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In-game advertising

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Real world adverts? Sure, if Squad want to pay me for it. There's a reason I don't buy T shirts and shoes with giganti-huge logos on them. I ain't being paid to be a billboard, so therefore I won't be a billboard.

Kerba-Kola adverts on the other hand, might be a fun game mechanic.

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In reality, the only thing to motivate KSP-size budgets, besides corporate interest, is an international cold war between superpowers. There is a lot of discussion regarding the balance of realism in the game, and one issue which strikes me as incredibly unrealistic so far is the economic support for a space program of these sizes.

The economic support is the Kerbals' love for spaceflight, and the fact that they bought the rocket boosters cheaply.

Also, it says on the wiki that Jebediah is incredibly experienced in the financial sector.

Edited by Holo
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I about had a heart attack at reading the title. I thought you were suggesting that real world ads get displayed in game.now I like the idea of this, could be helpful for those who are bad or slow at learning the game as a sort of crutch to help get a little bit etxra cash. so long as it becomes less effective later on.
I did too. :D But what if you could make your own ads or do what Space-X does, put your company name on the ship. I would love that.
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