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[1.0.2] Persistent Trails - record, share and replay track data! (May 14, V1.2)


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  HoneyFox said:
:( It seems like the record ends when my rocket reach a certain altitude.

So I cannot record the entire ascent path of the rocket. Any clue?

That was the floating origin update interfering with my "has the vessel moved away from the last waypoint"-check. Fixed in 0.7.1 (see OP). Also fixed a major memory leak and made the linewidth slider more useful


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  SirJodelstein said:
That was the floating origin update interfering with my "has the vessel moved away from the last waypoint"-check. Fixed in 0.7.1 (see OP). Also fixed a major memory leak and made the linewidth slider more useful


Oh... you fixed that. o_o Great!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  SirJodelstein said:
- (maybe) add "realistic" tire tracks with textures (if something like that does not kill performance too much)

Something else to consider: Would it be possible to use this to create temporary (several minutes) plasma trails on re-entry? I thought of your mod when I saw this photo of Atlantis re-entering, taken from the ISS:


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  acc said:
Awesome. It's possible to let the plugin write the waipoints in a extra text-file? it would realy cool to use these waypoints for automated drives with kOS or something like this :)

The waypoints are written into a textfile per track (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude + Time for each waypoint, separated by ";"). Look into the PersistentTrails/PluginData/Tracks subfolder, open the .trk files with a texteditor and you are ready to go

  pizzaoverhead said:
Something else to consider: Would it be possible to use this to create temporary (several minutes) plasma trails on re-entry? I thought of your mod when I saw this photo of Atlantis re-entering, taken from the ISS:

Cool photo! Actually, this would kind of defeat the "Persistent" part of the plugin, and require quite some work to make it look cool. So: maybe, but not anytime soon. But if anyone wants to write the code/texture/shader whatever for this, just go ahead. You can either make your own plugin using parts of my code or send the stuff as a code contribution to me!

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  • 1 month later...

I am very impressed with this mod. I hope it will be added some cool staff later and please, keep updating in new versions of KSP. I don't want to see this mod floating dead unapdated. Thank you for your hard work.

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  mrluckypants96 said:
This is pretty interesting, but I don't really see a use for this. Cool nonetheless.

The use is to see how far you get with your rovers from the landing site and what path you taken through the surface. Also you can race with yourself on ground or in air. I mean speed run in a specific path. :)

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  mrluckypants96 said:
This is pretty interesting, but I don't really see a use for this. Cool nonetheless.

I have added some more images to the OP. Here are some more things i have not yet attempted, but totally possible:

- drawing giant paintings on the surface with rovers

- skypainting! Still waiting for someone to create the KSP logo or other stuff with planes

- Markers for challenges (landing areas, race track borders, giant dart boards, etc)

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  KvickFlygarn87 said:
No, but greg necro'd, after a 2-month silence.

Kvick, what are you trying to accomplish with this post other than derailing from the actual plugin discussion? Afaik there is no rule that says you may not post in threads that had 5 weeks silence (end of september to now). Actually, especially in the fast-moving addon forums I would be happy if someone dug out an old(ish) but still fully functional mod i somehow missed. In contrast to the big mods, threads of niche plugins like this one will always have longer phases of inactivity.

If i think about it: no, please don't answer here in this thread, it had enough derailment already. And: Thanks everyone else for posting, actually seeing people use this plugin is what makes plugin development worthwhile after all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Locob said:
can you transform this in trajectory predictions? I mean without the map vew.

Ballistic prediction (= "what would happen if i stop thrusting/accellerating now, without atmospheric loss") should be fairly easy. However, without Vectrosity actually drawing a dotted/dashed line seems to be quite complicated. Maybe with an image texture for a new LineRenderer? Hmm. Anyway, i've added that one to the TODO list :)

  Grease1991 said:
is there a (fairly easy) way to make this work with the gps mod so you can only make trails while the required amount of gps sats are around you.

Assuming you mean the FigaroGPS mod, i have already thought about that. I can detect the presence of a GPS receiver, but in the current state i cannot read the results (signal available or not) of the Figaro GPS receiver. I have sent the author a message, maybe in the future we can get this working.

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