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The R.R.D.K.Q.C. Construction and Design Challenge

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//Welcome to the R.R.D.K.Q.C. please take a seat.

//As you may have heard the KDDM* has requested that our company Supply them with Rockets which meet certain bench marks. As this is the first official task set to the R.R.D.K.Q.C. I shall explain the Rules.

1)only parts packs that have been specified are allowed

2) Three screenshots must be supplied (one at launch,one in the middle and one of the Craft reaching the set benchmark

3) Craft file must be provided

4) when submitting a rocket you must provide the Rocket Name and what challenge you completed

5) by submitting a rocket you are also applying for a position at R.R.D.K.Q.C. If you do not currently hold a position (General workforce-Rocket Development Devision)

6) any challenge that allows separate packs must be completed without the mixing of individual parts (with exception to Atmospheric Aircraft Challenges). for example you cannot place a C7 fuel tank in front of a SE engine.

if you would like a parts Pack to be added to a challenge please let me know

(these are separate rockets)

The KDDM* would like

-A rocket capable of releasing a satellite into a circular orbit (SE, KW Challenger,Probodobdyne or stock)

- The better Rocket will be Decided on the weight of the satellite to the amount of fuel used

- Post the total weight of the satellite and the amount of fuel used to lift the satellite into an orbit

-A rocket which exceeds 12000m/s (stock or SE)

-An ATV which is able to travel long distances across land (c7,SE,Nova Protodyne)

-This is broken up into two catagories. Munar and Earth.

-A long distance Heavy ordinance bomber capable of dropping large payloads (c7,SE and any bomb pack that is Necessary)

-Distance and payload Decides the better design- it is a requirement to post both

-A Medium Distance Attack Aircraft with Vtol Capabilities.

-Aircraft must land.

-Aircraft will be marked on Payload,gliding and speed

More challenges to follow

The Top Designs will Feature in the First Edition oF R.R.D.K.Q.C. Spacecraft Exchange.

Happy Blasting!

*KDDM -Kerbal department of Defence and Munitions

LeaderBoard wont be Updated until after the 28th of december


Bomber Challenge


Plouch B111 b -total of 5 Bombs to a distance of 2/3 of kearth- Iamwearingpants


Satellite Challenge


Lifter 1- Trbinsc - lifts a satellite which weighs 1.055

Lifter 2-Trbinsc - lifts three satellites into three different orbits each weighing 2.5- or 0.3 -stock

MassSatelliteReleaseSystem I-Nooblet68-56 800 to get 6.8 Tonnes of satellite’s into space (56 800:6.8)

KerbalCommunications-Alchemist- 22LFT (11000) to lift three satellites weighing 1.4 each. -stock parts except sats (11000:1.4*3)

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Challenge: Heavy ordinance bomber

The Plouch B111 is the pinnacle of the Scalable High-speed Intercontinental Transporter series, this time equipped as a bomber. The B-111 can travel to almost any point on Kearth, (About 1/3 way around to have enough fuel for a return trip) and deliver it\'s delightfully deadly payload of 5 bombs.





Re-entering 1/4 the way around kearth. Bombs were dropped over the atolls.


Changing planes during re-entry to arrive at KSC


Sucessful landing. Parachutes slow the plane down to 15/ms and touchdown happens shortly afterwards


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Gentlemen, I present to you...



Yeah, not very original. Uses Silisko Edition for the rocket and Probodobodyne for the satellite. Only worked once, explodes on the pad every time after, but we can let the testing department figure that one out. Unfortunately I didn\'t take any pictures on it\'s maiden voyage. Requires Silisko edition, Probodobodyne and the 0.13 fuel lines.

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I got the Lifter 1 to work again! It hauled 1.055 metric tons(?) into a orbit with an average altitude of 339,474 meters. I just need to see if the Testing Division can pilot it better than I can.

The album is here, too lazy to add all the pics right now. (Maybe I need to have a second job in the procrastination department?)


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Guest Flixxbeatz

could have been my candidate for the Heavy Lifter category... too bad I\'ve used some KW Challenger parts =P

and if I can extend the range of this thing:



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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Could people please post the cost for the ship or the ship if they win. It would make it easier for the accounting department to give the go ahead on some rockets and programs. We do have a limited budget so the limit for us is tight.

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Lifter 2 just completed it\'s mission! It deployed three different 2.5 3.01 metric ton each satellites on one flight, one in orbit around the Mün, one in Kerbostationary orbit and one in low kerbin orbit. It can also land on the Mün if you don\'t deploy the satellites. All stock too.



Mk 1 Pod-1-$1600

Mk16 Parachute-1-$422



Fuel tank-3-$1650

Radial Decoupler-3-$3825




Stack Decoupler-7-$6825

Stack Tricoupler-3-$2040

Adv SAS-1-$2300

Fuel tank-45-$24750

Fuel line-39-$9750

Radial Decoupler-9-$11475


Gimbal Engine-7-$6650


Solid Booster-12-$5400

R8 Winglet-3-$1500


Complete Total-$92087

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I\'m quite sure this craft qualifies for;

\'-A rocket capable of releasing a satellite into a circular orbit (SE, KW Challenger,Probodobdyne or stock)\'


On the launch pad; this is the full rocket.


Separating from the Solid Launch Boosters


We\'re now at orbit height; the first of 2 liquid phases is removed.


Most of the liquid booster fuel is used getting into an orbit; I could make it a bit more spherical, but it\'s just proof that it\'s possible.


In the background you can just about see one of the 8 satellites floating off in the distance. Also, the altitude gauge is broken...


Re-entering the atmosphere... Gauge is still broken.


The pod is separated from the second Liquid Booster phase.


Parachutes deployed.


At a standstill; gauge still broken...


Mission Report.

Stage 1 = 15 000

Stage 2 = 4 800

Stage 3 = 25 000

Satellite Stage = 12 000

Pod = 2 022

Total = 58 822

- 2 022 (Pod survived)

= 56 800 to get 6.8 Tonnes of satellite’s into space

Edit: This craft seemingly doesn\'t work in 0.13

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I\'m quite sure this craft qualifies for;

\'-A rocket capable of releasing a satellite into a circular orbit (SE, KW Challenger,Probodobdyne or stock)\'

Mission Report.

Stage 1 = 15 000

Stage 2 = 4 800

Stage 3 = 25 000

Satellite Stage = 12 000

Pod = 2 022

Total = 58 822

- 2 022 (Pod survived)

= 56 800 to get 6.8 Tonnes of satellite’s into space

Edit: This craft seemingly doesn\'t work in 0.13

Could you post a craft file?

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Tim Barret.

I agree With your point and i will make sure the rules are set along those lines


Well done. one question though

Does your rocket have a name?

Originally it was named Traveller II; due to the fact I was aiming for the Mun...

When I heard about this contest I optimised it for Satellite release...

It\'s current name is MassSatelliteReleaseSystem I

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Ok updated.

once Trbinsc Posts his Fuel Consumption and cost report i will rank the rockets related to the fuel consumption compared to Satellite Payload.


New challenge has been Posted.

the Construction of A medium range Vtol Attack Aircraft ;) this might be interesting

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That\'s my latest version of KerbalCommunications aka 'put 3 CommSats to KSO 120 degrees from each other'

The only modded parts are CommSat (just a payload, mass=1.4) and a bit modified decouplers for payload (copy of stock decoupler only with 0 force - you can replace them with the stock ones, but I don\'t like throwing the satellite at such speed after adjusting precise orbit).

Total mass of satellites+their decouplers= 3*( 1.4+0.8 )=6.6

Fuel - only 22 LFT.

Target orbit - stationary (2869 km circular)

(the flight profile also includes 2 transitions to 30 min faster orbit and back to change coordinates over surface)

And at least the payload is not a spent fuel tank.

So, what would you say?

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