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Good gods' name for naming rocket?


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Since most of the (US) rockets/lauchers are named after deities (Atlas, Thor(-Agena)) or mythical creatures (Centaur, Titan), I decided to name my rockets in KSP after gods from several mythologies. I searched gods with name that inspire power and/or with functions that match the rocket one. For example, if I make a rocket to Moho, I could name it Hephaestus, since it's the god of metalworking and thus, the heat.

Until now, here's some gods which particularly interested me:

Heimdallr, guardian of the bridge that separates the human world and the Asgard

Baldr, a well-beloved god of the Asgard

Hermod, messenger of the god (the equivalent of Hermes in the Asgard)

Athena, goddes of wisdom, science and arts


Poseidon, god of the sea, earthquakes, storms and horses :rolleyes:

Qetesh, goddess of fertility

Thoth, god of knowledge and wisdom

Atljira, sky god of the Arrernte people (Aboriginal)

Bagadjimbiri, 2 creator gods (who are brothers)

Eingana, creator goddess, mother of all water, animals and humans

Karora, creator god

Ranginui, sky god (maori)

Tangaora, polynesian god of the Oceans, sea and fishes (like Poseidon)

Orenda, iroquoian spirit

This is a (very) short list of gods that interested me so far. I didn't have the time to do an extensive search, but do you have any that could have easily made this list? It will be very appreciated :)

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I went the Indian route with my own program, inspired in part by one of Arthur C. Clarke's famous works.

Krishna - one-kerb capsule, initial orbital flights

Rama - three-kerb capsule, advanced orbital and munar missions. "The Ramans do everything in threes."

Sita - lander, companion to Rama, tested but not actually flown (yet)

Working now on further revisions to the Veda interplanetary vessel, to be assembled in orbit from a Brahma command/hab module, a Vishnu service module, and Shiva (nuclear) engine module.

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Setesh -- Sort of a weird portfolio due to changes in worship, so he can be seen as both a protector and a destroyer. The desert aspect sounds appropriate for Duna. Also, storm gods are always appropriate for KSP...

Ereshkigal -- a deity of both law and death, 'nuff said.

$greek_nymph. There are tons to choose from, though I suppose they would make better spacecraft names?

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I've started using Hylian (Legend of Zelda) deity names.

Din (goddess of power) for lifters

Farore (goddess of courage) for manned upper stages

Nayru (goddess of wisdom) for probes

Tetra (number four) for tugs

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My heavy rocket is the only one I have which bears the name of a god:

Vulcan, named after the god of fire who is said to reside within Mt. Vesuvius.

I figured that is a pretty epic name, really. Volcanoes explode (violence of explosion determined by the type of lava) epicly, and this rocket has epic lifting ability. It works :P

That said, it isn't the only thing in-game that has taken the name of a god. I had Odysseus ODS-037, which flew to Jool, but that wasn't a rocket, it was an interplanetary cruiser.

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  Kommitz said:




I don't know why ancient pantheistic gods get all the usage :)

because UKSS Jesus doesent have the same zing to it... or something...

JEEEEEEBUUUUS IS COMMING!!!! would also be the catchphrase every time the ship does anything.

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I have a system of association for all of the planets/moons in the game, to associate them with greek gods.

Moho - Hermes, messenger god, Greek counterpart to Mercury

Eve - Aphrodite, goddess of love, counterpart to Venus

Duna - Ares, god of war, counterpart to Mars

Dres - Hestia, goddess of the hearth, equivalent to Vesta

Jool - Kronos, leader of the Titans, analogous to Saturn

Eeloo - Eos, titan of the dawn, counterpart to Aurora

Mun - Artemis, goddess of the Moon

Minmus - Apollo, Artemis' brother

Gilly - Hephaestus, god of metalworking, husband of Aphrodite

Ike - Athena, goddess of planning and strategy, sister to Ares

Laythe - Posiedon, god of the sea

Vall - Hera, wife of Zeus, goddess of women and marriage

Tylo - Zeus, Cronus' son, leader of the gods, god of sky and thunder

Bop - Dionysus, god of frovolity and winemaking, general troublemaker

Pol - Demeter, goddess of the harvest

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  pxi said:
I'm biased, but Eris deserves a mention. She is, after all the goddess of chaos.

I named my first duna rover Eris because she liked to travel with mars/ares, the god of war. Her name cursed me - my mun gravity boost failed, one of my rover's wheels popped and fell off upon landing, and it flipped over and blew up while rolling down a hill. :P

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My own preference is to avoid pretentiousness entirely. If I'm likely to do any sort of theme naming, it will be in pun form. Favorites of that include the Dunaverse, the Eeloosive, the Alpaca Lips, and of course my in-game space tourism company Escape Velocity.

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