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What do you want to see in .23

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What's the only thing in the great

that looks poor?

The launch.

No smoke/steam clouds (or dust on the Mun) shooting out from the pad.

No fire shooting out of the flame trench.

Not even a radial glow on the ground from the bottom of the rocket on Kerbin or the Mun.

All of these could be fairly easy graphical updates that would really improve the experience IMHO.

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I want to see improved maneuver nodes. Seriously, those things are a pain in the butt to adjust precisely and from a long distance away in the Map view, not to mention their quirkiness with how they unclick themselves and sometimes delete themselves. There's the issue with burning itself; the nodes expect instant velocity change (this is why your burns never exactly line up with the node). I'd love to see a node that calculates when to start a burn based on how much thrust your ship has. At the very least, nodes that don't kill themselves.

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Money! Mission goals to earn it and cost of building craft. That's all the game needs in the short term to make the career mode into an actual game.

Longer term I'd like to see the resource, repair and animations etc that we have already seen teasers of but have been delayed. Fairings would be nice too.

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I'd like to see an implementation of the whole currency/cost system in Career. I'd also like to see some new parts. Possibly new research unlocking (maybe unlocking things other than just parts?)

The Kerbal observatory would be whicked.

For general use in both Sandbox and Career seeing more/all of the planets remapped like the Mun was in .21 would be really cool as well as the whole zone mapping being done for each planet.

I think that would make a pretty full update. Destructive heat would be a very cool addition, especially with research in the mix now (for things like improved heat shields, bigger heat shields, maybe the ability to increase the heat resistance of parts as an unlock).

I want resources and resource extraction...but really I feel like that is still at least 2-4 releases away. Now that Career mode is here I'd bet my left Kerbal that the next couple of releases are going to be focused mostly on adding to it and rounding it out (which makes sense).

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Some form of expansion upon the science. It's cool and all getting points for this stuff and working my way up, but I really want to see science expanded in the future. I don't expect it to make it into .23, but I'd love to one day take a rocket to Duna and collect gravitational/atmospheric readings which then provide me with information to help plan my missions, like the mod! (which I have forgotten the name of) Then perhaps collect a sample in hopes to find a resource (Resources!!!) which can be used to supply my space program with some raw elements in space.

To see a satellite send info back to KSC and update them with newly discovered landing sites and resource deposits which can further the program. To see a rock sample taken in an effort to understand the composite structure of the planets that have baffled us all so far. I doubt half of this will ever make it in, but this is what I wish KSP could become over the next 5 or so updates. Also some more mysterious anomalies to discover in the future would be great since there is so much ground and empty space to hide things in, not life, but just something. Some new Easter Eggs that give us some more myths to build in our imaginations.

All that said, I'm also very happy with the product already and have been since I joined in on the fun, so whatever they do is fine with me really. But to be much more specific and ramble a lot less, Resources please for .23 :)

EDIT: Oh and the KSP launcher for the Steam version too would be pretty cool. I like the newsfeed idea and it would make adjusting settings on my laptop easier as the button to accept changed settings always lands outside of my screen on my laptop.

Edited by Kerbonautical
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I would like to see more science parts based off real life sciency satellites and planetary probes. Like micrometeorite detectors, radiation/cosmic ray detectors, soil probes and samplers, etc.

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I would like some sort of Delta V calculator in the game. When I used a mod to show me the Delta V I would use probes then write down the delta V needed for my spacecraft to travel to other bodies.

If not that, some sort of Feedback on why your rocket doesn't do what u want it to do. Unless you want to put on the release version, Calculator and Astro physics Masters degree is required plus lots of paper and a pen to play game.

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Fully implemented space goat simulation. The current level of space goat simulation is inadequate.

How can you request goats when they haven't even finished with the rabbit simulation. I mean sure you can hop around now but it's just a proof of concept!

Rabbits first then goats...

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Some things I would love to see, not necessarily all at once, not in any specific order:

Atmospheric shimmer from heat sources like engines, re-entry, etc.


Money system implemented for Career

Manufacturing building and Resources to compliment*initially cost only money for use, you'll have to build what you use up in career mode, gives you more incentive to recover all debris that you can.

Science difficulty slider. Some people don't want to stomp out the tree in 6-8 flights and other people do. Everyone is happy

Space suit science research: Start off by having a basic suit with no lights, pack fuel, and reduced impact tolerance. Couple this with the ability to remove ones helmet by choice, as a means of collecting science the good ol' fashioned way

Inventory GUI: A Icon based system that can show samples taken by kerbalnauts and show whatever they are using. Couple reasons I want this: First is Space suit changing out. You can suit up in different space suits if above system is added. Another reason for this is to see different "samples" visually rather than just text. Don't underestimate the awe that visual changes can inspire!

The rover wheels from the .20 mun footage video. I LOVED the look of those wheels. The sound addition would be nice too...:P

There are more things, but this list is enough :P

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Mission Control: So you can track where you've been, and what activities you've done there, including science experiments; to ensure you make maximum gains both financially and for science.

Payload Lab: Like the VAB and HAB, but where you can focus on just the Payload

Edited by Animal Mother
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My wishlist not for just the .23 release, but for the game as a whole:

Integrate these mods into the stock game:


B9 Aerospace

Infernal Robotics

Kerbal Attachment System

Romfarer Lazor Docking Cam

>> Planet Surface Mapping via sattelite or from ground unit

>> Ability to create a colony on another planet / moon and build and launch ships from there

>> Mine-able / harvestable resources with actual uses - turn metal into parts, turn gasses and fluids into fuel and oxydizer

>> Achievements for doing stuff (first time in stable orbit, first successful landing on Mun, etc.)

Other people mentioned stuff that I agree with / want:

"1. Better attachments

I do not want to have to strut every part together. Two fuel tanks that are attached should not be flimsy, they should be welded on so strong that it has the structural integrity of a single part." - minerman30

"...asteroid belt" - Captain Sierra

"Clouds and weather!" - Bacterius

"Dust getting kicked up when landing, or driving a rover around" - check

"I would like there to be a Kerbal dancing animation. Once I plant a flag, I want Jeb to do a little victory jig." - SofusRud

"I would like to see more science parts based off real life sciency satellites and planetary probes. Like micrometeorite detectors, radiation/cosmic ray detectors, soil probes and samplers, etc." - 905

"Mission Control: So you can track where you've been, and what activities you've done there, including science experiments; to ensure you make maximum gains both financially and for science." - Animal Mother

"I would like to see SQUAD storm the Unity dev offices, and hold them at gunpoint while they get off their arses and make a stable x64 version of Unity so we can finally have all the mods we want without worrying about maxing out the ram." - Pringle Man

^^^ YES! I should not have to deal with graphics studdering on a rig with a 3.4 GHz quad core CPU and 8GB of RAM, and an nVidia GTX 670 running Windows 7 x64!

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New planets and places to go.

Seriously, I think it's about time for a serious content injection. We've had the same handful of planets and moons for ages. I got so burned out on the same locales and the same boring hunks of rock I skipped most of 0.20 and all of 0.21 completely. I just couldn't care enough to play with a couple new features in the same old sandbox.

You can give us new science tasks, it still means I'm just going to the same old places.

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Some atmospheric effects (clouds and such) for Kerbin and the other planets would be great. Some more planets would be fun too, though I'm willing to wait for those - I haven't even made it to Duna yet! :blush: We also need asteroids and comets, with adjustable orbits. Maybe even a "global killer" asteroid we need to deflect Armageddon-style before it hits Kerbin! :D

Customizable colors would be nice; I'd like to be able to paint my ships how I want them to look. And some more uses for bases and space stations are needed, too.

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