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What skill level are you?


what level of skill are you?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. what level of skill are you?

    • I can't even get KSP to run
    • Everything Blows up upon launch
    • I got it off the Ground!
    • Yay orbit!
    • I'm at the mun!
    • interplanetary travel!
    • interplanetary travel and return!
    • I'm Very confident in what I do!
    • Jool is a joke to me!
    • I'm Scott Manely!

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I've landed on Duna, Eve, various moons, etc. in 0.20, what I've done in 0.21 is in the badges. (Unmanned to Duna and Ike orbits, one craft that splits into two sats)

Haven't returned from anything further away than Minmus though. I need to work on that.

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@Mulbin: (no proper quotations because phone) I have to agree that success can be measure in many ways in this game.

Ex. When I was playing a year ago I was at the stage that I wanted to have the most fuel/part efficient designs possible. By the time 0.17 came along I had a 100 part, two stage to Mun vehicle and a modified version that could make it to Duna and back.

Now my Mun vehicle is a bloated, stylistic, 3 stage to orbit, two stage lander, with a Munar orbit rendesvouz mission profile, carrying an automated rover, manned rover, satellite, science package, and Emergency abort system.

My Duna vehicle is a little less than a mobile station with a Kerbin orbit rendezvous and Duna orbit rendezvous style.

The funny thing about this game is that you start off being inneficient, reach a high level of efficiency, then revert to inneficient :D

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Sorry if I sound bitter, but skill level really doesn't matter all that much in any situation unless you're making money from it. That doesn't mean it's not somethign to be proud of, as long as you're not flaunting it, which AFAIk no one in this thread really is.

On-Topic: I can land Kerbals on Dres, but returning them is another matter entirely, which means I'm at "interplanetary travel".

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"interplanetary travel and return!" depending on which destination is involved. I can't return from Eve, Tylo or Eeloo and I've yet to attempt a couple of the other Joolian moons. Oh, and I've never traveled past Moho at a speed less than 2km/s.

Offtopic: 28 people are claiming to be Scott Manley :0.0:

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  AlternNocturn said:
Sorry if I sound bitter, but skill level really doesn't matter all that much in any situation unless you're making money from it.

I agree. I got a nastygram from the friend of someone with whom I had disagreed, telling me that their friend was " a person of far greater value and skill than you", which made me laugh. As if one's value is determined by one's "skill" at KSP. Ironically, all because I'd been so bold as to dare to claim that people should just have fun in the game and not worry what others think about how they play.

I think one's own accomplishments are something to be proud of, indeed - and I enjoy seeing people share their deeds and milestones, as long as it's kept in perspective. As Al Stewart once said, "it's just a game that you play." :cool:

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Scott Manley isn't all that great of a pilot or builder to be honest...I often find myself critiquing things he does wrong XD

Anyways, I have done both a Moho and Eeloo return mission, Eve return escapes me because my computer is bad, and I've never bothered to go to Tylo or return (or survive a landing) from Laythe. I've built stations and bases, dock and rendezvous is no problem, and am fairly good at design (which should be obvious considering where I've gone). My main problem is that I get bored really quickly and so while I could easily go everywhere and do crazy stuff I don't really have a desire to. The fact that my computer struggles with anything above 300 parts is also not particularly good for my desire to go places.

In the end, I spend most of my time poking around with experimental ideas. I love just trying to create insane contraptions and use parts in ways they weren't designed to be. Like this:


Capable of 40m/s over slightly hilly terrain with a total capacity of 16 large orange tanks, capable of refueling any landed craft within many kilometers of the KSC (docking ports not included).

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Interplanetary Travel and Return.

Because thats what I do. I mainly go to Duna because its close enogh for testing of spaceplanes due to its atmosphere.

After that I go to Laythe and back with my spaceplanes when I feel they are ready for such a test.

I have built bases, space stations, rovers, spent two continuous week just docking and got good at it. Probably would have to practice docking a bit now If I need to do it. I do it from time to time tough so not like you forget how to but one still gets less proficient.

I dont know how good I am. I dont know any one playing KSP IRL. Actually dont know any one playing computer games IRL this days. All my friends are in to cars and such so I tend to play with my own style as a result and not realy compare or be influenced to much by other people so I cant realy say how good or bad I am :P

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  HeadHunter67 said:
Missing the point... in a game such as this, that "skill" doesn't matter to anyone but the player. The rest of the world couldn't care less. If the person who can't make orbit is still enjoying the game (however that works) then a more "skilled" player can't say they're "doing it wrong".

Sorry? i didnt miss the point, this is about skill level not enjoyment level.

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  CoriW said:
Just found this video on YouTube, and feel like it goes along with the thread topic quite nicely.

Yep, that's exactly how you should land for optimum efficiency. One of the things Scott Manley isn't good at! Vertical landings waste so much fuel.

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  RatBeer said:
Sorry? i didnt miss the point, this is about skill level not enjoyment level.

STILL missing the point - Your "skill" is meaningless to anyone but you, not to mention absolutely relative. The last 12 pages have shown us that - is someone who can go to Duna but can't rendezvous or dock in orbit truly more "skilled"?

That "skill" and 75 cents will get you a cup of lousy coffee in any machine that accepts quarters.

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  HeadHunter67 said:
STILL missing the point - Your "skill" is meaningless to anyone but you, not to mention absolutely relative. The last 12 pages have shown us that - is someone who can go to Duna but can't rendezvous or dock in orbit truly more "skilled"?

That "skill" and 75 cents will get you a cup of lousy coffee in any machine that accepts quarters.

No, not missing the point. This thread is discussing skill levels in KSP. not what people think of them. Ill bring us back to the first page where Spacehole said "There are no Skill-Levels, What is "level of skill" in such a game even supposed to be".

I then replied by saying that someone who can reach jool is obviously more skilled than someone who cant reach orbit. Then you went on about something to do with skill level being irrelevant to anyone but the player. Which is fair enough, i also dont give a rats a$$ about who my skill level is important to, but this thread is about LEVEL OF SKILL. there is such thing. Why do you think people praise scott manly for his talent. he is a skilled player.

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  Mulbin said:
Yep, that's exactly how you should land for optimum efficiency. One of the things Scott Manley isn't good at! Vertical landings waste so much fuel.

Very impressive landing, however why ants expect for showing off, if you come in hugging the ground you want decent twr.

also wonder how to get 50 liter fuel into an oscar tank?

Now do this on Tylo and I would be seriously impressed.

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I am quite good at interplanetary travel, rendezvouses, making huge launchers and other things which needs knowledge of orbital mechanics and rocket science. I have visited succesfully on every celestial body except Jool and Kerbol. I do not use any mods which increase the physical abilities of parts. Normally I give many maneuvers to Mechjeb but I can do (and have done) them without. But I think that Mechjeb should be absolutely minimal control system in space simulator. For me it is boring to first crash to surface to find out what is local height level or make many aerobrakings to find out what is correct periapsis.

But it is quite hard to reduce skill level to a single number. On the other hand, I am complete novice in planes. I have just flown to desert temple and KSC2 but I have never made landing after which the plane has been able to fly again. And I have never tried to push huge space station constructions to physics engine's limits. My stations has always been relatively simple combined parking lots, gas stations and hotels.

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  magnemoe said:
Very impressive landing, however why ants expect for showing off

Not true, this isn't showing off, a low periapsis landing uses far less fuel than the long decent landings most players use... it's also exactly what real landers such as Apollo do.

  magnemoe said:
if you come in hugging the ground you want decent twr.

Also not true, in fact this kind of landing allows you to have much lower TWR

Here is Kosmo-not landing my Munbug lander which has only a very tiny engine and weights many, many tons. You can't land it any other way as it is too heavy and the fuel runs out. Just as it would be with the real Apollo lander.

It does take some practice and skill but well worth it as you won't need to take as much fuel with you to the Mun.

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