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[0.23] Squad Texture Reduction Pack - B9 and KW Packs also


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Working on a way to cleanly get .tga textures to return neatly into .mbm after resizing. This should solve any issues with the wonky installer batch file, then I can just do clean overwrites.

So far, not much success but I'm getting closer with each try...you can blame InfiniteDice and his new submarine parts for further delays on my part, I shall be chilling on the ocean floor for a bit.

Edited by PolecatEZ
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Just rename all mbm to raw, import to photoshop with a 20byte header and appropriate channels, choose to keep the header. Resize, save; PS handles the header. Then rename to mbm.

I'll give it a whirl, I was using custom header's excised from .tga and .mbm files for each scenario (size and alpha channel), pasted in with a hex editor. We'll see if this works.

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Oh geez.

Almost every time I see a new mod I end up having to run WinDirStat and find some part in another mod that I'm not using so I can delete it. Every time I do this, I glare angrily at the giant wasteful swath that is the stock parts (3 1024 textures for the LANDING GEAR? Really!?). I noticed a while back that someone had made a tool to extract MBM files and immediately thought of shrinking down the stock textures but never had the time to get around to it.

I am so glad someone beat me to it.

Hopefully now I can go back to using full-res textures in the options. I don't even have that many mods I don't think (gamedata folder is 1.4 gb, before applying this pack) but running at full-res guarantees an out-of-memory crash within 5 minutes.

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I am very excited about this, thanks to the authors, but...

So, ok, I know it mentions not noticing visible difference in quality. But before i try these packs i really would like to hear people who usually play at max settings share their opinion on it.

Does it look worse? I would love to get such huge reductions in memory usage, I use a ton of mods, don't get me wrong.

But I also don't want to lose graphics quality, the game is not so pretty anyways. I wouldn't want my textures to become smudged which would only make the jagged edges on some low-poly parts more visible.

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I run one notch down from max on quality, and have anti-aliasing off. Haven't noticed anything other than the heat glow on the Mainsail and Skipper is a lighter shade, doesn't start out a dull red and quickly goes up to almost white.

The smaller engines heat glow looks the same.

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smunistro asked about _max_, though.

If you run on max, most of the textures will now be as if you were running on one step down from max.

Also, transparency, specular highlighs, etc, will be gone (unless PoleCatEZ started leaving the alpha channels in).

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smunistro asked about _max_, though.

If you run on max, most of the textures will now be as if you were running on one step down from max.

Also, transparency, specular highlighs, etc, will be gone (unless PoleCatEZ started leaving the alpha channels in).

I'm a little busy now with other things, but in the .22 re-release I'll be taking another look at alpha channels. As well, I cracked the code on a few other file sizes so the overall savings will break even, but with a much better look. I also have the Kethane textures *mostly* done, but will also hold off until Majiir releases his next update so installation will be a lot easier. I think the plan is for him to use full-sized .tga's on his next release and then I'll put out the lower rez version. I just couldn't get the .raw method to work reliably unfortunately, maybe it worked 1 in 5 or 6 times, and then not that well.

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I just wanna express my appreciation for this pack. I was getting so frustrated with KSP because it was taking up 3.5gb ram on startup so it would crash after a few minutes of playing. I didn't want to get rid of KW or B9 because I use them on almost every craft I make. After getting the new version of KW and using your Squad and B9 texture reductions, it brought the ram usage down to 2.5gb on startup and the game doesn't crash anymore! Thank you!

Edited by BahamutoD
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With raw, how was it erroring out? Never seen that before. Were all the parameters right on import?

After telling it the proper parameters PS will tell me the file size is wrong for the resoution. If I set it to a single channel, it will finally produce an image, but its basically garbage (offset shadows of the original image, in different colors). There doesn't seem to be a way to force PS to open the image with the settings I input, it insists that its the wrong file size/dimensions/channels regardless of what combination is put in.

I'll get a screenshot up of what I'm talking about in a few.

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can you do Bobcat's soviet and american packs next? i love that you're doing texture reductions because now i can actually read the sticky notes in the stock cupola because of this pack so thank you for your work on this

I'm not sure how reducing the textures did that for you, unless you can play with a higher resolution overall now. BobCat needs to license his shiznit one way or another before I can think about it. Even with that, the American pack is already in good shape I think, the textures seem fairly efficient already and shrinking a few of them won't give that much advantage overall. The Soviet pack could definitely use some work, but they're in .mbm, which means an awkward installer and a lot of effort. After Kethane, I won't be touching anything without an open SA clause on the license, even with permission. There's still lots I want to do, like to start an online resource center for beginning modders, I'm just knee-deep in mid-term finals right now.

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I have a simple offer.

This should work on all UNIX systems supporting bash, and is practically maintenance free.



chmod +x reduce.sh # (if that is what you named it)
./reduce.sh [Path to KSP directory, use quotes if contains spaces] [Name of Directory to Search, eg. Squad or B9_Aerospace; use quotes for safety]


./reduce.sh "~/KSP" "Squad"
./reduce.sh "~/Desktop/KSP" "B9_Aerospace"

Place the script inside the GameData folder or Gameplay folder (dunno why it's named as such) for the Squad pack.



I have no idea how to use the retarded crap that is batch files. Someone with more patience, please convert this to reduce the pain that over 80% of the population already experience.

This should be useful for anybody and everybody, since it doesn't require maintaining a list of changed files. I'm all for automatic stuff (:

Note: I'm not liable for any damages done to your KSP installation. If anything goes awry, those using Steam can just repair game files and redownload mods.

Those not using it (like me), please do yourself a favour and make a copy of the GameData folder before using.

I've used it on myself a bunch of times now, and nothing seems to go wrong.

WILL spam terminal/stdout, be aware.

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After Kethane, I won't be touching anything without an open SA clause on the license, even with permission.

May I ask why? Very few mods use that license, as most modders don't like other people distributing their files without permission. I just think it might be very restrictive.

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May I ask why? Very few mods use that license, as most modders don't like other people distributing their files without permission. I just think it might be very restrictive.

There are plenty that have reverted to or have an open license. My own opinion on the matter is that free is free, and I follow Squad's example for this. If money isn't involved, "controls" and "permission" doesn't make a lot of sense. You won't convince me that the community benefits or creativity is enhanced when you restrict anyone's freedom to create as a general principle. Squad sells their initial software at a reasonable price because their developers because engines cost money, servers need maintained, and full-time developers need to eat. I've actually purchased 7 copies happily. The assets for the game, however, are free as free. You can check out questioncopyright.org for position papers and history of copyright if you're really interested in this subject. CC 3.0 SA is a very big step in the right direction. I will support it any way I can.

There are a number of mods that are free to use as a basis for creating other works, forks, derivations, etc, with proper credit to the author and Spaceport hosting as the lowest common stipulations (GPL 3 or CC3.0 SA), including KW, RemoteTech, Lionhead Aerospace, Ferram Aerospace, KSP Interstellar, NovaPunch, B9 Aerospace, FusTek Expansion, ISA Mapsat, MechJeb 1 and 2, Mod Admin, FireSpitter (parts only, nd for plugin), KOS scripting, Hyperedit, AEIS Rocketry, KAS (plugin sourcecode only), Wolf Pack, Spherical Tanks, Damned/Infernal Robotics, my own stuff and quite a few others. Always check out specific licenses for details. Please support these modders by downloading their stuff so they get the "bump" effect, and also by not abusing too badly the freedom they gave you to deconstruct, supplement, and recycle their stuff.

I highly recommend trying to work with the author first, not out of "permissions" sake, but so you aren't just doing a worse version of what they already plan, for example. Since its still necessary to credit the creators, I don't see any need for a modder to worry about someone wholly stealing his stuff and just reposting it.

There are more that could/would be free if their developers had thought to put a license, as the "default" is max copyright. A few vocal modders don't wish to share their toys openly, and that's fine, but I won't support them any further than already promised - and as you can see from the list above, they are hardly "most modders."

This is my own policy, full debates have been done elsewhere (here) and probably won't serve much purpose if repeated. If other modders wish, a better place to post their own positions on this subject is probably in their own respective threads.

Can this be done with Novapunch too ?

(the 2. big "Regular parts" Mod ? (Next to B9))

It can but it isn't a huge priority. The main reason Novapunch is so big is because it has a lot of parts, the textures are fairly efficient for most parts already. If you want to reduce the load of NP, I suggest just deleting out unused parts or redundant parts from other packs (such as adapters, fairings, some engines, some fuel tanks, etc). I personally like the nice mix of KW, Firespitter, and AIES, with just a few supplemental parts from NovaPunch. I would love to see someone do a texture pack so I could get a unified look, however, possibly using the B9 textures as a basis so my whole space program looks consistent. To each his own.

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Hmm, i found possible bug. After loading ship in orbit, and then returning to Space Center i can't click on buildings in scenery view. Only thing i can click on is 'Quit' button :/ And when i'm in the Main Menu screen i can't click on anything either. To leave the game i have to use alt+F4.

That's happened to me too, but I just found this mod and have yet to install it.

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Just wanted to jump in here and help out my fellow Mac users.

First thing's first, we need to understand and remember that Macs don't have the ability to merge folders. It's not native. So when the instructions say "replace/overwrite destination folder with new folder," it's assuming that the filesystem will merge the files and not replace the folders. Replacing the folders means that you lose data. Not good.

The solution to getting this working correctly on a Mac is to do the following, in order.

FWIW: I have the game installed in Applications/KSP_osx/KSP.app.

STEP 1: Download and extract the texture pack.

Hopefully you don't need help here.

STEP 2: Open the new folder containing the texture pack. As of 0.1, it's called "Gameplay."

STEP 3: Rename the folder inside from "Squad" to "SquadFrom".

Inside the Gameplay folder, you should now have the following:

Instructions and License.txt


STEP 4: Copy and paste the SquadFrom directory into your GameData folder.

Since my game is installed in my applications folder, I would copy it to the following:


You should now be in your GameData folder and see both a Squad folder *and* the new SquadFrom folder.

STEP 5: Create a new file called 'debloat.sh.'

Stick it right there in your GameData folder next to your other folders. Open it up in TextEdit, or whatever editor you kids are using these days, and copy and paste the following into it:


rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/advancedCanard/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/advancedCanard/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/Ailerons/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneTail/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneTail/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/CanardController/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/CanardController/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/deltaWing/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/deltaWing/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/NoseCone/model000.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/noseConeAdapter/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/noseConeAdapter/model001.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/noseConeAdapter/model002.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/rocketNoseCone/model000.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/standardNoseCone/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/standardNoseCone/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/sweptWing/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/sweptWing/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/tailfin/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/tailfin/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/wingConnector/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/wingConnector/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet2/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet2/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/advSasModule/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/avionicsNoseCone/model000.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/landerCabinSmall/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/landerCabinSmall/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mark1Cockpit/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mark1Cockpit/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/mark3Cockpit/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/mark3Cockpit/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCabin/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCabin/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex/ksp_m_hexProbe_diff.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex/ksp_m_hexProbe_normal.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreSphere/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreSphere/model000a.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackLarge/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackLarge/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackSmall/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackSmall/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/seatExternalCmd/model000.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Electrical/largeSolarPanel/model000.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels1/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels3/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/engineLargeSkipper/ksp_l_midrangeEngine_fairing_norm.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/JetEngine/model000.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model001.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model003.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model004.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1-2/model001.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1-2/model003.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2/model003.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2-2/model002.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine3/engine3.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine3/engine3_n.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMini/ksp_m_liquidEngine_diff.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMini/ksp_m_liquidEngine_norm.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMini/ksp_m_liquidFuelEngine_fairing_norm.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/nuclearEngine/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/nuclearEngine/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster1-1/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/toroidalAerospike/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/toroidalAerospike/model001.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/toroidalAerospike/model002.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/turboFanEngine/model000.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank1-2/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank1-2/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank2-2/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank4-2/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank4-2/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmall/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1Fuselage/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1Fuselage/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Fuselage/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2SpacePlaneAdapter/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2SpacePlaneAdapter/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3spacePlaneAdapter/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3spacePlaneAdapter/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSTank1-2/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSTank1-2/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankMini/ksp_m_rcsTank_diff.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankMini/ksp_m_rcsTank_normal.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankRadialLong/ksp_r_rcsCylTank_diff.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/toroidalFuelTank/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/toroidalFuelTank/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTank/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTank/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTankRadial/ksp_r_xenonTank_diff.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/nacelleBody/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/nacelleBody/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/radialEngineBody/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/radialEngineBody/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/smallHardpoint/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/smallHardpoint/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/stationHub/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/stationHub/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPylon/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPylon/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralWing/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralWing/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/airScoop/model000.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/CircularIntake/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/CircularIntake/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort1/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort1/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort2/model000.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLarge/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLarge/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLateral/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLateral/model001.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLateral/model002.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/LandingLeg/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/LandingLeg/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/parachute_single/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/parachute_single/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/ramAirIntake/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/ramAirIntake/model001.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/ramAirIntake/model002.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/roverBody/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/stackSeparator/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/stackSeparator/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadder/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel2/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel3/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel3/model001.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/model001.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/model002.*

rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model000.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model001.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model002.*
rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model003.*

rm -f Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/*.cfg
rm -f Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/*.cfg
rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/*.cfg
rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/*.cfg
rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/*.cfg
rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/*.cfg
rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/*.cfg
rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/*.cfg
rm -f Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/*.cfg

rm -f Squad/Spaces/Common/*.mbm
rm -f Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/*.mbm
rm -f Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/*.mbm
rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/*.mbm
rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/*.mbm
rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/*.mbm
rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/*.mbm
rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/*.mbm
rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/*.mbm
rm -f Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/*.mbm

rm -f Squad/Spaces/Common/*.png
rm -f Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/*.png
rm -f Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/*.png
rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/*.png
rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/*.png
rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/*.png
rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/*.png
rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/*.png
rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/*.png
rm -f Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/*.png

rm -f Squad/Spaces/Common/*.tga
rm -f Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/*.tga
rm -f Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/*.tga
rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/*.tga
rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/*.tga
rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/*.tga
rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/*.tga
rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/*.tga
rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/*.tga
rm -f Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/*.tga

STEP 6: Open up Terminal and navigate to your GameData folder.

Once in your GameData folder, type in the following commands in order:

  • chmod 700 debloat.sh
  • ./debloat.sh
  • rsync -avh SquadFrom/* Squad/

If it asks you for your password during any of these steps, obviously enter in your password. If you don't have sufficient permissions to run, then prepend the word sudo to the commands and try again.

After you type in the rsync command, your terminal window will fill with a bunch of file folder names. Once it's back to the terminal prompt, you're all set.

Go back to your GameData folder in Finder and delete the SquadFrom folder. Empty your trash.

Verify the Squad Texture Pack installed correctly by right-clicking your Squad folder and clicking Get Info. Notice that it's 200-300mb lighter than before.

STEP 7: Profit.

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