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Mulbin's Flags - Custom mission flag collection.


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UPDATE 28 September 2014

As requested by Woopert I have added a flag based on the flag of Australia.

I get a lot of people asking for links to my flags, so here they all are in one place!

Simply right click the image and save, these are the correct size and file type (.png)

Paste the images into gamedata/squad/flags

I'll release a flag package on spaceport someday when I have enough!







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  GreenWolf said:
Does this really belong in the addons section? I think it would be better suited in say the Fan Works sub-forum.

You'd be wrong, it's custom game content. Fan works is for short stories, artwork inspired by the game etc.

These are files that "Modify" the content of the "game". Which I believe would be the definition of a mod.... by your logic part recolours and custom textures would also go in fan works.

The prefix [part] isn't right though, but you have to select a prefix and currently the forum hasn't caught up and added things like custom texture as an option.

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  cy-one said:
I tried to make a national-flag-like one myself... i kinda suck at it :(

Any chance you want to make a good one? :D


Actually, the one you have made is very good! It's very hard to come up with a twist on simple three coloured flags. The union Jack was hard enough! I like the use of diagonal stripes. I'll have a think about what I could do...

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I'm mostly totally displeased with the kerbal >.<

Anyhow, I'm currently fiddling around with something inspired by the Iron Cross, that's still used in the modern German army. Maybe I'll be able to make something a little like your British version. I really dig that one.

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Yeah, I think creepy was a good idea, thinking about all those nazi-zombie-movies out there... :D

Edit: But I'm quite pleased how the "older colors Iron Cross" turned out. Tried it with yellow before, but that didn't really work. Looked like crap.


Edit: And before some moron wants to point out that has something to do with some idiots with chronic tennis elbows, it hasn't. The Iron Cross can date it's history back to around 1200, and the color-combination of black-white-red was already used in the German area of the Holy Roman Empire around 1100 ;)

Yeah, we get that **** often >.>

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Well, with black-white-red you could still be with the egytians :P

Anyways - Black-Red-Gold are the colors of (democratic) germany.

I use the Arstotzka-Flag - not very historic but I like its style.


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Hehe, of course I only mentioned the German context of those colors. Black-Red-Gold are quite new colors to German history... And well, I tried to use them first, but it just looked... bad. And a little clowny.

Glory to Artotzka!

Nice idea :) Also, nice implementation.

Might I suggest not using black, but very dark gray (I think I used #222) and adding the "minimalistic.png"-flag with some blending effect?

That's how I applied the "flag/cloth"-effect on my flag.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  nanotyrano said:
Those are some mighty fine flags Mulbin! Downloading all of them now. :D

Also, the idea of layering the minimalistic flag over the top to get a wavy effect is genius.

Thanks :) One day I'll get some more done!

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  • 11 months later...

Almost a year since the last post, but I have something to ask for: Mulbin, could you provide the vector file for the Union Jack flag? My friend has an Australian parent so I thought I'd make a Kerbalized Australian flag with your Union Jack in the top left since I love your flag designs so much.

I've almost recreated it in Inkscape on my own, I traced the components and found the dimensions for the stripes but that diagonal stripe is killing me. I can't find what angle it's rotated at (I tried using my poor geometry calculations) and I've done a lot of guessing with guides but it's hard to tell from judging.

Cheers :)

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