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KerSat MK I my first part


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Here is my first Satellite part. I have some phong problem, so it look dark on some places. For modeling I use Cinema 4D then exported to fbx.


title = KerSat MK I

manufacturer = KerSat.inc

description = It is first satellite from KerSat company. It has most sensors, some battery, sas. Just put Medium Solar Array on each side and you are ready to go.

mass = 1.2

maxTemp = 2300

SAS= 0.5 Torque

Electric Charge= 30

It has one node at the bottom.

Because i am beginner i did not create my own solar panels, i just use Gigantor XL Solar Array and scale it down to 0.6 so it fits with satellite.


Of course I test this thing and put it into orbit.

On bottom part first i put 4 rcs thrusters. Then small docking port + decoupler + (struts) + then procedural fairings base and so on...

On each side of satellite i put some smaller modified RSC tanks.

I use docking mod and thrusters for precise orbit. It is not perfect for big changes, but for smaller changes in orbit it works great.

Idea is to create more satellites, but i need first to learn how to create my own solar panel, engines and other parts.

Here are some screenshots, tell me what you think:






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Looks like a good start. With 0.22, having good satellite buses will be a major need. :)

I would suggest if you're looking for ideas to look at some of the real world busses that are comercially available for ideas for your "body" and then I would make the instruments addons that can either be installed in or on that bus.

Here's links to a few of the major Bus families/maufacturers-

Boeing - http://www.boeing.com/boeing/bds/satellites_space/satellites/index.page?

Lockheed - http://www.lockheedmartin.com/us/what-we-do/space/satellites.html

Astrum/EADS - http://www.astrium.eads.net/

Loral - http://www.ssloral.com/

Orbital - http://www.orbital.com/SatellitesSpace/

NASA also has the "Modular Common Space Bus" that was used operationally for the first time on the LADEE mission, but I don't have a link with any of the specs as the spaceframe and not in the LADEE configuration.

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Thanks, I will try to create more satellites. I figured out how to fix phong problems with cinema 4d and unity. I modify KerSat MK I, and put 1024x1024 px textures before was just 512x512.

Her are some screenshots. Video is coming soon.






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