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[0.23.5] Wolf Pack Aeronautics V1.3 Parts Pack (Updated June 23/2014)


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My question was along the lines of were there any plans in the works, sounds like a no?

I agree with the above, the extendo I really haven't found much uses for, but turn that into a fold out engine or wheels etc and you've got some gold on your hands from those of us in the FAR crowd.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you please update this? Integration into the techtree would be fantastic. I've edited the parts into the techtree myself, but only one cargo bay appears.

I especially love the cargo bays.

And whatever happened with the Payload extender with docking port integrated in cargo bay?

Suddenly, a wild Idea appeared!

Procedural cargo bays? No idea how usable or codeable that would be. Still, an interesting idea...

Edited by TheAwer
Added question.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Any news on the extended bays?

Our R&D team is looking into it, but they currently had their man power reduced by 50%, as soon as I know more I'll let you know. Having said that preliminary assessments do not look good for procedural cargo bays. Stay tuned.

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  • 1 month later...
The customized docking port is redundant if you use editor extensions (which you should be). Can toggle surface attachment on/off.

Not sure who you are talking to, but your comment comes off like a keyboard commando, just thought you should know.

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You, and I have no idea what that means.

I like the cargo bays, but sadly they don't work with FAR, payload isn't shielded, and being able to open and close them using tweakables would be nice.

Edited by K3|Chris
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You, and I have no idea what that means.

I like the cargo bays, but sadly they don't work with FAR, payload isn't shielded, and being able to open and close them using tweakables would be nice.

Anyone who knows me will tell you that compatibility with FAR is not high on my list of priorities. As for working with tweakables, everything is being looked at when it comes to WPA, unfortunately, real life has got in the way for most of us right now and I make no apologies or excuses for that, it is just a fact of life.

So the ETA is as soon as we can, and list of changes is TBA.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm using it with realims overhault and im trying to build my first successfull SSTO skylon-like.

The problem i have is that the cargo bay i'm using seems not to shield parts properly.

They must have some compability issue with FAR.

Here some pictures of my SSTO. The maximum altitude i reached was 40 km and the cargo explodes because of the heat because it is not protected.




I post this issue on FAR thread and i got some answers:

@paju1986: As for the cargo bays, check to see if parts are shielded when the bay is open; that might mean that something is happening backwards for some unknown reason. It is a fairly out-of-date part, perhaps that is part of the issue.

One thing is that currently FAR requires cargo bay doors to have colliders - if things can go through them, and you can click on cargo with them closed, then FAR will think they are never closed. This is the case with the MK2 B9 cargo bays. The reason for the requirement is that parts aren't consistent re which end of the animation is open, so FAR does raycasts to find out.

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  • 2 months later...
bump for reupload, can anyone make a mirror, since spaceport is dead?

I am just in the process of moving and I am computerless, however I have already began discussions with sirkut to have the tech tree added and this moved to curse. As well WPA will be taken over by MSI in the near future and our SSI parts are being absorbed into the parents companies and rebranded. So lots is happening.

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I am just in the process of moving and I am computerless, however I have already began discussions with sirkut to have the tech tree added and this moved to curse. As well WPA will be taken over by MSI in the near future and our SSI parts are being absorbed into the parents companies and rebranded. So lots is happening.

Excellent! This pack looks very cool. Glad to see it's not disappearing.

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Ive always used the extendos in my builds in one way or another, but with the new magicsmoke 15.d they extend the wrong way no matter how I place them?

You need to go in the CFG and make a change. Look at the translateAxis field and change the value opposite to what it is. If the direction is going to wrong way and the value is, for example's sake a 1, make it -1.. ie. translateAxis = 0,1,0 make it translateAxis =0,-1,0

I need to find the zip that contains these parts and test it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So big update.

First off Wolf Pack Aeronautics is officially being merged into Magic Smoke Industries which you can find here


So all existing parts that are a part of this pack will be moved over to MSI and released via there through Sirkut. Additionally any SSI parts and the legacy Junk Cargo bay will also be merged into MSI with full consent of the originating parties and license etc ad nauseam.

I am also going to have the mods close and lock this thread as this MOD is no longer being maintained under this name.

And lastly to those who might call themselves fans of our work, a big THANK YOU to you for all your supports and downloads, I know our team had fun doing it and I know MSI will take good care of this mod and you folks.

See you out there in the black.

This is WPA officially signing off.

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