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Things you can do in KSP that no real space program would be stupid enough to try . .


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The rules: Everyone contributes ONE example at a time. You can contribute more than one, of course, but not consecutively. Let others have a go.

I'll start.

"Things were going so well with the second test of the new Soyuz analogue that we thought "Ah, heck with it", and docked it with the Space Station." :)

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"We've never tested this rocket before, we don't know if it will stage properly, or if it will fall apart structurally upon launch. We've run no analysis regarding power consumption or the appropriate amount of RCS fuel to load."

"And, your point is .... ?"

"Let's send it to the Mün!"

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We are proud to announce or first Mun base as an mission extension of our first Mun landing.

Let landing legs, engine and fuel tank worked well as crumble zone.

As for my own projects, deorbiting an 1200 ton ship with 30 nerva engines over the spaceport.

it did not impact as I had to activate the escape system while it still was pointing the right direction (parachutes dragging the pod out of an hole of six orange tanks around a core)

Doing Eva during aerobraking at Eve decent, I forgot to move kerbal from pod who should be dropped during after deorbit burn over to seat.

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"Where's the delta-V analysis on this new design?"

"Um, well, we didn't do one."

"Why not?!"

"We got bored and sent out for pizza. Want some?"

[long pause] "Extra pepperoni?"


"Launch approved. Let's eat."

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My first visit to every world in the solar system wasn't an unmanned probe, it was a manned landing mission. Go, Jeb, go!

My Eeloo return mission ended with a 13,000 m/s aerobrake at Kerbin. The G-meter pegged at 15+. I still get a chuckle out of that one. I wish I'd been recording it for posterity.

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My navigation/mission planning department is more than occasionally guilty of eyeballing sum delta-v requirements rather than pulling out an adding machine.

To be fair, in this save I'm not putting a Kerbal down on Eve until I'm reasonably certain I can get them back.

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