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[1.2.0] Precise Node 1.2.4 - Precisely edit your maneuver nodes


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  • 2 weeks later...

Does this mod show the closest distance to target in a rendezvous? I can't find anything to toggle that, it's a bit annoying to move the mouse over the rendezvous point after every change in the node. Kerbal Engineer only shows the closest distance from your actual orbit, but I need the distance between the target orbit and the planned orbit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed that since last update my ejection inclination is "n/a" almost always. Always when maneuvering around planet. In some conics modes when escaping. Am I doing anything wrong? Does it work only for celestial body escape?

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Hey Blizzy, i just want to remind you of that pull request.

Haven't heard anything from you since then. You will integrate it eventually, right? Btw. you can see the KSP skin in action in my Jool5 log :D

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I need help, now when I open precise node I get a new interface with weird bottons like this -/+ as one botton beside the ap and pe and so on, I can make ap and everything else go higher but no lower, am I missing something the old interface was better one + botton and one - nice and simple

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There seems to still be a compatibility check problem with the latest version. After I installed the Toolbar plugin (as in, quit, install Toolbar, restart), a window started appearing on startup saying that PreciseNode isn't compatible. It still works, however, so it's basically a cosmetic problem.

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  blizzy78 said:
Right-click where exactly?
  Thanny said:
I think he's making a joke. That it'd be nice to right-click to fix your mistake when you've overshot.

No joke. I want to right click "Orbit+" to do the same thing that clicking "Orbit -" would do. The same would work for "Orbit -" for those times I'm going down and go an orbit past and need to go forward, but if I could right click "Orbit+" to go down, I'd never use "Orbit-"

Essentially it's giving the "Orbit" buttons the same treatment you gave the dV/time buttons. Orbits are different than AN/DN/Ap/Pe because clicking them multiple times does different things. IMO they should be handled differently and maybe even be in a different place. also, I'd LOVE a way for the "10" and "100" buttons to affect orbit jumping. Not the .1 and .01 buttons though. That's crazy talk.

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