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Do you ever have random engine failures or explosions that you can't explain


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yes, lots of 'em :)

the weirdest one i ever had was on duna. i was landing my plane, and the exact moment i stopped my fuel depot exploded (it was pretty annoying, the plane just finished deploying two metereological stations very far from my base. i had to do the entire work again)

but remember that many (me included) thinks that random explosions are a feature! they spice up the game :P

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Random explosions? No. But I did have my controls lock on a couple of occasions. Once my RCS locked while thrusting forward while I was in the final stages of docking. I almost crashed but some quick maneuvering spared my space station. It fixed itself on reloading so was clearly a bug, but looked so much like a random failure.

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I did have rapid disassembley when playing around with the new engines from the kosmos pack.The forces were so strong it dis-assembled my ship ,and left one engine un harmed which caused it going into a unsurvivable death spirl.

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Once in a great while. I had a flotilla of large rovers orbiting Duna refilling the fuel tanks in their skycranes before landing suddenly explode for no apparent reason. Close enough together as well that the one that suddenly decided to go boom set off the rest...

More recently I had a ship that had engines that weren't being used just fall off no matter how many struts or how smooth the ride was. This happened time and time again until I finally quit. Went back into the game a few hours later and launched the same craft one more time as a last ditch effort and it worked perfectly. Has had a half dozen launches since then without the engine falling problem too.

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I had a lander once which decided to annihilate in LKO as soon as i started the engine. Cloud of debris was fabulous :sticktongue: Luckily the crew capsule survived intact, though it was stripped bare of such trivial things as docking port or parachutes. I suspect the accident was caused by monopropellant tanks being placed too close to the engine, and clipping into it.

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:( lots of time. Last two incidents where a probe on route to moho, no time acceleration, mid way between the sun and kerbin. I left the pc to get a drink and when i came back it was spinning crazy. 3 engines blew up.

3 days ago a rover on the mun went crazy. Controls went dead with no keyboard response. 15 seconds later it blew up. It just blew up.

Starting to think of making kerbal sacrifices to the kraken. He must be mad at me. :sticktongue:

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I was launching tanker fuel slugs into orbit one day, roughly 2 out of every 3 launches resulted in rapid disassembly. On the launches that made it to orbit, they performed flawlessly.

The other day I created a craft in a new save and launched it several times successfully, no issues. I then started a new launch but had to walk away, when I came back one of the booster stages had simply fallen off. I restarted the launch and successfully brought it to orbit.

There definitely seems to be a random element to this game.

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I've had some I couldn't explain, but usually on a tightly packed ship. Typically some little part fails and something hits something else and then this happens:


Nothing that has gone BLAM while turned off, though.

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I've had some I couldn't explain, but usually on a tightly packed ship. Typically some little part fails and something hits something else and then this happens:


Nothing that has gone BLAM while turned off, though.

In other words, a chain reaction!

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