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The kerbal time capsule project


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The kerbal time capsule project!

I love the nostalgia feeling when you watch old KSP videos, and or look at the old textures and the old methods of travel.

I want this project to do all that, in one place at one time. This is how it will work:

1. You post screen shots and/or video clips of just moments in ksp, if they are beautiful, crazy (I'm looking at you, whackjob), or just things that you might miss in future versions, or maybe predictions for the future

2. After the countdown finishes I will ask one of the mods to lock the thread, if threads cannot be unlocked, simply let the thread be 'pushed' backwards towards the really old threads

3. in a much later version (0.40 or maybe even 1.0) I'll ask the same mods to unlock the thread and I will bump it back up to the first page

4. just like a time capsule, we will look at our pictures, and laugh at our predictions that were WAYYYYYYYY off.

5. Nostalgia

6. profit

So, if you would take a second or three of your time to just post a picture, or write a prediction, it would be much helpful

many thanks in advance. :D (the images/videos don't have to be from 0.21, just not before 0.17)

Here's a piece of 'first mun landing' type of music:


That should cause some nostalgia :)



(or when this thread reaches the 3rd page, then I'll assume it's sealed)

Edited by SpaceSphereOfDeath
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Okay, I'll play.

Remember the Kraken . . .


Oh beautiful cluster staged FPS killing monstrosities, How I abuse you!


What beautiful planes B9 makes . . .


Down the road, let us reflect on when aerodynamics didn't stop us from launching stuff all at once . . . like this:


And let us never forget the suicide machines we made in the good ole demo.


I think we should have this shut down and sealed when .22 comes out and then we can open it again when we hit either .45 (or thereabouts) or 1.0, whichever comes first.

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Thank you for the contribution, not sure if you posted before or after I updated the first page, but that last line is essentially what I said, the countdown is 20 days.

Just so this doesn't look like a mindless bump, here my prediction(s):

0.22: R&D and SCIENCE

0.23: money

0.24 better areodynamics



0.27 another 0.20

0.28 ^ ^

0.29 maybe, finally, no, it can't be done, I will not even dare to say it...


0.30: see 0.27

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My idea on what will happen in the updates

0.22 Science and R&D

0.23 Money and bug fixes

0.24 Hopefully Kethane like stuff

0.25 More bug fixes

0.26 Even more bug fixes

0.27 A huge amount of stuff such as missions and more

0.28 Bug fixes

0.29 More stuff for EVAs

0.30 More parts

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One day this will be a problem for aircraft...


One day the skies will look different, and perhaps the ground too. But this flag will maybe still be there...


One day the second runway may look entirely alien to now...


One day, Baumgartner'ing from outerspace might be more tricky...


One day, this mountain range might not be here, a few hundred km north of KSC...


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