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How are you excited about .22 In expermentals?


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Hey Kerbals How are you excited About .22 being in expermintals I am Are you??? post your excitment downbelow (Please None of the following:Spamming,FlameWars And all that NonSense! thank you :)

P.S i just want to know you guys excitement because im really Happy :)

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I'm optimistic, but mildy cautious. Experimentals can take several weeks so let's not expect it this weekend or anything. I originally predicted end of october to end of november as the release window. I still think we are looking at the early end of that prediction. It will be out by haloween.

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I'm excited,as it will make Mission controller Extended a MUST HAVE mod for me!I can wait though,as I want the tech and starting parts to be Proper.on the KSP Weekly screenshot,there's no decouplers or a probe core.I'd like to start out with those if possible.

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I'm very excited. I'm hoping that 30% reduction in load on your computer, plus career mode, will spurn a new YouTube series for me. :) I can play KSP. I can record video. I can even record video of me playing KSP with no downgrade in play quality. But the video looks like I'm playing it on a Pentium without a graphic card.

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Well it will be a sad day when .21 is retired, and sent to that great HDD in the sky (actually backup server sitting at the other end of my desk).

But what .22 really means to me is that it will be time for KSS22 to be built in orbit to even bigger dimensions....... before adding 6 tons of sciencey stuff to do.. before trying my hand at measuring the impact temperature created when you run out of fuel 10KM above the munar surface and land heavily :D


"KSP : building ships to swedish furniture instructions since 2011"

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