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Constellation Space Program - Three Part Challenge

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  capi3101 said:
No other mission objectives remaining.

Only got one stop left with this challenge......it's been a good one so far.

Wow a six-crew lander, kneeling rover deployment, bug-like designs.. awesome! Haha.. "Gimme Boosters or Gimme Death" is very kerbal. :)

Can't wait to see what you build to get out to Vall. Oh, am I plugging my latest challenge...? :wink:

  capi3101 said:
Plan is for the same lander design to serve as the Kerbin Return Vehicle for the Duna mission.

Your design is sound. Carry on. :)

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  Death Engineering said:
Haha.. "Gimme Boosters or Gimme Death" is very kerbal. :)

I imagine if Jeb had known most folks were going to opt for "Gimme Death", he might've picked a different callsign...

  Death Engineering said:
Can't wait to see what you build to get out to Vall. Oh, am I plugging my latest challenge...? :wink:

Oof. I've never been out towards Jool before.

Of course, this could be a good time to go. I've got a probe headed out that way already...

  Death Engineering said:
Your design is sound. Carry on. :)

Oh good. Launched the lander bits yesterday; hadn't left Kerbin orbit yet. Going to wait until I get closer to the launch window before sending up the Constipation XI crew.

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  Death Engineering said:
Some great leaps forward in this press release! Looking forward to seeing your crew land on Duna. :)

Thanks! :) Hoping I can manage accurate landings on Duna too.

Also I think you mis-tallied the research points in the total by giving me 50 instead of 40 after the one post, and then not applying the +30 from the post following that.

Edited by Istas
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Press Release Potato.zip

The Sun Watching Orbital Telescope has been launched atop an Ares V, achieving a solarsynchronous orbit with 1,508,043km Ap and 1,508,039km Pe (+2). This important telescope will observe the output of the Sun for its potential impact on interplanetary Kerbonauts.

An unkerbaled Altair Munar lander was launched atop an Ares V and KDS and guided to land next to an interesting looking triple crater on the Mun (+2), showing a successful run of the automated guidance units aboard. Next, an unkerbaled Orion was launched atop an Altair lander and KDS (with the Orion in an inverted, pre-docked position due to no Kerbonauts on board needing the LES); the Altair demonstrated its ability to brake both the Orion and itself into a polar orbit, and then landed in the Mun's northern polar region, all without using any fuel from the Orion (+2).

Six Kerbonauts in an Orion rendezvoused with an Altair in LKO, then transferred to Munar orbit and landed within 40m of the tri-crater lander (+3), showing the piloting skill evident after months of Kerbonaut training. All four of the mini-rovers were made use of; the Kerbonauts report that absolutely no jousting competitions took place, and that there was an anomaly with the function of two of the rovers which, completely by themselves, rolled up over the raised edge of the tri-crater before rolling end-over-end and coming to rest near the bottom. All six intrepid explorers were then returned safely to Kerbin (+2).

Two more Altairs were sent to the Mun as well: a normal lander/return, and an Outpost variant with a two-seat pressurized rover; this will provide living space for an ongoing settlement on the Mun, to perform lots and lots of Science. To be useful, they needed to be landed within 100m of each other. To multiply the usefulness, the Tri-Crater base was chosen as the landing area; the Munbase landers were landed within 100m of the previous Tri-Crater landers (+5). There are now four 3-seat micro-rovers, one 2-seat pressurized rover, cabin-space for 21 kerbonauts (providing ample room for a smaller contingent), and some spare micro-rover parts located at the bottom of the nearby tri-crater.

The Science being performed at the Tri-Crater base, and the data gathered in the landings, will assist and inform the upcoming Duna missions, slated to begin post-haste as soon as the engineers find more duct-tape and zipties.

Thank you all for your time. Any inquiries may be directed to GEE's PR department.

(Altair descent stage science: +1 for each science-equipped Altair landed, max +3: +3)

(Mission Points: +14, Science Points: +5)

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  Istas said:
Thanks! :) Hoping I can manage accurate landings on Duna too.

Also I think you mis-did the research points in the total by giving me 50 instead of 40 after the one post, and then not applying the +30 from the post following that.

Completely possible. What is your score as of the latest update?

  Istas said:

(Altair descent stage science: +1 for each science-equipped Altair landed, max +3: +3)

(Mission Points: +14, Science Points: +5)

I like that landing site.. might have to go have a look. Great landings, too! 100m sounds like a long ways until you're trying to land three craft within that perimeter. :)

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If I count correctly I think I have all the design points (totaling 70), 31 mission points, and 5 science.

And yeah, that multi-crater is really neat; I just stumbled upon it by accident. I tend not to really pay much attention to the landscape details because there's no game-objective to do so. To my loss, definitely.

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Yeah, it's really intense. A bi-elliptic transfer won't even help for that altitude, as the ratio between initial and final orbit needs to exceed about 12 for dV savings. Fortunately one of my favorite things to do is build obsessively-high-dV ships.

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KEBSTON (AP) -- NASA has confirmed the apparent loss of the Constipation XI and Constipation XII spacecraft, blaming a phenomenon known colloquially as a "Hell Kraken". As explained by chief NASA scientific consultant Dr. Guenter F. Kerman, this form of the general Deep Space Kraken phenomenon is so named because of the effect it has on the graphical user interfaces of the controllers on the ground. "Ze navball and most of ze UI will remain, but ze rest of ze feed turns black and ze altimeter will remain at 666 666 m". NASA is already making plans to launch a second mission sometime later this year, and has vowed to work with the design team who built the Constipation craft, Crapsack Skunkworks, in order to prevent this type of disaster from occurring again. President O'Bummer Kerman, who has previously shown general apathy towards the space program, ordered a pizza after hearing the news, and was quoted as saying "Well, that kinda sucks".


I'll be trying again when the next transfer window comes up. This sucks...I had Constipation XII set up for an aerobraking encounter (15k) with Duna just after it left Kerbin's SOI. Had too much else going on, I guess (pathfinder missions to Eeloo and Jool going on concurrently).

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  capi3101 said:
Not yet; I've been keeping myself busy between launch windows by sending probes out to the major SOIs I haven't visited yet. Giving Protractor a proper shakedown.

Protractor, eh? I wonder if that would work better than trying to 'eyeball' it.. :wink: I think that will be my next mod.

  vincespeedmk2 said:
This challenge is awesome. May I join in?!

Please do! There have been a lot of really unique designs already, but always cool to see someone else's interpretation of the rules and mission goals. Good luck! :D

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  Death Engineering said:
Protractor, eh? I wonder if that would work better than trying to 'eyeball' it.. :wink: I think that will be my next mod.

It's a good one. Not wholly foolproof but definitely useful (particularly when it comes to determining correct phase angles). It'll get you close to an intercept at the very least; I imagine it would be extraordinarily powerful if you were to team it up with Enhanced Nav Ball (that one's on my short list these days; maybe I'll grab it once I wrap up this challenge).


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  vincespeedmk2 said:
OK. Here is my first Submission. it is my Ares 1 CLV, in vid form, unfortunately it was a night launch. I promise the next one will be better. Next stop Orion crew vehicle.

Looked like a clean launch.. nice! I've never thought of building SRB clusters like that; neat idea. Say.. is that Hamster's and Capt. Slow's Reliant Robin Shuttle on your avatar? TopGear is very kerbal..

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OK that Last video was terrible so here's a resubmission. no changes to the vehicle.

and a rundown od the points:


> Solid Rocket Boosters in stage 1 (+1)

>Only SRBs in stage 1 (+3)

>2 Stage to orbit (+2)

>Does not Jettison radial Stages (+2)

Design Total (+8)


Launch a boiler plate capsule (Orion block 2) (+1)

Mission Total


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