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Space Stations in 0.22


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  KerbMav said:
Regarding the "refreshing" of a lab: Why not let a big and energy hungry station part have a new resource (lab stuff)?

Provided with enough energy this space lab part would deplete the lab stuff and turn it into science - slow but steady, without the need to be in any interesting location, studying the effects of zero-g on chocolate and other important questions.

Should the lab be in an interesting location it could be used for field studies, creating more science but using up more energy and running out of lab stuff faster.

A second part - a lab stuff container ("tank") - could be used to fly up a resupply mission.

This second part could double as a return container for science/samples to be shipped back to KSC for bonus points (or something like that, depending on if there is a difference in sending back data from a probe or returning the samples physically).

Totally agree... I definitely think that added game mechanics should cause you to do more interesting/realistic things, and providing an optional motive for resupplying/crew changing your space stations is both, it adds flavor and some element of realism without being hopelessly tedious.

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  Doc Anderson said:
As far as I'm concerned, science will give a much needed context to the game.

Yup, this will be the first time I think where the player can interact with the world in some way. (well, besides flags). Now there is a reason beyond exploration for its own sake to "do" something.

I can actually see myself bringing a "science package" to Mun to do some readings. I can bring a rover to explore different biomes and get different readings. I can put a science station in Orbit, do some readings, store them in a capsule, and bring them down to Kerbin for extra science.

Even if I'll unlock the various parts relatively quickly, I think I will be greatly enjoying this new feature.

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  AmpsterMan said:
Even if I'll unlock the various parts relatively quickly, I think I will be greatly enjoying this new feature.

Science will not stop just because I've unlocked all of the tech tree. :-) Though if I'm reading this right, you agree.

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  Eric S said:
Science will not stop just because I've unlocked all of the tech tree. :-) Though if I'm reading this right, you agree.

Ditto -- I've been putting the nigh-useless science gadgets everywhere already, so of course science gadgets that actually do something will continue to accompany my missions even if I've nothing left to do with the SCIENCE! they're continuing to collect!!

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  Wice said:
I wonder if you have to bring the actual science part back or if you can send a ship back with the results and leave the science part on the station

I think when you do the science it is stored in a command capsule and you only need to return the command capsule back. For a station with multiple command capsules, i'm not sure.

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Problematic question scince we know that scientific data isn't stored as a resource in pods but I guess you'll be able to return it becouse:

1. If you dock to a station the two ship merges as a single one and no data will be lost (I hope).

2. If you return to ground normaly you will decouple the science modules anyway and at recovery you have the data.

I feel kind of disappointed that nobody shared any information about something this obvious because this won't be the first time players assembling space stations. I tried to keep an eye on KSPTV marathon but 'media team' members did planetary fybys, landings anything but not a single station ( not while I was watching at least ). My conclusion is that you'll be able to return data from a station.

As for the loss of today's KSP weekly, it's possibly because of the close to the release stage of experimentals. if 0.22 didn't come until next week's KSP weekly there has been one today. It's sort of news blackout (I guess).

Edited by Reddragon
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  SteevyT said:
Perhaps have a somewhat large part (like a lab) that takes a bunch of power, but continuously provides science no matter how long it has been running.

Maybe make it so that it produces more science either the farther from KSC it is, or maybe the vessel it is on has to be in orbit or something to keep them from being spammed around KSC, but I think it could work.

I think this is an awesome idea. This would make space stations relevant in 0.22- I hope this is given consideration by the devs, but I'm sure a modder can make it as well shortly after release.

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