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Bond Aerotech and Sundries [v0.4.3.1 31st March 2014]


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After some initial confusion concerning the GE-129 on certain models of the 15K


inner CVT petal prototype

[Edit] inner+outer assemblies


Outer petals also rigged for using constrainlookFX so in game there will be the actuation pistons (eventually) for the CVT action and petal flexing

[Edit2] In game flex test for CVT bundles

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Gimballing in already, no pictures of that though.

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Some progress with the actuation arms

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[Edit] The actual F100 doesn't do CVT (well there are models that do, but they have large vectoring assemblies) so by default this value would be set very low, or disabled

[Edit2] Should move the actuator arm origins on the lip of the engine body, and put in a placeholder texture

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Moved the origins for the arms to the body/rim to match


Unfortunately this throws off some positioning, have to fix the petal animations for the new length/position of the arms as they're not currently meeting the petal origin correctly any more

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I'm not sure, what I read about the F100 said that that 'turkey feather' covers were left off because they would sometimes fall off. I wasn't sure if that was ever rectified as even some pictures of the latest SLAM/15K version with possibly the 229EEP had that look, while some of them might have been the ROK variant with the GE-129.

I'll do a F110/GE129 style slat cover version after finishing the one without (which should be quick considering how much of the rigging could be reused), then people can use what they like

[Edit] there are a couple of flex/constrictor bands which I haven't added yet either (one where the arms meet the petals and one further back), mostly because I have no idea how to implement them yet

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Petal motion now properly matches fixed actuation arm length from rim

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I think...

Now on to trying to put the two collars on there and the inner petal flares

[Edit] Some constriction bands and some innards

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Bands are a bit of a kludge and don't conform properly with the petal angle at max open, not sure what I can do about that right now


Moved the neck past the body/rim as it was inside

Added some more internals

Changed the animation flex to be more cantilevered

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Surprising difference

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Whoops, forgot that you can only have one texture per model, I wanted to abuse transparency for the constriction bands and have specular everyone else, oh well they're pretty small anyway

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On to UV sorting and texturing (well, what passes for texturing in my case anyway).

Officially there's a bunch of widgets below the second constrictor band and above the body which twist to pull the plates together during motion, I have no idea what to do with/about those.

[Edit] Actually it's not even 2k triangles yet, maybe I do have room to do those

[Edit2] Afterburner cycle

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I tried to make it a gif but it was ginormous [GFYCAT link instead]

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Some texturing progress (outer petals)

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Really need to figure out why my normal baking isn't working, user error most likely

[Edit] Oops, they're cut wrong, better fix that...

[Edit2] Betterer

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To widget or not, also the afterburner is possibly a bit much, might tone that down, and move it back a bit too

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AB looks right, actually. It might be a bit bright during the day, but it's perfect in twilight/night.

I thought the petals actually attached to the trunk (the same place as those wires/guides/actuators).

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I'm not entirely sure, I know they have at least one joint back there, the petals should really also be flexing at the 'waist' to so that the final one actually stays parallel during 0-66 instead of ending up canting inwards a bit as I've ended up doing just to make things a bit simpler

I was thinking of having the armatures and shank ends as part of the animation too (instead of with constrainlookFX) but then they wouldn't really work with gimballing, not that the F100 actually does gimballing in this setup, shall ponder

I could try setting up the petals/arms as an actual armature/bone setup for the correct flex (since it's only 1.7kT I might be able to add the twist/pull plates as well) but I might leave that for later (as I've never used armatures in blender before and there could be a bit of delay) and just finish a v1 release (and the GE-F110 aeroshell covered version) first so at least there's something available while I'm learning something else

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Unfortunately 3DSMax costs almost $4000 here so that's a non-starter on my budget

Given how hilariously bad I still am with Blender I think I still have a while to go before the software is the limiting factor and not PEBKAC :P

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Unfortunately 3DSMax costs almost $4000 here so that's a non-starter on my budget

Given how hilariously bad I still am with Blender I think I still have a while to go before the software is the limiting factor and not PEBKAC :P


Incredibly powerful poly modeler that is completely free and open source. Or if you are feeling adventurous, you can look at Houdini, which has a free learning edition that can output .obj files exceptionally well.


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Words cannot describe how SEXY that looks.

Thanks, hopefully will be able to get the last two things textured tonight and the config sorted-ish and have a alpha download of it tonight after work, unless the forums go down before then and I can't post it :\

I'll put a link up on /r/kerbalspaceprogram if that happens though

hmm what happened to the old rover body part you had for this?

That should still be in the download as SRV.zip I think, let me know if it's not otherwise I'll check when I get home. Sadly the v2 of that still isn't any closer to being finished, although I could/should change the v1 from the .cfg assembled state (which does not play well with symmetry in some cases) to model/unity side assembly.


Incredibly powerful poly modeler that is completely free and open source. Or if you are feeling adventurous, you can look at Houdini, which has a free learning edition that can output .obj files exceptionally well.


I don't think you can do rigging or animation with Wings3D though, although what I'm doing is rudimentary at best with keyframes, the next iteration should use more complicated actuation and armatures as I learn them, or more likely parented empties with constraints which was recommended for mechanical animations instead of armatures

I'll keep it in mind if I ever outgrow Blender though

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I don't think you can do rigging or animation with Wings3D though, although what I'm doing is rudimentary at best with keyframes, the next iteration should use more complicated actuation and armatures as I learn them, or more likely parented empties with constraints which was recommended for mechanical animations instead of armatures

I'll keep it in mind if I ever outgrow Blender though

Indeed, wings is strictly a modeler and UV mapper, but it is powerful for those things. Houdini can handle everything. It has some really incredible autorig tools and you can do dynamic simulations then force them to keyframes. I haven't done this one yet, but I know it is possible. I also know it is possible to export the rigging, though again, I am not a rigger so I have not flexed this feature.

I am working on mastering crowd simulations right now, so my skills aren't exactly useful for KSP at the moment.

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A little bit of tweaking;

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ok, for anyone wanting to try the F100 alpha oon a strickly AIWI basis you can download it here

You will need the latest release of HotRockets for the exhaust effects, and I strongly recommend updating to the 2.0.1 release of SmokeScreen also

Config details need fixing, but feedback and suggestions welcome

Oh, and I left the gimbal turned on, I suggest disabling that either by tweak in-game, or setting the range to 0 in the cfg since I forgot to do that

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@NoMrBond  Just wondering if you've given up development of this mod?

Theres some pretty sweet parts here!

If you are NOT planning on doing anything with this, anychance you would just re-release it as-is, but with an open license so maybe someone else could pick it up?... Seems a shame to let all these parts and hard work just disappear... :(

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