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[WIP] Parts from my garden shed - SCANsat Antennae


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  MOARdV said:
I run into a couple little things with the Low Res radar: one, the part is hard to click on / grab due to its offset placing the hotspot inside of other parts. Maybe make the mounting plate thicker so it's not disappearing inside the part it's attached to? I changed the offset to -0.035 (from -0.025, I think) to work around it here. I also had trouble getting the radar to deploy in an action group without having to press it twice. I removed the "animSwitch = False" line from the config file to fix that one. I think the weights are a bit high, too (0.25 seems way too high for a surface-attached antenna to me - I ramped it down to 0.05).

That said, I really like it, and I immediately placed it on my TKS mapping craft (more like shoehorned it - not much surface space left on that ship).

I encountered the difficulty selecting the piece - I tested it mounted on quite a few different pieces and didn't come up with a good way of stopping it 'floating' a few cm off the surface on parts with a collision mesh that closely follows the visible mesh without making it recess slightly on parts with coarser collision meshes. A thicker base may be the only way. I completely forgot to remove the animSwitch term - it was a holdover from testing! Will amend that in the next update.

EDIT: I'm glad you like the piece. If anyone wants to post screenshots of their scanstrosities, go ahead - If they're reel purdy (and you don't mind) I'll include them in the screenshots for the parts.

TODO: Fix collapsable radar base - increase depth?

Give the parts a sane mass

Fix/Update configs for newest SCANsat release - remove animswitch, add scan width/ranges

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  XanderTek said:
Oh, came across one more thing while tinkering around with the cfgs. You can now add "animationName = Antenna" to the SCANsat node to tie the animation to starting/stopping the scan. Works perfectly with the SAR sensor, and it mostly works with the low res radar except that one seems to default to the open position when the ship first loads.

Excellent! I'll tie in the animations for the last 2 pieces and for future parts now. Does the low res one default to open if you do not include that animation term? It defaults to closed on my end, but I'm still using the older version of SCANsat.

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  Milkshakefiend said:
Excellent! I'll tie in the animations for the last 2 pieces and for future parts now. Does the low res one default to open if you do not include that animation term? It defaults to closed on my end, but I'm still using the older version of SCANsat.

EDIT: modified this post a bit after some additional testing

I believe I observed the following: Without the generic animation module the RADAR sensor starts open, whether or not there is an animation term in the SCANsat module. I wanted to take the generic animation out because that button is no longer needed with the new code. If generic animation is removed and SCANsat animation is there, turning on the sensor causes it to instantly close and then go through the opening animation. It functions correctly when turning it on and off after that.

The SAR sensor defaults to closed when set up the same way, so maybe there's something different between the two?

Edited by XanderTek
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  Milkshakefiend said:
EDIT: I'm glad you like the piece. If anyone wants to post screenshots of their scanstrosities, go ahead - If they're reel purdy (and you don't mind) I'll include them in the screenshots for the parts.

Here's Jeb, Bill, and Bob taking the Athena SCANsat Trans-Kerbin Ship (Athena TKS) on a shakedown cruise. The low-res antenna had to be mounted on the forward thruster/fuel block in order for it to have a clear field of view.


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Small progress report. Another piece close to completion.


Needs some more texturing/normal mapping detail then I think it's done. The previous 2 parts have been quite metalic; this one is more of a plasticky look. Took inspiration from a image posted earlier in the thread. Learned that UV'ing a dish is a compromise between seams and massive stretching.

Did some pen-and-paper drawings of a replacement for the SAR based on a couple pictures and discussion earlier in the thread between me and Sumghai. This part will be quite complex so don't expect it any time soon - I'm keen to get it right this time. It will be pretty.

Bugfixing older parts - The base of the collapsable radar has been extended and a better (larger) collision mesh included to combat issues with it being a PITA to place/operate. While I was doing this a lightbulb flickered momentarily - I realised that I'd originally exported that piece from Blender at the END of the animation rather than the start - I think this is the cause of the part showing deployed and general animation weirdness. I'll confirm this tomorrow. Configs will also get a going over tomorrow to bring them in line with latest SCANsat. Once that's done both pieces will be re-uploaded.

  MOARdV said:
Here's Jeb, Bill, and Bob taking the Athena SCANsat Trans-Kerbin Ship (Athena TKS) on a shakedown cruise. The low-res antenna had to be mounted on the forward thruster/fuel block in order for it to have a clear field of view.


Thanks, I'll put that in the album!

  DarthVader said:
Might I ask how to remove the scansat module from the .cfg?

Open up the part .cfg, remove the piece that looks like:



name = SCANsat

sensorType = ...

power = ...


This will leave just the bare necessities for it to appear in the VAB and animate in flight.

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I've got a bug report! I tried having the dish deploy animation (for both parts) put in an action group, and it doesn't seem to deploy with the rest of my other antennae. Can anyone else confirm?

Also, my ship with all the scanning bits on it:


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  Sapphire said:
I've got a bug report! I tried having the dish deploy animation (for both parts) put in an action group, and it doesn't seem to deploy with the rest of my other antennae. Can anyone else confirm?

Also, my ship with all the scanning bits on it:


That is a lovely shot. I believe the issue you mention has been brought up earlier - you could try removing the animSwitch=... term from the .cfg - I think it was mentioned that this fixed some misbehaviour. When the cfg is updated the animation will trigger via SCANsat instead of ModuleAnimateGeneric and these bugs should get squished.

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SAR and Collapsable RADAR re-uploaded and ... well, they actually work now. (I think.)

Bug Hit List:

Masses changed to sane values.

.cfgs amended to use v4 of SCANsat

Animation woes should be eliminated now - both parts start 'closed' in the VAB and launch.

Animations now trigger on activation of SCANsat (Thanks Damny!) - as such the manual animation trigger has been removed from both. I'm assuming people won't miss it, but if you do let me now and I'll send you a different .cfg.

Base of the collapsable RADAR embiggened; collider rescaled. Part is now 128% easier to operate.

EDIT: v0.02b uploaded - this includes a probe sized altimetry dish.

Get your update HERE. Please delete existing installs before updating.

May your rockets never explode and your scanning be fruitful.

Edited by Milkshakefiend
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  Sapphire said:
I've got a bug report! I tried having the dish deploy animation (for both parts) put in an action group, and it doesn't seem to deploy with the rest of my other antennae. Can anyone else confirm?

Also, my ship with all the scanning bits on it:


... What mods? PLEASE.

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  Ralathon said:
The capsule looks like B9 Aerospace. I recognize that container from KAS. The capacitator banks are from Near Future Propulsion and I think some of those antenna are from AEIS aerospace.

I think that's about it. The only other thing I saw is the docking port - Sumghai's Clamp-O-Chute. EDIT: Apart from those weird 'wing' things. WTH are those?!

  XanderTek said:
Nice, animations are all fixed now! I have noticed that the new mini dish suffers from the same problem the larger radar sensor used to: the base tends to sink into the part its mounted to, making it hard to select in flight.

Ah okay! Next update will give it the same treatment as the collapsable radar - bigger base, larger collision mesh, relocated surf_attach node.

Next part sneak peek - multispectral scanner.


Edited by Milkshakefiend
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Are theses a replacement for some of the stock SCANsat parts, or are they just additional parts to that mod? I would like to see all the stock ones replaced with these or others. I really like your parts.

Also is there going to be an addition to do science with these parts like the stock ones?

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The new part looks cool, Milkshake. Looking forward to it!

  therealcrow999 said:
Are theses a replacement for some of the stock SCANsat parts, or are they just additional parts to that mod? I would like to see all the stock ones replaced with these or others. I really like your parts.

Also is there going to be an addition to do science with these parts like the stock ones?

I think these parts have been offered to the SCANsat dev, and it's now up to him whether they're officially included. Also, because these parts are tied into SCANsat, they already do science! While scanning you can "Analyze Data" to recieve science points based on how much of the scan you've completed.

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  therealcrow999 said:
Are theses a replacement for some of the stock SCANsat parts, or are they just additional parts to that mod? I would like to see all the stock ones replaced with these or others. I really like your parts.

Also is there going to be an addition to do science with these parts like the stock ones?


  XanderTek said:
The new part looks cool, Milkshake. Looking forward to it!

I think these parts have been offered to the SCANsat dev, and it's now up to him whether they're officially included. Also, because these parts are tied into SCANsat, they already do science! While scanning you can "Analyze Data" to recieve science points based on how much of the scan you've completed.

XanderTek is correct on both counts; I've offered Damny (the SCANsat author) use of any SCANsat parts I create - if he decides to include any, happy days. If not, they'll be available here. They tie into SCANsat's !SCIENCE! functionality already - but I myself have written no new science-y things for them, nor made them function as transmitters. Additional parts may be made down the road for transmitters - don't hold me to that though.

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  therealcrow999 said:
Are theses a replacement for some of the stock SCANsat parts, or are they just additional parts to that mod? I would like to see all the stock ones replaced with these or others. I really like your parts.

Also is there going to be an addition to do science with these parts like the stock ones?

They are an addition, they only use the module from SCANset - see part.cfg.

You could easily delete the ones you do not like - as will I do myself.

But: As of now, not all sensor types are built into these parts here, only the low and the high resolution altitude radar - no biome or anomaly detection.

Milkshakefiend: You might want to take a look at your part cfg again - or is this working as intended? For I will change the sensorType value in these sweet new parts. :)

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Yeah I think I will delete the ones I don't want too.

  KerbMav said:
They are an addition, they only use the module from SCANset - see part.cfg.

You could easily delete the ones you do not like - as will I do myself.

But: As of now, not all sensor types are built into these parts here, only the low and the high resolution altitude radar - no biome or anomaly detection.

Milkshakefiend: You might want to take a look at your part cfg again - or is this working as intended? For I will change the sensorType value in these sweet new parts. :)

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  KerbMav said:
But: As of now, not all sensor types are built into these parts here, only the low and the high resolution altitude radar - no biome or anomaly detection.

Milkshakefiend: You might want to take a look at your part cfg again - or is this working as intended? For I will change the sensorType value in these sweet new parts. :)

Do you mean each sensor only scans one thing - i.e., the collapsable and dish radar only scan low-res altimetry, the SAR high-res altimetry etc? If so, yes this is by design. Damny's original parts segregate the scanning types into different parts and I'm not keen on changing that. I am, however, working on other parts to scan the other 'bands' - biomes, anomalies etc.

EDIT: A render of the animation for the multispectral scanner

Edited by Milkshakefiend
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  Mekan1k said:
... What mods? PLEASE.
  Ralathon said:
The capsule looks like B9 Aerospace. I recognize that container from KAS. The capacitator banks are from Near Future Propulsion and I think some of those antenna are from AEIS aerospace.
  Milkshakefiend said:
I think that's about it. The only other thing I saw is the docking port - Sumghai's Clamp-O-Chute. EDIT: Apart from those weird 'wing' things. WTH are those?!

Hehe, I post my ship and suddenly like 3 people are wondering how I made it. :P The weird wing thing is a folding FTL drive from the Interstellar Warp mod, you might have to do some digging through the thread if you want to find it.

As for the rest of the thing, off the top of my head...

-B9 Aerospace

-Interstellar Warp

-AIES Aerospace

-Lack Luster Labs

-Ion Hybrid Engine Pack

-stuff from this (aka the guy who does the modelling for Interstellar Warp)

-Near Future Propulsion

-SDHI Service Module


-StarShine Industries Stock-Like Parts

I think that's it. Maybe? Also that new part is very cool.

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  MOARdV said:
Nice. I've already rearranged things on my Athena TKS to add the new high-res scanner. I wonder where I'll be able to stuff this thing...

It's relatively compact. About as wide as the collapsable RADAR, although twice as 'long'.

Finished texturing and normal mapping. Unity has 'had fun' with one of the animated pieces and as such I'll have to fix that, re-export, re-import into Unity etc so no part release tonight. Here's a few shots I just made in game.

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Loving it! :)

  Milkshakefiend said:
Do you mean each sensor only scans one thing - i.e., the collapsable and dish radar only scan low-res altimetry, the SAR high-res altimetry etc? If so, yes this is by design. Damny's original parts segregate the scanning types into different parts and I'm not keen on changing that. I am, however, working on other parts to scan the other 'bands' - biomes, anomalies etc.

Yes, but it looks like - to me at least - that his "biggest" sensor scanned for everything (sensorType = 24). But maybe I am misreading the discription of the part, my satellite simply has one of each running for looks, so I cannot tell if the biggest does everything or not.

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  KerbMav said:
Yes, but it looks like - to me at least - that his "biggest" sensor scanned for everything (sensorType = 24). But maybe I am misreading the discription of the part, my satellite simply has one of each running for looks, so I cannot tell if the biggest does everything or not.

The sensorType term in the cfg dictates what that part scans - so 24 is 'hard coded' so to speak to detect anomalies and biomes. It makes it nice and easy to assign scanning to parts - I haven't tried running more than one scanner type on a single part though!

The animation glitch with the Multi-Spectral scanner was easier to fix than I thought it would be, so here it is, fresh out of the oven. This is a patch release, so just unzip GameData into KSP root and overwrite existing files.

DOWNLOAD - v0.02c VibraDyn SCANsat Antennae

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