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What do you hate most about the game? (What do you like most about the game?)

Legendary Emu

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What do you hate most about the game? And in contrast, what do you like most about the game?

Top five most hated things for me

1: Starting a new save and having to start all over again. I hate pretending to be excited about landing on the Mun for the "First time."

2: Interplanetary travel. You need to bring so much fuel and prepare your maneuvers so early only to realize you didn't bring enough RCS to turn around in time or to get attacked by a vicious Kraken.

3: Testing landers? More like crashing landers.

4: Building landers. You make such a cool design and scrap it because that engine doesn't fit.

5: Malfunctioning radar altimeter.

Top five most liked things for me

1: EVA's inspecting random parts of my station or ship because that's fun.

2: Exploring planets and moons surfaces.

3: Flying my awesome space fighter type stuff.

4: Building awesome ship designs that slightly resemble IRL ships

5: Having awesome ideas on stations and bases and ships all kinds of things.

Oh I could go on with the things I like about KSP but this is most liked sooo... Yeah, post your lists (Or just single most hated/loved thing.)

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My #1 most hated thing about KSP:

My own stupidity. I'll get into space, fly to the Mun, try to land, and crash because I didn't pack enough fuel. Not only did I just spend an hour doing all the flying, but I now have to do it all again.

My #1 most liked thing about KSP:

Successfully, without cheating, completing a long and tedious mission. Nothing is sweeter than that. :)

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#1... The kraken... hates it... it kills my precious

#2... stock rover wheels... don't live long and even tryingto control my speed it would take weeks to complete basic things like trucking between ore and kethane deposits...

#3... space repairs... can't do em yet... I hates loosing solar cells, but even more so because when they break ... thats it

things i like

#1... SQUAD

#2... Designing missions for me to complete... A diluted form of masochism that keeps me coming back for more

#3... Mods and the modders...For making my crazy ideas crazier... and slightly more impossble


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1.) The Rover Suspension/Terrain Mesh bug that makes rovers almost unusable. It's all but halted my gameplay.

2.) Single core physics. I gave up on my refueling station design because it caused intermittent low level physics delta time just ORBITING.

3.) It taking the better part of a day to map a single body, and having to re-map things I already mapped because stuff changed, again. Or my save got lost (again), And it felt like cheating to keep the old maps.


1.) The sheer awesome ridiculousness that's possible...and relatively common. Yay Emergent Gameplay!

2.) Just being able to build a rocket and go to space!

3.) The cute little Kerbals, d'awwh.

4.) Um...almost everything else, honestly, I could probably go on all day on this side if I spent enough time thinking about it.

Edited by Tiron
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Tedium of launches. I've done this a hundred times, yet I still have to spend 5 minutes playing "chase the prograde marker" every time I want to send something up.

docking bug. (where they won't grab one another for some reason)


Designing. I usually spend more time building than I spend actually flying the thing. I love carefully listing all I'll need and making a 'perfect' craft for the mission.

Landing. Doesn't matter that I've done it hundreds of times, it is immensely satisfying when those legs hit the ground without anything breaking.

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-Seeing Kerbin after a long interplanetary journey. It make EVERYTHING worth it!

-How picturesque the game is.

-The fact that I can build my own ships (seriously, it's a killer app for this game).


-Aerodynamics system. It's a joke. But thank Jebus for FAR!

-Wacky physics in general (i'm looking at you, landing gear).

-My lack of mining operations due to the lack of resources in the game :(

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Love: The good planned mission goes well. Or when things don't go well you are happy to predict something like that and put a parashute and decouple on the command capsule even thought the ship was not planned for reenry.

Hate: The game is time consuming by the very booring things such as running your nuclear\ion engine for half and hour. Lack of stock at least minimalistic autopilot such as execture next node. Only one node if effectively predicted by the game. So you can't create the chain of the nodes and then execute the flight program. Simulation mode. Why I have to test EVE lander on Kerbin or spend hours of flight to eve just to find that this or that thing is not working. And many other bugs lack of fetures and so on.

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Some cons:

-Kerbin flickering like a damaged light-bulb from LKO

-Kerbin, Mun and Minmus seem a bit too dark

-Phantom forces sometimes rip medium landing legs off landing vessels, potentially messing up a mission

Some pros:

-Duna and Eve visually improved (more interesting landscape and Eve is less gloomy)

-Although scaled down, the celestial bodies still 'feel' huge when traversing them with -for example- a rover

-Many possibilities in the game, if not almost endless

-Drastic reduction of game crashes in the last versions.

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I love almost everything about the game as it is now, though I haven't really accomplished much.

My only dislike is that career mode isn't fully implemented yet...but I can wait for that. Waiting is certainly torturous, though DX

I guess performance is something I dislike but I've played laggy, buggy and outright unstable games before and I'll continue to play them into the future...so that's kind of an afterthought for me.

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  Apollo13 said:
Top thing I dislike about KSP?

The undock bug.

Having fun with everything else. Steep learning curve. Another thing I like about KSP? The community here is very helpful.

I can agree that the undock bug is trouble however quicksaves before any docking is a must and will fix it alot.

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My main dislike is the tediousness of doing the ascent to an orbit over and over again.

My favourite thing about the game is the feeling of success that comes with every time you dock, and when a mission goes awry and you have to send out a rescue mission. I love rping like that.

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1. Vehicle assembly is clunky and needs to be improved. How frustrating is it when that big orange tank wants to connect in 1000 ridiculous places but utterly refuses to be placed on top of the totally free 2.5m connection you're trying to put it on.

2. Single core physics.

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Guys, if you don't like doing ascents, create a family of lifters, and pretend a the "company" is piloting it. Just use MJ for the ascent. :)

Me dislikes: ATM, you can't design a rover for the lander -like Apollo-, you have to build the lander for the rover, and small rovers flip over all the time. I took a (tested on kerbin) rover to Duna, and couldn't drive away from the landing "thing" more than 1km.

Me likes:

•The sense of accomplishment you get after landing for the first time.

•The steep learning curve that makes it all worth it at the end.

•The inmersion you get in the game. You almost feel you're doing SCIENCE! from time to time.

•The modding community. Sweet lawd Jesus, I feel naked when I don't have my favorite mods installed, and this is thanks to SQUAD.

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  astropapi1 said:
•The modding community. Sweet lawd Jesus, I feel naked when I don't have my favorite mods installed, and this is thanks to SQUAD.

that is exactly how i feel...


Bad stuff! :(


Game Crashes

Unmanned rover wheels popping


Good stuff! :)


Rescue Missions

Everything Else!:confused:

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- the way we edit vehicles. I'd love to see basic operations like select, deselect, select all, cut, copy, paste, and to abandon the method of building everything from the capsule. You often need to separate the vehicle and put something in the middle and when you snap it back together, the struts go wild.

- why everything has to be 3D. For example the title screen and the space center. Whenever you're shifting from one part of the game to another, it takes forever to change screens because the scene is being rendered. I wouldn't mind if there was a simple, bold design similar to this one. Nothing fancy and over the top. Bold and simple against black background. I like KSP because of the gaming experience, not because of the other stuff, so I really don't like waiting for unimportant stuff to be rendered.


- the sense of adventure, a risk of ending stranded spinning forever around something far away, the need to conserve as much as resources as you can and the notion that stuff is depletable

- the sense of scale; you get a better understanding of how huge space objects are, even if they're 10x smaller in the game

- the fact there's a popular game that uses creativity and ignores violent behaviour. KSP is a living proof you don't need killing, guns or other stupid stuff to have a good time in front of the screen

- the fact that it uses fun to "trick" you into learning the basics of Newtonian physics

Maybe there's more but this is what's in my head right now.

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My one dislike is it's so engaging, it's easy to be distracted by it and the forum when I'm supposed to be doing something else.

What do I like most? That's a hard one... Basically, there is no other game that is quite as versatile as KSP. One day, I'm making rockets. Next, I'm driving and exploring. Then I'm building random Idea X. Then I'm mucking around with kerbals, developing a story..

Rescues, stations, plane flights, there's just so much that's possible.

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  astropapi1 said:
Guys, if you don't like doing ascents, create a family of lifters, and pretend a the "company" is piloting it. Just use MJ for the ascent. :)

The problem with that is self control. If you give me the access to the cookie jar for ascents, it'll also be there for landings. And every time I want to do something in the game I'll stare at MJ going "I don't need it... I don't need it...". And that is true, I really don't, I've been everywhere there is to go in the game. But there'll always be that nagging voice in my head going "If you just press that button all your frustration will go away!" not mentioning that all satisfaction from succeeding will also fade.

This is why I am so eagerly following the development of the new kOS mod that allows you to write and execute small programs in game. Once that matures a bit I'll just write a proper ascent program and be done with it, but it won't allow me to do all the other things (until I can be bothered writing programs for those too of course).

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The one thing that I most love and the one thing I most hate about this game are, in fact, the same thing: The fact that it's so engaging that I can hardly stop playing once I get started.

I love it because there's a massive solar system out there ripe for exploration that I can spend hours at a time exploring without getting bored, and even more possibilities for vehicle designs so I can spend even more time just putting together things completely on a whim and see (literally) what will fly.

I hate it because there are also these things called "work," "friends," "family," and "other games and hobbies" that I consider important in my life as well, and if I let myself get carried away in KSP too much, I won't have any time for these other things left.

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  Ralathon said:
The problem with that is self control. If you give me the access to the cookie jar for ascents, it'll also be there for landings. And every time I want to do something in the game I'll stare at MJ going "I don't need it... I don't need it...". And that is true, I really don't, I've been everywhere there is to go in the game. But there'll always be that nagging voice in my head going "If you just press that button all your frustration will go away!" not mentioning that all satisfaction from succeeding will also fade.

This is why I am so eagerly following the development of the new kOS mod that allows you to write and execute small programs in game. Once that matures a bit I'll just write a proper ascent program and be done with it, but it won't allow me to do all the other things (until I can be bothered writing programs for those too of course).

You can configure MJ so it only loads those parts that you want to use. Like ascent guidance.

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