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[SHOWCASE] How Does Your Kerbal Drive To Work?


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Here at my own KSC everybody has to buy their own cars. Because at the time, we didn't have enough money to give our upcomming 100+ kerbals reliable cars, and the 100 cars we could buy, were WAY too unreliable

The cars our workers brought we're always different, and told us a bit about the kerbals' personalities

At The Rear Of The Astronaut Complex, there was always the Keel K10, the mass-produced LECR-0021 Lunar Rover, and the kerbal in his father's "TR3K Thor"

The kerbals who didn't have a car had a truck come to their homes, and that truck transported them in the back all the way to the KSC


(pictured on the picture from left to right: TR3K Thor(Tractor), LECR-0021(Lunar Rover), KerAF 54614(Truck), Kemper Van(Camper van), Keel K10(Peel P50), And The Pobeda CO3(Russian Convertible))

There were the everyday kerbals

And then there was Patny Kerman...

Kerbals always blamed him for causing them to come late to work, breaking their car, and/or killing their friends. At first i thought they were just jealous of him being a CEO of his own company(Patnydustries)

But then i found out in what "car" he drove to work...

Not a Ultraspeed-Class vehicle,

Not some unstable flying car, but it was something MUCH more deadly...

A FREAKING KATZE(Based off of a Hetzer as the guy below pointed out) TANK DESTROYER


The first few weeks he drove it, he usually didn't have enough bullets till the KSC, but today it was different(i wonder why...)

The end result was... 4 out of the 7 kerbals in the(and the) truck(INCLUDING THE DRIVER!) = DEAD

The Kemper Van = DEAD

TR3K Thor = Flipped over

LECR-0021 = Broken antenna

Pobeda CO3 AND it's driver = DEAD

Some Forum The KSC had = Down for 8 DAYS

Infact, we interviewed the pilot of the Keel K10 to find out why the entire car survived, he said "It was unbelieveable that Patny killed about half of the kerbals that came to work at 8:30, the only thing that kept my car along with myself alive was the fact he REALLY liked how small the K10 was"

The pictures we're from the day i found out about Patny's "Car", then the scientists at the space center secretly installed some sorta device, that didnt allow the gun to shoot cars of the workers, the workers themselves, and the buildings of the space center.

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Dat Hetzer

Congratulations, you actually know what this TD is based off of(dont really want to have the cupola module but there is no way around it), infact, later today, i might post another kerbal "driving" to work, and it will involve a VERY small amount of.. well, driving. And by soon i mean as soon as somebody posts a topic/post related comment

EDIT: I actually managed to improve the Katze's design a bit, you can see it on my Tanks/TDs/Arty Megathread(not trying to promote it or anything)

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As promised...

This storyline is gonna be less in the "Chaotic and long" category and more in "Inspirational and awesome" category

This story is about a kerbal with 5 letters in his name, his name also ends with "Ny", if you thought Patny, you'd be WRONG! cause the main hero is Kenny Kerman

Kenny seems to have a rivalry with Jeb, i got that suspicion from the fact they hiss and throw food at eachother whenever it is lunchtime

Then, he found this very topic, and got some inspiration, to show Jeb that he is better than him.

And let me tell you one thing about Kenny...

He is quite THE nutter.

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He also told me to say this, "Jeb, i hope you have something up your sleeves if you wanna compete with that! :cool:"

EDIT: Somehow i feel im unintentionally promoting the Keel K10

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The mun truck is great and very strong but the skooter was just build to crash into stuff. The skooter was no effort whatsoever to design except for the start. The skooter comes with a lander can but the kerbal gets out and stages and the lander can flys up into the air on srb with perfect weight distribution.

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Here is my micro car, which is safe and drives well (doesn't flip when turning at 0,1 m/s). It's so comfy, that the Kerbals sitting in the back have barely any room to move their heads. :D




EDIT: I forgot to add my "bus", which can transport more kerbals (depending on seating, and patience to fill the vehicle. :))

Strange way to board the bus


The bus itself


I've found out, that the tyres couldn't be changed if they broke. That's why I've installed micro landing struts next to all wheels, to lift the chassis while repairing the wheel.


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A lot of my cars have a few mod parts that I haven't bothered updating for 0.23 so I'm just throwing in some shots I've taken previously. Sadly none of them shows any driving to the VAB, though one shows some parking at other facilities. :P


First up, the war buggy. Kerbals love driving around in this thing. And yes that is a GAU-19 gatling gun designed to destroy their hearing. Tests have shown that pilots are a lot less nervous when they can't hear their booster stages exploding.

That tank there is irrelevant, it's not used for personal transport.


Next, the motorpsycho. Jebediah's favorite. With the insane thrust provided by the rocket engines, you can go both fast and in style. And take off. This is no longer on the market as they've only been able to sell 4 models. Jebediah is currently the only living kerbal who bought one...

Warranty void if going over 10m/s (top speed: no idea, no one has survived full throttle)


And finally a shot from the space program apartments parking lot at Mün City. From the left you have the Negatron 1 (stock, ion, ground only), Negatron Redux (not stock, ion, ground only), Tripsycho (much like the motorpsycho only stable and safer, with three wheels) and a rocket powered car that I frankly can't remember what's called.


That is a really sweet VTOL-capable Mün car though. It can function on kerbin, but has extremely limited range.



I suppose I should load up one of the stock ones and drive it to the VAB now. :P

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Jeb used to drive the mun truck after he recovered from his injury in the Gilly space rocket of 2013. Then the mun truck had an accident at high speed with the sidewinder tech company car. Now he drive the onecycle



And like all good rovers should, it flies


And lands very easily because of the reaction wheels



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on kerbin this gets 12 miles to the gallon.. but since my kerbals work on the mun they just kick the car on the bumper and cruise to work.

2 seats 2 exhausts and 2 speakers for 8 times the fun. not sure why i installed wiper blades, its not like it rains on the mun right? i hafta say getting this on the mun was about as hard if not harder than landing a full 2 floor house there. though all in all totally worth it since the car blends so well with the surroundings.

i boxed it all up for anyone that wants it.



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