch over to 45 degrees. Once you top out at 80 km just shut down and coast to your circularization burn. Separate the payload, extend solar panels, extend communication, and you have orbited your satellite! All the science probes are on board for your enjoyment. RCS thrusters are also included for minor adjustments to your orbit.

It may not be pretty but it gets the job done! :D

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Craft can be downloaded here.

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Here's my ZMap remake. Pretty simple and versatile.

Because I couldn't get a screenshot with the name details, I'll copy them now:

"The Z-Map Sattelite Launch Assembly is a rocket designed to send your very first sattelite into space! Featuring fully functional action groups and an abort system, onboard power generation, a no-debris-left-behind design and state of the art vegetable-based fuel flow, this rocket is easy to fly and great for beginners."

That pretty much sums it up. I tried to make my design as simple and noob friendly as possible. It's easy to control, simple to fly, and has several features the average noob might not know about but that are easy to replicate. Only 39 parts, so it's pretty lag friendly.

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Direct link for anyone who can't get the above to work: http://imgur.com/a/ZZSip

The side tanks are asparagus staged and are dropped at around 5500 meters. At first, there was a problem where there was no way for a new player to know when the external tanks emptied, and hence when to jettison them, but that was fixed by the admittedly odd radial engines. After that it's a very simple launch profile; at 10KM pitch over to 45 degrees, kill engines at desired apoapsis (if you want the lifter stage to finish the burn you probably want that to be <80k), set up a maneuver node at apoapsis to circularize and burn. Probably the only "big" issue with it is that anything but a LKO requires more delta-v to finish than the lifter stage has in it, so you'll run out of fuel mid-burn. I suppose this could be fixed by adding a small tank; but this design works well enough imho.

There's a fully functional abort system, and the orbiter has enough fuel onboard to soft land so long as you're not at sub-orbital velocities (ie early launch failures are usually recoverable). Action Key 1 is used to deploy the scientific instruments.

The design has 2 radioisotope generators stuck on the orbiter for continuous power generation, and sepratrons on the lifter stage to de-orbit it in the event you get it on an orbital trajectory, although this usually isn't a problem.

At first I had some problems with the decoupler; the probe was so light the TR-18A altered the probe's orbit by quite a bit. So the adapter was put on with a smaller decoupler, with significantly less effect.

Edit: Crap, forgot the .craft. Here ya go. http://www./download/na77ddv1l9n56hc/ZMap+Rocket.craft

Edited by Jodo42
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Redstone Probe. When you build on from the basic design, you can reach Mun, Minmus. Add parachutes and more boosters and go anywhere in the Kerbal Solar System. Regardless of the launch vehicle, the probe is the same. Optional modifications to the probe have been parachutes and lander legs. Still, one can land without the lander legs using parachutes where there is an atmosphere, or thrusters on low gravity bodies such as Mun.

Basic Probe with all instruments landed on Mun using the thruster pack.


The launch vehicle that will place the probe in orbit. With four solid fuel boosters, this design reached and landed the probe on Mun.


The design, orbital only including polar orbit if desired;

Redstone Probe

Probe Stage;

1. Stayputnik

2. ASAS controller

3. 2 2100 battery packs placed on Stayputnik

3. Set of the four instruments placed on top of the ASAS Controller.

4. FL-R25 RCS Fuel Tank

5. Set 4 RV-105 Thruster pack placed near base of the ASAS Controller

6. 8 fixed solar panels.

7. Stack Decoupler

Second Stage

1. FL-T400 fuel Tank

2. LV-909 engine

3. Stack Decoupler

First Stage

Stack of;

1. FL-T200 fuel tank

2. FL-T400 Fuel Tank

3. FL-T800 Fuel Tank

4. LV-T45 engine

5. 4 Delta winglets place as low as possible. (Not needed in 0.2101)

6. 2 Launch Stablizers.

This design will not only get you into orbit with fuel to spare, it will allow you to play with the thruster pack to see what it can do in maneuvering.

Want to go to Mun or Minmus with this design and land your probe there? Add a set of four TT-38K radical decouplers and attach a set of 4 RT-10 Solid Fuel boosters. Start the Gravity Turn after the boosters burn out, are dropped, and the first stage engine powered up.

Edited by SRV Ron
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Here is my submission: Zed McSattelite (craft file)



- It carries a stereo camera setup with an extra-wide baseline (using linear RCS ports as camera dummies)

- it has lights to be visible during night flights

- it has a static solar panel (as emergency power source should the user forget to deploy the panels)

- The two-stage launch vehicle has 5000 m/s delta-V and a separate probe core for deorbiting

- The satellite itself has 500m/s dV for course corrections

- and obviously, it has a face :)

Use Action Group 1 to toggle communication devices and solar panels

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  SirJodelstein said:
Here is my submission: Zed McSattelite (craft file)



- It carries a stereo camera setup with an extra-wide baseline (using linear RCS ports as camera dummies)

- it has lights to be visible during night flights

- it has a static solar panel (as emergency power source should the user forget to deploy the panels)

- The two-stage launch vehicle has 5000 m/s delta-V and a separate probe core for deorbiting

- The satellite itself has 500m/s dV for course corrections

- and obviously, it has a face :)

Use Action Group 1 to toggle communication devices and solar panels

Lol, that's so cute! Although I can see it being somewhat difficult to fly in the atmosphere.

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Okay, so here's my Meteosat 2:


Imgur album:

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  • It can get to orbit with half of its third stage fuel left.
  • KEO capable (if you want to).
  • It is carried by an Ariane 1.
  • It looks like it uses different propellants for different stages (Like the Ariane 1: Stage 1: Hypergolic, Stage 2: Hypergolic, Stage 3: Cryogenic, Stage 4: Solid).
  • Has all 4 scientific instruments.
  • It is covered with fixed solar panels (So you don't have to worry about forgetting to deploy the panels).
  • The satellite looks like the Meteosat 2.

Action group 1 is to extend the antennae.

Update: 08/20 Give it a short description.

Download: http://www./download/69zny7m6rmgf9pe/Meteosat_2.craft

Thoughts on my rocket:

What I was supposed to build:


What I built:


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Here's my entry: The GPSat - 1CL. 1CL stands for "1 column-only launcher". It's a simple rocket with the GPSat as payload, it has a total of ~7km/s dV without counting the GPSat's ion engine. It's a really simple craft both to understand and to fly.

Here we see it lifting off from the pad.


Once the solid stage is depleted, the liquid stage goes up to either full-circularized LKO or a pre-orbit for high altitude.


The third stage can either circularize a really high orbit or get you out of Kerbin's orbit and circularize in one of it's moons.


Finally, you deploy the GPSat and press 1 to deploy the solar pannels, antennas and the dish.


Overall, I tried to keep it simple, understandable, and with lots of margin for error.

Craft File: http://www./?dhjiyzami72834x

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The XSat Kit!

1. Download

2. Screenshots

3. Description

4. Notes

1. Download:


2. Screenshots:




3. Description:

I forgot to change the in-game description, so it is the same as the ZMAP.

4. Notes: Has Enough DeltaV (calculated with a now-removed mechjeb) To get in LMO (Low Mun Orbit), and (hopefully) MKO. (Mid Kerbin Orbit) Maybe Even HKO! (High Kerbin Orbit)

Tell Me if there are any mod parts. The screenshots have mechjeb, the ship does not. if you make an error, you should be able to fix it with it's extra fuel.

Press 1 to deploy the communatrons/antennas.

Edited by Firenexus13
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Like its predecessor, the K-MAP Satellite Launch Kit is a two stage launch vehicle, with a probe-equipped upper stage which can de-orbit itself, leaving no debris in orbit.

It shares many similarities with the earlier model, but it's more elegant in terms of design, doing away with the "hole" on the bottom of the satellite body: the use of four LV-1R engines allowed our engineers to put protective plates on all sides.

What's inside:


Stage 1 liftoff TWR: 1.6

Stage 2 separation TWR: 1.5

I created this to be a Kerbin-stationary satellite: the recommended launch procedure involves achieving a 75x75 parking orbit, then waiting for Kerbal Space Center (or your stationary point of choice) to be 90° ahead of your position, and perform the transfer burn.

It will take you about 1h 25' to reach apoapsis (2868 km), during which Kerbin will spin around 1/4 of its period.

Some minutes before reaching AP, separate the upper stage by releasing the docking port: the de-orbit maneuver requires 20 m/s of delta-v.

The apoapsis kick is performed by the satellite itself: a 420-430 m/s burn takes about 1' 10" at full thrust, but a lower throttle for fine-tuning is recommended.

(The making of: A RCS prototype which turned out to be too heavy)



Default action groups:

1 toggles the four LV-1R engines

5 extends all the antennas

Gallery with more pictures: http://francesc0.minus.com/mbiXStC8m7m1XE

Download craft: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23334071/0.21.1/K-MAP%20Satellite%20Launch%20Kit.craft

Edited by Francesco
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You have all been added - thanks for all the contributions!

Of course I just realized, that a Forum-Poll can only have 10 options - and we allready have 12. Seems like I will have to come up with an external site for voting again :(

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I voted for Francesco's K-Map, because I loved the flush satellite, and it was a very simple design that looked easy to fly. It could also show new players what can be done with radial parts, structural parts, and fuel lines.

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