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[0.23] World Space 0.5a4


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So far checking this thread once every two hours hasn't made the update come out any faster.

Fantastic work sir.

LOL I know, My thoughts are telling me PM him ask about an update, But my brain is saying shut up idiot he will post when its done!!

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Cant wait for the full Apollo Spacecraft!!!!!!!

Seriously... I cant believe it has taken this long for someone to make a actual proper Saturn V with CSM/LM for doing a REAL Apollo-esque moon mission.... This is one thing the game was seriously lacking and i cant wait untill this is finished.. probably the most anticipated mod for me at the moment besides a B9 update (:rolleyes:)

No pressure, make it perfect, but for the love of Kod (see what i did there?) let me play with it.. lol..


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Another thing i would like to add before i forget it... i was watching your video for the CSM launch, and i took to note that it just had a large power supply, and no way to recharge it. (unless i overlooked something)... The real CSM used a hydrogen fuel cell (three to be exact) to recharge the batteries on a cycle that the astronauts changed between auto, and manual charging modes, and also a battery selector to choose what bank to charge... May i toss a reccomendation to you that before the release of this CSM\LM you think about maybe cutting down on the stored power in the CSM, use a built in generator (fuel cell) that trickle charges your batteries at a cost of hydrogen fue,l all user toggled, .. balance it obviously to suit, but i think it would add a great deal of real depth into your mod.... if your going to go to the effort to make it look so beautiful (which you have) you might as well throw as much real gear into it as you can.. Give us 'realism' and 'history' buff players something really special to sink our teeth into...

Iono, just a thought from a guy that plays way too much of this game.. lol... keep up the good work.


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Another thing i would like to add before i forget it... i was watching your video for the CSM launch, and i took to note that it just had a large power supply, and no way to recharge it. (unless i overlooked something)... The real CSM used a hydrogen fuel cell (three to be exact) to recharge the batteries on a cycle that the astronauts changed between auto, and manual charging modes, and also a battery selector to choose what bank to charge... May i toss a reccomendation to you that before the release of this CSM\LM you think about maybe cutting down on the stored power in the CSM, use a built in generator (fuel cell) that trickle charges your batteries at a cost of hydrogen fue,l all user toggled, .. balance it obviously to suit, but i think it would add a great deal of real depth into your mod.... if your going to go to the effort to make it look so beautiful (which you have) you might as well throw as much real gear into it as you can.. Give us 'realism' and 'history' buff players something really special to sink our teeth into...

Iono, just a thought from a guy that plays way too much of this game.. lol... keep up the good work.


FASA has fuel cells for its Mercury and Gemini capsules, shouldn't be too difficult

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FASA has fuel cells for its Mercury and Gemini capsules, shouldn't be too difficult

Right.. i use FASA, but not only its fuel cells, but its reaction wheels are powered with monopropellant, not fuel. Im sure thats just a easy change of a string or two of code (i wouldnt know, im far from a modder), but i wanted to make sure to point out it was monoprop, not fuel in FASA that powers the genny...


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Well done! and i'm thinking about to kill my own CSM. I have in production a LEM, ROVER, CSM, APOLLO-SOUZ docking device, only LEM and its IVA is finished and in testing by Frizzank now, and it took more time than i supposed at start.

dont think that many copies of one historical prototype is a good idea.

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No, keep working on your CSM. Lovad is making everything scaled correctly, Frizzank fudges proportions to force parts into KSP sizes. Your CSM would be needed for FASA.

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No, keep working on your CSM. Lovad is making everything scaled correctly, Frizzank fudges proportions to force parts into KSP sizes. Your CSM would be needed for FASA.

The Apollo CSM, when scaled for 64 %, will be exactly 2.5 meters. But still, I think you should keep working on yours, Denny.

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The Apollo CSM, when scaled for 64 %, will be exactly 2.5 meters. But still, I think you should keep working on yours, Denny.

my LEM natively is in right scale too and just scaled in CFG for FASA. (0.55 for enter in FASA conical fairing)

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I did not make the cover at the moment. Since its shooting into trouble, resulting in the destruction of CM

I was able to make a pretty nice bpc using Procedural Fairings. It takes a lot of patience to get it just right though. Still, a fully modeled bpc would be AMAZING to have fore realism nerds like myself.

Edited by Walsht9
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2 DennyTX

You get a great lunar module, a very beautiful model and laborious work. Take off my hat to you. But as work on Saturn and the lunar programI started long ago I want to finish it. Especially since we do all of these modes for people.

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The next update's new parts are working well. Until Lovad finishes the lander I will do some tests with DennyTX's FASA LEM. So all in all the Saturn I-B and Saturn V has almost been finished.

Is there a way I can make DennyTX's docking cone of the lem to work with the docking probe from Lovad's CSM?

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Sorry for not responding earlier (had exams), but your CSM and Saturn V has some very bad bugs. First, the RCS blocks are fused with the spacecraft, which means they can't roll it. This is very bad and causes bugs. Second, you're missing the BPC from the Apollo. Third, your LES is very bad. It does not have a tower jettison motor (located about halfway up the tower), nor a pitch control motor: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Apollo_Pad_Abort_Test_-2.jpg

Also, your S-IVB is missing it's APS blocks (here: http://www.spaceaholic.com/csimages/cssaturn_aps_diagram.gif) and you don't have ullage motors, too. Finally, the first stage decouples wrong, it should decouple the fuel tank first, then the interstage shroud a few second after that.

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your CSM and Saturn V has some very bad bugs


First, the RCS blocks are fused with the spacecraft, which means they can't roll it. This is very bad and causes bugs

In what an error if the SRC engines come with a model CM module? Orientation engines are working and spacecraft to make complex maneuvers

First, the RCS blocks are fused with the spacecraft, which means they can't roll it. This is very bad and causes bugs

Testers were not informed me of such errors may be they are not present?

Third, your LES is very bad. It does not have a tower jettison motor (located about halfway up the tower), nor a pitch control motor

LES works great and takes the ship. Making an authentic copy of sizes up to a millimeter I do not see any reason, and factory drawings related I have not.

Also, your S-IVB is missing it's APS blocks (here: http://www.spaceaholic.com/csimages/...ps_diagram.gif) and you don't have ullage motors, too. Finally, the first stage decouples wrong, it should decouple the fuel tank first, then the interstage shroud a few second after that.

I am sorry but there is a virus!

KSP game about a non-existent planet. Sense to do me one hundred percent with the model doing a lot of polygons on crooked game engine Unity? If you want a real Saturn-5, you either Orbiter, or Nasa. KSP is not the a little bit game where you have 100% accuracy.

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Well, I planned to inform you of this problem, but got bogged down by exams and university buraucracy. The CSM can manouver, but only because it has reaction wheels. It doesn't maneuver like the real CSM, and I've seem the RCS occasionally reverse on similarly configured parts (inline RCS are bad news, generally speaking). I can send you LES schematics if you want: http://georgesrockets.com/Scale/DATA/Joe_GIFs/LittleJoe-FAI-1-39.5.gif

It's for the Little Joe, which is the rocket that was used to test the Apollo LES system, but all important parts are the same.

Oh, and Unity can take lots of polygons and lots of separate models. APS blocks, retros and ullage motors are very important for mods like Engine Ignitor, which make it harder to ignite an engine without them. Right now, the rocket is much too simple.

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