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Duna : do chute work ?

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Chutes do work on Duna. But the atmosphere is much thinner so they will be less efficient compared to Kerbin.

Several weeks ago I saw a chute calculator pass by on the forum somewhere. Can't remember how it was called but it let you calculate the chutes needed on any planet/moon based on the weight of the craft.

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The chutes do help a little, but unless you bring lots of them you can't really land softly on Duna without some engine power.

This is not entirely true! It totally depends on the craft you're trying to land. I've landed plenty of rovers on Duna on nothing but chutes.


I've found the chute calculator I mentioned earlier: http://ksp.freeiz.com/

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Depending on the weight of the craft and the number of chutes used, you only need a small burst from the rockets or thrusters at the last couple of seconds to reduce the speed for touchdown to about 4 m/sec to avoid damage.


BTY, 11.5 m/sec is too fast to touch down with. Lost 3 engines and a landing gear.

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I'm just watching Scott Manley's reddit challenge with the orange tank, and he lands a tank with about 1/4 of its fuel along with a capsule and a couple of nuclear engines.

The craft was about 16 tons on landing with 6 Mk 2 R, 3 Mk 25, and a small blast of thrust.

Not very scientific but a good rule of thumb I'd say.

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This is not entirely true! It totally depends on the craft you're trying to land. I've landed plenty of rovers on Duna on nothing but chutes.


I've found the chute calculator I mentioned earlier: http://ksp.freeiz.com/

^This. Excellent answer!

And thank you so much for the parachute calculator!!!

OP: Duna has lower atmosphere, but it also has lower gravity. The heavier and faster the craft, the more chutes and engines you will need. Chutes are effective on Duna. For more detailed answers give more detailed info.

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... except for the final touchdown. ....

Don't you mean "EVEN the final touch down"? Yes, a last minute retro thrust makes landings a lot easier but with enough chutes you won't have to. With the correct chute/mass ratio you can land ANYTHING!


I didn't create that chute calculator. I just linked it.

Edited by Tex_NL
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