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Jeb KerBoom

Have you hit something in orbit?  

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  1. 1. Have you hit something in orbit?

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I was launching an interplanetary missions and I uses the remainder of the fuel in my launch stage to get on an eclipse, and when I swung back for a second pass, I crashed straight into it, sheared off my injection stage and lander, and had to abort the mission.

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I detach a part of my rocket after docking with my nooby Kerbin space station then deorbit what's left. One time I forgot to leave fuel in the piece that was left so on another launch I hit it with what was left of another docked module. It didn't get destroyed :( This was a bit predictable since I made sure I got really close as to not miss it and I only had 4 lv909's on it.

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On my first docking attempt, i cruised about a yard from my intended target and sailed gracefully through 3 solar arrays. I then proceeded to notice that I had misplaced the solar arrays on my ship, and noted with much rage that they were floating among the other solar arrays. That was the first time that my station had to go dark through the night. :P

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While performing a rendezvous I underestimated the time it would take for me to decelerate to my target velocity. Unfortunately for me I am extremely good at arriving close to my stations and was on a direct collision course. I burned normal to my velocity vector and ended up missing my station by less than 10 m. Probably the closest call I've had to a collision.

Another close call was when I was burning for the Mun and I noticed something flash past my screen. I then realized a piece of debris had shot past me at probably 800 m/s and probably got within 500 m of me. I ended up freaking out more than Bob would have.:confused:

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I've never had a true collision but I've had several near misses with my tugs where after doing the burn to escape Mun orbit I nearly hit the payloads I had just delivered. With kerbals in them.

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actually just did this today.

After making a possible SSTM I decided to launch a rover to eve.(to save delta V I was going to wait for the mun to be in the right place) and knowing that eves window is in a retrograde orbit trajectory i went for a retro orbit.

now I am still making my interplanetary ship in a 90,000ish orbit and trying to save part count i put detachable RCS and prob body's on them leaving a small debris cloud around the station and it just happened as i was going up and circularizing a dead prob hit me square in the lower left fuel tank sending an engine out in to oblivion and me spinning like a top.:0.0: What are the sinking chances :mad:

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When doing my transposition for my Mun craft I fast fowarded time, didn't undo timewarp until my craft were clipping. Once physics took over, the Command module with three Kerbals was headed straight for Free-Return trajectory to Kerbin.

What was at first a disaster ended up being a cool show of the Free-Return trajectory

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One time I tried making an ASAT, it didn't work at first, but after a few hours, I smashed into my target satellite at 1500 m/s. Another time I whizzed past a spent upper stage at several kilometers per second while performing a solar ejection burn. I was only 500m away.

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Back away from space station.

Do stuff and things

Make 90° turn for retrograde burn, not realizing that apparently I rotated in reverse direction for about 90° during my absence

Somehow crash into space station @ 100 m/s

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On my old .18 Station I've had debris going at high speeds from a distance of 200 meters quite often, I've used to just leave stuff that I discard during the docking process in orbit. I've never had a real collision though.

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Just once. I was trying a different rendezvous method that would waste less fuel. Instead of killing relative velocity and then burning towards the target, I'd burn perpendicular to prograde, just enough to nudge the prograde vector back on top of the target. And you probably see this coming, but I got a little focused on aiming and not focused enough on my distance to the target, so I had a rather spectacular moderate-speed collision that meant I now had to send up a rescue mission to recover both crews because the station was no longer habitable (lost the solar panels) and the craft I was docking to it lost engines and its parachute.

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I was doing an apollo-style moon landing with the separate CSM/LM. My LM had come up, and successfully rendezvoused with the CSM. Everyone transferred over fine, and since my LM was just a lander-can, 4 solar panels, and a bunch of RCS, I undocked from it. I then time warped halfway around my munar orbit to eject into a kerbin intercept orbit with the least fuel, and by that point the tiny forces from docking had driven the LM far out of sight. So I started up my SM engine for TKI, and about 20 seconds later, BAM out of the blue my totally-forgotten-about LM comes crashing into my rocket. Luckily it directly impacted the SM not the command pod, so Ed, Ademy, and Shepdorf were alive, but left in a wildly spinning command capsule with just a docking port and a decoupler attached, surrounded by a cloud of debris. Bill, Bob, and Jebediah went up and saved them though. Probably my finest hour in KSP too :P

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Yesterday i was moving a Lander Kethane Drilling drone whit a crew module (that was attached to it on the VAB) to Minmus it couldnt dock whit the cargo to the space station and the crew module was not fitted to return so i had no choice and go to the Minmus Station to prevent a rescue operation the Lander (Actually still attached to the trasnfer stage) was not visible when i could perform a Maneuver to Minmus, suddenly when i see it almost crashes whit me at 2800 m/s, it was terrifying but atleast it just passed from a side harmless.

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