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What's It Like To Upgrade?


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How i go through a new version:

1- backup the whole directory

2- Install new stuff, copy saves in, look around the forums for known broken mods, copy working mod files

3- If mods bar you from using new version, play in old version (see 1)

4- Once mods work, enjoy.

I think the only time i restarted a savefile was for 0.21 as i has too many landed assets and that's what got broken.

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How i go through a new version:

1- backup the whole directory

2- Install new stuff, copy saves in, look around the forums for known broken mods, copy working mod files

3- If mods bar you from using new version, play in old version (see 1)

4- Once mods work, enjoy.

I think the only time i restarted a savefile was for 0.21 as i has too many landed assets and that's what got broken.

Personally, I try to keep my version of the game as up-to-date as possible, mods be damned.

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First, you will feel a feeling of unbounded joy.

second, if you're on steam it will auto-update

second (B), you go to the store and attempt to download it

third (B), you get annoyed that the severs are overloaded and burn your computer.

fourth (B), you finally get the new version.

fifth (B), you spam the forums.

sixth, you wait for the next update


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Also, be prepared to have to wait several hours. The KSP Squad Team has never been able to hold their servers up despite always saying "we fixed it this time!" so you probably won't get the update for many hours.

This was very evident with .17 and probably all others afterward, I've just gotten used to it.

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Also, be prepared to have to wait several hours. The KSP Squad Team has never been able to hold their servers up despite always saying "we fixed it this time!" so you probably won't get the update for many hours.

This was very evident with .17 and probably all others afterward, I've just gotten used to it.

This is the only solitary reason why I transferred to Steam. The update downloads the exact moment it's released (or the exact moment Steam starts up after release) at full speed with no delays. It's absolutely glorious.

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