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[WIP] Nert's Dev Thread - Current: various updates


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The Station Cores could use some Monopropellant. Would help with sleeker designs and justify their size.

EDIT: Also the radial Cupola's attachment point is too low, creating a gap when used as a stacked part. Also the docking modules (or at least the 1.25m one) would benefit from radial attachment, as adding a radial attachment point plus the docking module just makes it stick out too much.

Edited by CaptRobau
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Side question: I noticed that you are a contributor for Karbonite, which I have now installed, and I feel it works well alongside Near Future Technologies. However, the distillery currently allows the conversion of Karbonite to Xenon, but not Argon of Hydrogen. This provides an unbalanced advantage to Xenon over your other lovely ion & plasma engines. Perhaps you could include a ModuleManager file in NFT to add Argon and Hydrogen conversion to the Karbonite distillery? Also, while I'm on the subject, said distillery is one of the less attractive models in Karbonite, and it bothers me that the 2.5m distillery is just a re-size of the 1.25m version. Given that the distillery is of particular relevance to the relationship between NFT and Karbonite, it would be wonderful to have a new & improved distillery created by you, if it strikes your interest.

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I changed up my Karbonite install pretty much, removing the Karbonite - LFO conversion and added Argon/LiquidHydrogen conversion. Took a look at the density of Karbonite and LH2 to get a somewhat realistic conversion going, assuming Karbonite is some hydrocarbon-like substance.

Also assuming that there was just as much Argon by weight dissolved in it, the conversion gives you half or double that of the Xenon conversion, can't remember right now.

I can whip up a quick MM patch if you would like.

Edited by Floppster
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The Station Cores could use some Monopropellant. Would help with sleeker designs and justify their size.

EDIT: Also the radial Cupola's attachment point is too low, creating a gap when used as a stacked part. Also the docking modules (or at least the 1.25m one) would benefit from radial attachment, as adding a radial attachment point plus the docking module just makes it stick out too much.

Thanks, things like these are good to know. Generally, I don't intend on radial attachment for these - if you need a flush port, just add a stock Clamp-O-Tron.


Side question: I noticed that you are a contributor for Karbonite, which I have now installed, and I feel it works well alongside Near Future Technologies. However, the distillery currently allows the conversion of Karbonite to Xenon, but not Argon of Hydrogen. This provides an unbalanced advantage to Xenon over your other lovely ion & plasma engines. Perhaps you could include a ModuleManager file in NFT to add Argon and Hydrogen conversion to the Karbonite distillery? Also, while I'm on the subject, said distillery is one of the less attractive models in Karbonite, and it bothers me that the 2.5m distillery is just a re-size of the 1.25m version. Given that the distillery is of particular relevance to the relationship between NFT and Karbonite, it would be wonderful to have a new & improved distillery created by you, if it strikes your interest.

Yeah I do plan to do some more Karbonite models at some point. I did have a 1.25m converter almost done...


I also kinda wanted to do some particular NFT parts using Karbonite as a backend at some point. However I have so many modeling things on the list at the moment that I don't know when it'll happen

Nice, looks really stock-like.

Your plan of the rotation plugin for the docking port got my attention, that will be an addition that is really needed in the game.

Yeah it was less immediately simple than I thought it was, so it won't be in the first release :P

Here's a start on three of the Part 2 parts, the 3.75->2.5 and 1.25 adapters and a try at the 3.75m crew module


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I got one for you.

The same basic shape as your 2.5m extended crew module (using the image you posted as a reference).


I think it would be best to keep the outside simple as you wont be growing plants on the outside and focus on the IVA.

Perhaps some larger full length window at 90 and 270 degrees (hatch is a 0 degrees) to give it a bit of 'greenhouse' flavoring.

For the IVA I am thinking something like this (disregard the irresponsible space gardener :P):


The current hitchhiker IVA has a 6 sided interior, same as the image above. You could reuse, alter and rearrange the existing assets from that IVA to create the basis. The only assets you would need to create are the "plantbox" and some props. Kerbals can be arranged in their seats near the plants.

Hope it helps and liking where you are taking this!

That would be an awesome IVA kinda looks like the TARDIS hallways c2dcff517f1c52a3585eb123ba93cb4a

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You seem to have a predilection for windows.

I do like windows.

Anyways, this is almost ready for first stage release, with the exception of IVAs. I'm leaning towards not doing or just blocking them out for the first go.

Are there any other major bugs (bad colliders etc) remaining that people have seen? How are the costs? Masses?

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You know what I realized? The 1.25m radial airlock looks surprisingly good on the sides of the observation pod, replacing its normal hatches. The resulting assembly makes a pretty neat "station hub", even if you can't dock anything to it unless it has docking ports.

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V1 will only ship with blocked out IVAs. I need to hunker down and do a large number of new props before I can pull them off as I'd like to. My free time ends pretty soon too (really should be studying for that LSAT thing...).

Will try to get the beta release out later today or tomorrow.

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I think some low-profile, squarish radial docking port for construction purposes would suit your packs pretty well. I imagined that there could be a two port version, that features two of those docking ports to easily allign radial tanks for interplanetary ships.

Would that be possible?

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Wait what, law school? :o Why aren't you in game art or design? I mean, you were making your own game on the side, no?

After a year attempting to find game design work, I am broke and am sure that it would kill my enjoyment of it :(. I'm not good enough for any studio to want to hire me.

So, new props! As of next update, the props in NF Spacecraft are getting split out to their own modder-useable pack which will be used both in NF Spacecraft and the Station Parts Expansion. Part of the plan here is to move as many pieces of the IVAs as possible to props (really, any that look good without AO) to aid reusability and such.


Adding an IVA-style hatch with hinges and an actual Other Side , a variant on the EVA hatch with a wheel (planned use: 3.75m Hitchhiker's compartments). Also making a Porkjet style internal EVA hatch. As that's going stock, I might as well match it.

In addition, a number of general props for the cockpits and habitation areas are coming along. Part of the plan here is to have a texture sheet full of variants for the post-it and the signs/papers to allow maximum reusability with minimum texture space usage. Statements about the coffee mug being silly will be violently ignored.


In the works are also 2-3 new seat types for flight and recreation. I appreciate any suggestions if you're someone who likes to play around with IVAs. Things I like: "a light switch". Things I don't like: "that specific button from the ISS/LEM/Apollo capsule". I'm not looking to make accurate stuff, I'm looking to expand the stockish prop selection.

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