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If kerbals were real, would you.....


If kerbals were real, what would you do?  

  1. 1. If kerbals were real, what would you do?

    • Use them as waiters.
    • Play sport with them.
    • Make them wash you.
    • Have them as entertainment
    • Other (define in post)

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I would learn the secrets of their economy/political system that allows them to build wonderfully expensive and silly space craft with zero public backlash. Although I'm concerned the answer might resemble Soviet Russia or North Korea.

Relatively low population, coupled with a strong sense of environmental preservation means that much of Kerbin is still either wilderness, or at the least carefully managed forest/jungle/woodland etc. At a pinch, your average kerbal is also largely self sufficient - they can generally live off the land or at worst they can just hibernate, using photosynthesis to survive. Thus, there is no real poverty on Kerbin. Sure, some kerbals can afford shinier trinkets but all of them can feed, house and clothe themselves. Once you take the basic necessities out, that means you don't need to earn as much and what you do earn can be spent on non-essential stuff. If you're not earning as much, you don't need to work long hours, which means that you have more spare time to work on projects for the sheer heck of it. Like building rockets :) Take the labour costs out and building rockets gets a whole lot cheaper.

Simplistic and idealistic - of course. But why not.

Oh - and back on topic. I wouldn't do anything with the kerbals. Nothing on that list anyhow.

Edited by KSK
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I would greet the new members of our pale blue dot with open arms. After all, they do know the secrets of how to make wold peace, how to generate unlimited funding, and they are able to *safely* make use of the nuclear engine. We may even be able to give them some of our technology, like health and safety laws.

ZodiaK. Look to the future!

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Come to a mutually beneficial arrangement with the Irish Travellers who own the junkyard on the edge of town (half the takings plus the chance to get back at the presenters of Top Gear) and go into the spacelift business.

That's one heck of an 'Other' but I like it :)

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I'd get them a place in congress somehow so that NASA gets all the funding for rockets that they want. Then we build interplanetary ships and return them to kerbin. We'd probably be like superman on kerbin because of the reduced mass, which would be handy for them.

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Other: I'd try to figure out how to communicate with them, and seek to discover whatever I could about their history, social norms, etc. Other than building rockets and being able to freely explore their solar system and how awesome that must be, of course.

I mean f*** they'd be real, living beings, wth lol.

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