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Did anyone know about this feature?

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You can also move the manouver node back and forth by "click and drag" (click and hold left mouse button on it).

And once you have a manouver node set you can put out further manouver nodes on the planned trajectory, thus planning out your entire journey, mousing over the other manouver nodes will show their required delta-v.

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Supposedly you can get your apo and per to stay displayed without having to constantly mouse over them but I haven't figured out how to do it... as left or right clicking on them either does nothing or a maneuver node gets placed. double clicking doesn't work as with the first click the add node dialog box comes up.

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You can also move the maneuver node back and forth by "click and drag" (click and hold left mouse button on it).

And once you have a maneuver node set you can put out further maneuver nodes on the planned trajectory, thus planning out your entire journey, mousing over the other maneuver nodes will show their required delta-v.

Well, I knew that, but still. Maneuver nodes. They're more functional than you first think. But I wish they were a little more precise.

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Supposedly you can get your apo and per to stay displayed without having to constantly mouse over them but I haven't figured out how to do it... as left or right clicking on them either does nothing or a maneuver node gets placed. double clicking doesn't work as with the first click the add node dialog box comes up.

Bring your mouse pointer to the AP/PE marker itself, from out/inside the orbit (perpendicular, not along the orbit path). When it changes size (sort of pops up) left click.

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Yup I knew about this.

What I'd really like though, is if you could switch your view to the encounter. When traveling interplanetary missions they usually appear on the other side of kerbol and are quite fiddly to get a good view of when you're trying to adjust your intercept trajectory.

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You can also move the manouver node back and forth by "click and drag" (click and hold left mouse button on it).

And once you have a manouver node set you can put out further manouver nodes on the planned trajectory, thus planning out your entire journey, mousing over the other manouver nodes will show their required delta-v.

This is pretty much an must for interplanetary intercepts. Use for setting up the escape burn, plane change and adjustment burn.


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I do kind of hope that eventually KSP will implement a "data window" ala Kerbal Engineer Redux so we don't have to muss about with mouse-overs on specific events to find things out that should really be relayed to us automatically in an easy-to-read display somewhere on-screen. Hopefully right around the time we also get saveable maneuver nodes that don't instantly get erased the moment you mis-click them and which remind you they're coming up at a user-defined interval. I understand Kerbal Alarm Clock does some of that already...

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Kerbal alarm clock let you save sets of nodes, this is intended for saving for transfer windows but can also be use to save an node set so you can try another and restore if the first was best.

This is an larger problem.


I'm on Minmus intercept, will pass 30 km from it (mechjeb adjust intercept distance)

However had it not been for Minmus I would do an Mun impact, this causes the game to ignore Minmus and the orbital change I would get from its intercept.

I had to take it slow and it was no huge issue as I knew I was in plane and the adjust intercept distance worked but it was still very annoying.

Someone new playing stock would be totally lost.

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