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Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.4.7 - Pipes as fuel lines and even fewer explosions!


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I cant make this work, neither Kosmos, Infernal Robotics and other. The only 2 mods that work are mechjeb and prometeus rover.

I install the mod just as it says, put the game data folder compressed in the game root, so it merges with the KSP datafolder. Load the game, NOTHING. Why?.

Erased the game, installed again, no mods at all, lets install this mod, now it should work, installing, done, NOTHING!, WHY?!!!.

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Same happened to me while I was refueling in LKO (I forgot to add a docking port so I had to refuel using EVA, and it was quite funXD) and one of the ships disappeared and the other went into a high elliptical orbit.

At least I'm not the only one lol.

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At least I'm not the only one lol.

quick save and quick load are your friends with this mod - it makes solar panels work, and it makes spontaneous rapid disassembles not happen... as often...

quick save, then quick load before connecting two things together, and like someone else said make sure both ships' sas is OF, stop rolling with a quick time warp, then try it again

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I cant make this work, neither Kosmos, Infernal Robotics and other. The only 2 mods that work are mechjeb and prometeus rover.

I install the mod just as it says, put the game data folder compressed in the game root, so it merges with the KSP datafolder. Load the game, NOTHING. Why?.

Erased the game, installed again, no mods at all, lets install this mod, now it should work, instaliling, done, NOTHING!, WHY?!!!.

it appears you are clearly having an issue installing the mod, lets try something different...

lets navigate inside the kerbal install directory - assuming you installed via steam it should be somewhere similar to this filepath:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program

once inside you may see a bunch of different folder, go into the GameData folder, you should see at least a folder named Squad, and one named MechJeb2 (since you installed it successfully) - this is a good spot to be if you see those folders...

back over to the zipfile you downloaded for KAS - lets double click it to open it up with a unzipping program, then double click on the GameData Folder in the zipfile to go inside

there should now be a KAS folder - drag that folder over into the Kerbal GameData folder, and make sure you dont drop it on top of one of the existing folder over there, make sure to drop it on the whitespace, so it should copy everything over and make a new folder

So now your Kerbal GameData folder should now list the following folders (at minimum)




this would show a correct install

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quick save and quick load are your friends with this mod - it makes solar panels work, and it makes spontaneous rapid disassembles not happen... as often...

quick save, then quick load before connecting two things together, and like someone else said make sure both ships' sas is OF, stop rolling with a quick time warp, then try it again

One problem, its on a slight slope, I'm afraid turning SAS off will make the ships fall over. (because that this point, they're still ships, not buildings.) ;.;

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Something is severely wrong with EVA pipe attachment. I've tried multiple times now both on Kerbin and in orbit, and every time it glitches terribly.

On Kerbin, the ships both explode and the Kerbal gets launched several kilometres up.

In orbit, one ship got sent to Kraken Hell, and the other (accompanied by poor Jerdous) was expelled from orbit at 27 km/s.

Another orbital test, one ship (luckily, the unmanned one) was utterly annihilated. Mission report registered connection failures on every part, though none destroyed, and not a single piece can be found in map view. Fortunately, the 12 Kerbals, including the one on EVA, survived, and Jerdous made it back in one piece. His ship is still trapped in orbit though, and it seems I won't be using this mod to get them home.

EDIT: I tried one last time to save that crew. It worked. I didn't do anything differently, as far as I could tell.

Edited by Extemporary
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Hmmm I'm not sure if I'm just doing something wrong or this mod does not like me... Could somebody explain to me how am I supposed to connect a strut to the winch in the VAB?... I have tried loads of different things but all that happens is the strut does not move but the cable does? Help?!:(

Image showing what I am trying to do:


Thanks for any help

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Thank for you answer, since the mods take too long to release the post i kept trying, unistalled all, installed KSP clean, then all the mods but mechjeb. All works perfectly. Started new career, and sandbox all modulos from all mods are there. So i installed mechjeb again, in sandbox all ok, in career my capsules are gone, erased all mechjeb, not working, erasin squad folder and restoring from a copy made before, it works. So the mechjeb files going to squad are erasing the capsules in the first tab in assembly.

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@annihilator: KAS winches don't like to have things that aren't KAS connector ports or hooks attached on the winch node. Try putting a Stack connector between the Beam and your winch, and it should behave.

I tend to place anything I want to be moved via a winch on a small docking port, with a radial connector port on one end, and then attaching the winch with an EVA Kerbal.

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Hmmm I'm not sure if I'm just doing something wrong or this mod does not like me... Could somebody explain to me how am I supposed to connect a strut to the winch in the VAB?... I have tried loads of different things but all that happens is the strut does not move but the cable does? Help?!:(

Image showing what I am trying to do:


Thanks for any help

yeah like MechaPants said, struts don't go in winches, the only things that can connect to a winch are a hook, a magnet and a connector

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Am I missing something with career integration? In Career mode I don't see any of these parts at all.

nope you didnt miss anything, there is no career integration - you can check for my integration instructions a few pages back

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Does this work out pretty good in tech tree?

One post said to do this, with MM1.5:

///KAS Mod///

TechRequired = nanolathing

Which I think some things should get unlock earlier.

Download and install Module Manager (from these forums), then create a config file (.cfg, name doesnt matter) with any text editor, then fill it with the below text and put it in your GameData directory

// Kerbal Attachment System //

TechRequired = start
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = start
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = start
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = generalConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = generalConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

// Kerbal Attachment System //

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Nope you are not doing anything wrong, KAS has some sort of hard to squash bug with this. Most have just accepted that the save/reload or KSC and back sometimes resolves the issue. Personally I've had whole containers full of parts just vanish, kerbals forever lost in space with no way to control them anymore, no matter what combination of tricks (everyone I've seen suggested). Really unless you are fond of loading and saving and or any combinations of tricks on a regular basis I would wait a little longer for this mod.. It is so dang sweet, but if you like me and having your repair crew become uncontrollable and floating through structures like a ghost and his tool box simply vanishing with all his parts somewhat annoying (it basically broke my save and several hours of work) so yeah ticked off, but it is the chance you take with this mod. I knew that it could happen and it did.

It's been a while sense I've seen any update activity. Any hope is this game destroying bug getting resolved?? because I look once in a while longingly at this mod and get the ich to install it but I just know its' going to end in disaster and wipe hours of work. I guess what I'm asking is if there is an update in the near future that involves squashing or at least reducing these bugs? I'd much rather see this stable then see more features.

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KAS 0.4.5 has been released. The download on Spaceport (link in the first post) has been updated.

This is a compatibility update for KSP 0.23. There are also a few fixes and usability improvements.

Changes in this version:

  • Added parts to the stock tech tree.
  • Updated module info strings in the editor part tooltips. Most of the strings have been simplified.
  • EVA must be in range of both the source and destination in order to attach a part.
  • The attach pointer will only turn yellow (indicating out-of-range) if the target surface is valid.
  • "Drop" and "Grab" buttons will correctly change state in open context menus.
  • Pipes and struts can no longer be linked while a Kerbal is carrying one end.

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