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[0.21.1] Docking Strut


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[PLUGIN, 0.21.1] Docking Strut


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(This plugin is free to use and modify as long as the original author is credited.)


This plugin enables you to strutify docked vessels to make more sturdy spacebuilt space stations and spacecraft.

Created links can be unlinked and relinked as many times as you want and in any configuration within the range of the strut (10m by default, can be changed in the config file) and provided the strut wont be obstructed by other parts.

Edited by JDP
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It's alive!!!!!

Hey JDP, good to see this mod return. You might want to take a look at this mod pack on spaceport It looks like the author kept your mod alive and may have made some improvements.


hmmmm, the forum doesn't seem to be allowing hotlinking right now. In fact, none of the advanced text features seem to be active.

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Very happy to see this mod back in development! In regards to the attachment pack mod you mentioned sojourner, I used to use it all the time in 0.20, does it work for 0.21.1? I really miss being able to bring up some spare flood lights to tack on the side of a rocket when I forget, rather than send a whole other ship!

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Woo! I like this way better than the Quantum Strut, glad to see it's being maintained. Though I've been using the Attachment Pack version too (being able to strut *anything* together out in the field is an awesome ability), have the two versions diverged?

re: track122: The attachment pack still works in 0.21.1, but KAS itself has developed a few little quirks and glitches that have knock-on effects on the Attachment Pack. Most notably, sometimes you'll be unable to have your EVAed Kerbal attach something to a ship without a save-and-reload (or spaceport-and-back) scene change to "reset" KAS. And I've also noticed that it's sometimes impossible to attach things to ships when you're in orbit around the Mun or Minmus (Kerbin orbit still works), the part instantly loses its orbital velocity when you let it go and falls to the surface below. The author of KAS is working on a new version so hopefully this will be corrected soon.

Edited by FaceDeer
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  sojourner said:
It's alive!!!!!

Hey JDP, good to see this mod return. You might want to take a look at this mod pack on spaceport It looks like the author kept your mod alive and may have made some improvements.


hmmmm, the forum doesn't seem to be allowing hotlinking right now. In fact, none of the advanced text features seem to be active.

Improvements? No. Not really no. I had some of those on my orbital tug when it was docked to a large ship I was assembling. I had a third capsule returning to Kerbin after delivering the next part of the ship. After it passed out of view behind the planet I noticed it no longer showed on the map and the crew of that ship and the tug were listed as killed. I F9ed them back to life and tried again. Each time I left the big ship behind it exploded into 69,105 pieces and parts. (ok slight exaggeration)

I had to evacuate it and deorbit it as a hazard to space traffic.

Anyway I hope this works better but I'm a let someone else test it for a few before I'm brave enough to try it :P

Edited by Starwaster
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I'm glad they are back!

It may sound strange, but can this technology be used to make a replacement of the ordinary struts?

Yes, you can just place them in VAB and then connect them on the launchpad, but it is rather inconvenient.

The reason it may be usefull is that you can place both the start and the end of a strut precisely using snapping,

when with stock struts and fuel lines their ends are always placed inaccurate and sometimes unpredictably ...

I think it is not very complex to make these improved struts from the docking struts like that:

When you place this strut, the first model become "the beginning", and then you can place the second model to be "the ending" of the strut similar way (and then they are linked), unlike the stock way of it, when you mouse over the desired place, click it and only after it the second model is actualy created.

I and probably many others would apreciate such thing very much!

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I can see this being very tricky, unfortunately. I haven't done any actual modding but it seems like a lot of part plugins don't run when you're in the VAB.

One thing that I actually quite like about stock struts, for launch stabilization purposes, is that although the second connector placed can't be nicely snapped to a particular spot it's only "temporary" and will vanish entirely once the strut has been snapped by decoupling (and the flight has been saved and loaded). I make sure to always start a strut on the disposable stage portion of the rocket and end it on the payload.

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The unused second conector disappears after save/load? Haven't noticed that! Will keep in mind.

As I understood, the first problem is, that you can't manipulate the parts like outdoors when they are in the VAB. It is clear.

However, there are mods like EdTools, Magic Smoke Ind., Select Root, which do interact with parts in the VAB, so I belive you can manipulate the values of the player's input and replace them. So, a better idea!

Why not to take the numbers of the actual position of a snapped model, and replace with them the coordinates of the player's cursor when he clicks to place the end? I think this is the whole thing about snapping. So, yeh, I don't realy know what difficulties it can face, and if it even possible in the game... But sounds doable, don't it?

Besides, this was funny, when I formulated a way to override the ISP 'bug'

(when fuel consumption is varying instead of thrust with atm. pressure),

and then discovered a mod, that does this thing precisely how I discribed it! :0.0: So I'm kinda have intuition in such things. :D

Edited by Absolute Human
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  UAL002 said:
Any plans to make this an EVA Activity?
Oh yeeeeah... pleeeease JDP, do this for us... I'm sure you'd earn much credit for that among the KSP community... although you already did with this awesome mod :) thanks
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I'm excited that this is back as well. One thing that I would like to see is a version that is placed exactly like a regular strut in the VAB, but then could be detached and the ends used as the current docking strut connectors after launch. Many times I spend a while on the launchpad hooking up my docking struts before launch.

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  Fyzzi said:
Oh yeeeeah... pleeeease JDP, do this for us... I'm sure you'd earn much credit for that among the KSP community... although you already did with this awesome mod :) thanks

No thanks. I prefer it the way it is. There's nothing stopping people from EVAing Kerbals if they want to pretend that it has to be done by EVA.

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All my stations thank you profusely.

  sojourner said:
No thanks. I prefer it the way it is. There's nothing stopping people from EVAing Kerbals if they want to pretend that it has to be done by EVA.

Seconded. Or make it an option and make everyone happy. Except for those people who think their way is the only legitimate way to play. Can't make everyone happy I guess.

Edited by DChurchill
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I don't expect everyone to play my way - I just want to see Kerbals have an actual use in orbital construction, rather than just sending them out and pretending they fix it.

Pete Conrad didn't fix Skylab from inside the station - and he certainly didn't do it from the ground while it remained unmanned. :cool:

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By itself, this particular task would be routine and boring after a while - but if more mods gave some thought to activities Kerbals could do on EVA, we might see orbital construction really gel. Otherwise, we might as well honestly just fly unmanned rockets, and that seems to defeat the purpose (it's not Robot Space Program, after all). Give Kerbals stuff to DO!

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  HeadHunter67 said:
I don't expect everyone to play my way - I just want to see Kerbals have an actual use in orbital construction, rather than just sending them out and pretending they fix it.

Pete Conrad didn't fix Skylab from inside the station - and he certainly didn't do it from the ground while it remained unmanned. :cool:

Either way it's still pretend. So why limit MY game play by how YOU want to pretend? If it's an option, fine, just don't make it a mandatory way to use the mod.
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  sojourner said:
Either way it's still pretend. So why limit MY game play by how YOU want to pretend? If it's an option, fine, just don't make it a mandatory way to use the mod.

I'm pretty sure we can quickly write up a ModuleManager + ModuleManagerExtensions config that quickly checks every part and module and everywhere it finds externalToEVAOnly = true it sets it to false.

Is that an idea?

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