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[0.21.1] manned(three kerbals) mun mission rocket

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    • I haven't downloaded the craft because it use mechjeb

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Yes,this is another craft that use the munar orbit rendez-vous method to bring two kerbals on the moon.

By the way,it use mechjeb;it's the only addon required for this rocket(please.don't start a mechjeb debate).

Here's the guide to make the mission,have fun!

Mechjeb auto-ascent parameters for the initial launch(the first one,you start it at kerbin(normally)):

Turn start at 10 km

Turn end at 70 KM

Turn shape:40%

Final flight path angle:0 degrees

prevent overheat

limit to terminal velocity

corrective steering




Once you are in orbit press 1(thank to th actions group,it will deploy the antennas(if you use the version with more parts),deploy the solar panels and jettison the unwanted fuels tanks) and make a homman transfer burn.

note:mechjeb won't offer you to do the transfer to a precise orbit,use the maneuver node editor and tweak the node to make the 100KM periasis (the ∆v will be around 837 m/s).


After you made the mun transfer burn(for a 100 km orbit),activate the stage to separate the CSM from the rocket,turn around activate stage once again to jettison the decoupler(it's important to make that after the turn-around so the decouplers won't get in the way) and dock with the LM.


Then,activate the stage to extract the LM and press 2 to shut down the LM engine.

(image of the CSM docked to the LM separated from the rocket)#126

note:be sure to have a 100 KM periasis afar the docking,remember to adjust it(I suggest the use of RCS)

Circularize the orbit around the mun,transfer the crew and press 3 to undock the LM(be sure the RCS fuel tank of the lm is full,if not,transfer some fuel).

The LM can land everywhere,as long as the latitude of the landing site is between 80S and 80N(this is based on delta-v only,terrain may make the landing impossible).


Mechjeb auto-ascent parameters for the LM

Turn start 0KM(you might want to change it depending on the terrain)

Turn end at 150KM


Final flight path angle:0 degrees

prevent overheat

limit to terminal velocity

corrective steering




You will end with an orbit of 150 KM

Dock with the CSM.

Transfer the crew and press 3 to undock the LM(it has enough to deorbit,if you want less debris in orbit).

Then,imagine the moon is like a clock where 12 is pointed at kerbin,wait until the CSM is at 3 hours and point the spaceship prograde(it should be pointing to kerb in,if you make the burn at the right moment).Keep burning until you are in a kerb in escape trajectory.

If you don't understand(which is understandable,he next image will show you what I mean).


Once you are in orbit around kerbin,make a circular,500 KM orbit;when you want,burn retrograd to reenter kerbin.

When the reentry/supersonic effect(you shouldn't get any supersonic effect if you don't go in a very steep trajectory),press 4 to release the chutes.

Wait until it have landed,and you have completed the mission!

Action groups:

1:extend/retract the solars panels and deploy the antennas(antennas are only in the version with more parts).

2:toggle the LM engine

3:undock the LM from the CSM(also work if you want to undock the CSM from the LM).

4:deploy chute

9(only in the version with more parts):toggle all scientific parts

this craft have two version:one version that have more "utility parts"(like:more battery,scientific parts,antennas etc…)but have more parts(143)

The others version have less parts(132) and it's mean to the one who can't use the above

version,don't worry:I have used that version for a long time and it's fuctional(the flight plans is the same,the only difference is that you don't have to eject the LES).

first version(with less parts):http://www./download/yx3q9ab1scsfld2/apollo_XIIb.craft

second version(with more parts):http://www./download/6a9tz2h2uyk7z7c/apollo_XIIMP.craft

PS:don't hesitate to PM me if you don't understand something,I forgot to say something or if you just want more details about the mission.

Edited by goldenpeach
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I have made a little poll,just to satisfy my curiosity ^^

By the way,I have voted(just for the one who wants to know the exact statistics(I have pressed "I have downloaded the craft));don't think I am narcissistic:I am just tired of pressing "view poll result" each time.

Edited by goldenpeach
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok,just for you to know that I have updated the craft.

They now have 9 less parts,all of them are struts.

PS:if you think that 9 parts is not a lot,just to inform you that I did most of the part optimization before posting the crafts.

Before the first optimization,the craft(the one without the scientific parts) had more than 180 parts,now the same craft have 121 parts(most of the useless parts were struts).

PS2:As I arranged my other crafts in differents folder(rocket/plane;munar rocket(only folder in rocket category yet);0.21 crafts) I also updated the links,just in case.

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