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Graphic settings problem

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When away from home I am trying to run KSP on a low end laptop that suffers horribly from lag even with fairly small ships. To minimise the lag I can turn all the graphic settings down to minimal but I would like to know which slider controls shadows as I find it difficult to judge my landing without a shadow to warn me when I am getting close to the ground.

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I have similar problem. I can see shadows, but only from really up close, a few meters above the ground.

On the other hand I am really afraid to overload my graphics card as it crashes my computer if it gets angry - which used to happen a lot with KSP. I really wish there was some more detailed description of what each of the settings does.

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If an XP laptop, be sure all other programs in the background, such as crapware, is turned off. Disconnect from the internet, disable wireless if you have it, shut down anti virus and other software. The less running in the background, the better.

Since KSP loads everything, the fewer mods, the better when you have limited memory. Otherwise, Windows will use the hard drive to swap data which slows down everything to a crawl.

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Is this forum compatible with Chrome? When I click on "Reply with Quote" or "Reply" it displays some animated circles over that button and my mouse cursor turns to hourglass and nothing else happens regardless how long I wait.


Thanks for the hint, Render Quality Level indeed affects the distance from which shadows are visible. The minimum setting to have useful shadows is Good (I was using Simple). Unfortunately it also affects whole lot of other things, making my GPU temperature jump up 10 C right away.

I wish the shadow setting was separate. I don't care how nice my shadow is, if it was just a dark blob on the ground I'd be happy if only it was visible.

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Is this forum compatible with Chrome? When I click on "Reply with Quote" or "Reply" it displays some animated circles over that button and my mouse cursor turns to hourglass and nothing else happens regardless how long I wait.

The forum is currently a little bugged. The easiest workaround is to right-click on the reply button and choose 'open in new tab'.

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As Dispatcher said, add a light, although it might slow things down too. Also, if you use two or more lights you can point them differently so they converge at 10 meters or whatever, just like the Dambusters.

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