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KSP addiction (impossible right?)


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So I recently bought the game only about three maybe four weeks ago I've lost track of time since playing. Anyway last week I had to take a trip to my grandparents house not bad I like it there they have a boat and are generally pretty fun, only one problem no ksp. I don't personally own a laptop and when taking trips I generally use my mom's but I can only usually use it for 30 minutes to an hour because we either have to do stuff or someone else needs it. Not a big deal a week without playing I should be fine and at first it was alright. One day nothing two days I kinda wished I could play because I checked the forums and saw some cool ideas well day three I went on the forums when I had some free time and started reading a lot of the AAR's and I got some pretty cool ideas so I decided to type them up so I wouldn't forget them. So far the forums had been slightly making it easy but not by much and late into day three after typing up those first ideas I decide to elaborate which lead to actual mission planning, sketching up rocket and station designs and laying out the logistics of a Mun base. And then it happened, we decided to visit my other grandparents who live about three or so hour's from my dad's parents, there would be no internet so I would now have to go without the forums also. Things were looking dire as I fell into a habit of every time I got free time I'd plan out missions by the end of my eight day trip I had planned out 30 missions involving 110 launches and laid the groundwork for about 15 to 20 future missions. So have you ever had to go without playing for an extended amount of time and what was your experience?

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Id be lying to myself if I said I don't think about this game constantly. Yea whenever I go away I simply cant wait to get back and play again. Im always thinking about new ideas. Am I addicted? Yea... several times now ive seen the sun come up from an all night session, but im use to that. Im an avid amature astronomer so it goes hand in hand. Ill often times be playing ksp on my laptop as my telescope takes pictures all night. I check the forums almost constantly on my phone. If you see me looking at my phone..its KSP. Not facebook.

But its like anything. Moderation is key. Sometimes the game aggravates me and I take a good break. But let me ask you this.. did the game feel fresher to you after your trip?

Thing is for me I play other games aswell. Im currently playing through Mass Effect again, Elder scrolls, my buddy and I play a lot of Supreme Commander. So I guess you could say im addicted to video games in general, but again..moderation.

Edited by Motokid600
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It's my most played game on Steam by a good 160 hours (200 hours at the moment). I love playing it and love designing missions but if the game begins to feel like its a chore or I run out of ideas I will stop playing for a couple of days, maybe a week or so and play other things. The key is making sure you play the game to full enjoyment but not playing it so much that you get bored or it begins to feel like a task instead of something fun.

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I am definatley addicted. i cant even do a full 8 hour work day without sneeking off to the bathroom and sitting there for 15 minutes to look at the forums. all day i dream of missions and new rocket ideas, new space station ideas. as soon as the bell rings for break, out comes my phone straight to ksp forums. I get 10 minute break and a half an hour break and the whole time i dont even look away from the phone. My friends try to talk to me but i basically just ignore and do the occasional laugh and nod but im not paying attention, i didnt even hear what they just said. im too busy planning my next design. i couldnt imagine going 8 days without KSP in my life. i love this game

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I've had to pack up my desktop (my KSP computer, my laptop would just... die) for an impending move to another city, and the last couple of days before I ship out are killing me... I'm itching to get back to work on my projects. KSP, especially if you're a fan of spaceflight, is incredibly addictive.

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^^ @NGTOne That's almost the first line of my CV! (I just didn't have the spaceflight bit ) ;)

I'm going away this weekend and seriously considering taking my KSP/development rig with me! (but I was worried about the TWR implications it would have on my car). It's all I use a machine for these days, KSP and programming. Do any other dev's out there think that playing KSP has remarkable similarities to programming? Creative while also being scientific, requiring understanding but also very reliant on trial and error experimentation and reverse engineering. TIME CONSUMING! OBSESSIVE!

I've actually (against all normality) had nearly a week off playing KSP, voluntarily! But that's only cos I'm trying to develop something for KSP, not quite a mod but a tool for helping. I'm getting there, got some issues to resolve still thou.

Usually when I'm forced to take time away from KSP I get the shakes, KSP IS addictive and I'm a full blown addict!

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  katateochi said:
^^ @NGTOne That's almost the first line of my CV! (I just didn't have the spaceflight bit ) ;)

I'm going away this weekend and seriously considering taking my KSP/development rig with me! (but I was worried about the TWR implications it would have on my car). It's all I use a machine for these days, KSP and programming. Do any other dev's out there think that playing KSP has remarkable similarities to programming? Creative while also being scientific, requiring understanding but also very reliant on trial and error experimentation and reverse engineering. TIME CONSUMING! OBSESSIVE!

I've actually (against all normality) had nearly a week off playing KSP, voluntarily! But that's only cos I'm trying to develop something for KSP, not quite a mod but a tool for helping. I'm getting there, got some issues to resolve still thou.

Usually when I'm forced to take time away from KSP I get the shakes, KSP IS addictive and I'm a full blown addict!

  ChrisWill said:
Yeah as a programmer also I would compare KSP to programming.

I agree completely. KSP combines the most fun aspect of programming - combining tools and systems built by other people in novel ways - with rockets and exploration and the wonders of the universe (and a chance to be completely, bat-crap crazy). Which is AWESOME. Throw in a long-held dream of space travel, and you've got all the ingredients for an addiction.

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No, I'm not addicted. Yes, I'm writing an AAR (Hope to put a couple of chapters up this weekend). Yes, I on the forums a lot. Yes, I'm staying up late building or moving things into position to prepare for my next AAR. Yes, I'm losing sleep. Yes, I'm lying to my wife when I say I'll just be a few minutes behind her to bed. I'm not addicted. Yes I am. I want my formatting ability back please.

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Oh man, you wouldn't believe. When I am at my parents' house on weekends I spend all the time playing KSP. My mom tries to lure me away from the PC by making great meals and my dad tries to propose walks in nature etc ... no chance. Sometimes my father tries to initiate chat with me during breakfast by starting a conversation about space ... hopeless attempts :)

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Not the only one. Sat down earlier to attempt (for the 3rd time) to get a lander onto Laythe. Laptop had literally just loaded the menu and the other half walked in and decided she wanted to look at decorating stuff. That was 8 hours ago, I'm practically itching to get back to KSP. Doubt she'll be impressed if I stay up all night while she sleeps. :(

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