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[0.21.1] Flight Recorder


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Is there any chance this could periodically upload the sensor data to the career client and stop at 0.0% science earned? or even just a simple on/off upload. It can take a while to mine a sensor for science and something like that would be a boon to a tedious task.

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Using the flight recorder on a simple one stage rocket doesn't seem to work. It creates a csv file in the folder but has no data. The headings are there but no flight data. The part says its recording and the craft has electricity. v0.22.

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Well, that's quite strange, i don't understand.

I have to ask this question : did you try to liftoff ? because recording starts at liftoff.

I'm using a single stage rocket to test the plugin, so it should work, especially if the file is created...

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I can confirm the same problem as togfox.

Downloaded the mod, installed the FlightRecorder folder in the GameData folder of a fresh 0.22 KSP install. Fired up a new sandbox game, launched a single stage rocket with a battery. Got a CSV file in the PluginData\FlightRecorder folder with the header but no data.

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OK, I found the bug.

Look in the \GameData\FlightRecorder\Plugins\PluginData\FlightRecorder folder and open the file called Data.cfg

Change the section

// #### Recorder Configuration ####
interval : 200ms


// #### Recorder Configuration ####
//interval : 200ms

The source code shows that he hasn't implemented the code to handle custom time intervals yet. The interval statement is getting parsed as if it were a member of PartModule and spamming the Debug Log.

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OK, I found the bug.

The source code shows that he hasn't implemented the code to handle custom time intervals yet. The interval statement is getting parsed as if it were a member of PartModule and spamming the Debug Log.

Exactly. And I spent a few hours deboging with the config file I have...

Good work, thanks.

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Well i tried but there must be some kind of mecanism that destroys it in the end because no matter how tough i make it it always disappears after a crash. But i had some fun looking for it with a rover.

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