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Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.4.7 - Pipes as fuel lines and even fewer explosions!


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So the KAS struts aren't even 1/10th as effective as standard struts... is there an easy way to fix this via config?

I was trying to replace quantum struts with manually (Kerbally?) placed/attached struts... but these things, in their present state, simply aren't effective at all.


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  NeoAcario said:
So the KAS struts aren't even 1/10th as effective as standard struts... is there an easy way to fix this via config?

I was trying to replace quantum struts with manually (Kerbally?) placed/attached struts... but these things, in their present state, simply aren't effective at all.


I haven't tried 0.4.6 yet, but the struts in 0.4.5 seemed effective to me. Only downside was when I installed Kerbal Joint reinforcement yesterday, about half of them disconnected from the station. I initially panicked, as I thought my entire station had spontaneously disassembled itself. I had to EVA to grab all the struts. Upside is it doesn't look like I even need them anymore. :-)

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  Phoenix84 said:
I haven't tried 0.4.6 yet, but the struts in 0.4.5 seemed effective to me. Only downside was when I installed Kerbal Joint reinforcement yesterday, about half of them disconnected from the station. I initially panicked, as I thought my entire station had spontaneously disassembled itself. I had to EVA to grab all the struts. Upside is it doesn't look like I even need them anymore. :-)

I'm glad they work for you... but they don't for me.I'm not sure if it's the attachment or the linking... but they don't hold as well as nothing when pushing with my tug. I'm going to have to change back to the quantum struts.


You can see the 12t tug on the right... you can also see the 4 struts coming out of the fuel tank at about a 35 degree angle. When I push with about 1/2-2/3 of a G of acceleration it just pushes straight through the docking port and explodes. It's as if the struts aren't even there. Side to side the struts do offer some resistance, but it's very minor.

I'm not sure if it's the attachment nodes or the strut itself... but they're almost worthless for any real force (compared to actual struts).

I'll keep some on me to use for stabilization in certain situations... perhaps for permanent docking on stations also... but it looks like I'm going to have to change my linkage for my tug back to the quantum struts.

Or does anyone have an easy .cfg change to make them as strong as standard struts?


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Man, the new right click "open container" method of editing containers is a pain in the ass when I need to fill a bunch of them. I realize that in some situations it's desirable, but I'm finding it hugely increases the number of clicks and amount of mouse movement I need to perform to navigate from one to the other quickly. Where before I could right click-add the goods-right click on the next one-add, repeat as many times as needed with minimal clicking and mouse movement, I'm now finding I need to right click, move the cursor over to open container, add, move the cursor down to close, click, move the cursor over to the next container, etc. Would it be asking too much to give the ability to toggle this behaviour between the new system and the old?

I hate to complain like this, and I'll be grateful for a fantastically useful mod whatever you end up deciding to do.

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I just had something really wierd happen that's messed up KAS. All of a sudden, for no apparent reason, the right click menu won't appear for any part I pull out of a container. In order to place anything, I have to drop it using the 'G' key and then I can use right-click to bring up the menu while it's floating away. This happened in the middle of an EVA, one moment I could click on it, the next I couldn't.

Any ideas?

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I noticed that issue in Minmus orbit myself, but have no idea why it may happen. If you mouse over the part, you may notice that its highlight is blinking erratically, and the degree of that may change depending on the camera angle. Right-clicking is also erratic following this blinking. This may be somehow caused by the vessel actually moving: if the velocity is high, Krakensbane absorbs it and in the physics world the vessel hardly moves, while low-velocity orbits have full orbital velocity.

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  Bomoo said:
Man, the new right click "open container" method of editing containers is a pain in the ass when I need to fill a bunch of them. I realize that in some situations it's desirable, but I'm finding it hugely increases the number of clicks and amount of mouse movement I need to perform to navigate from one to the other quickly. Where before I could right click-add the goods-right click on the next one-add, repeat as many times as needed with minimal clicking and mouse movement, I'm now finding I need to right click, move the cursor over to open container, add, move the cursor down to close, click, move the cursor over to the next container, etc. Would it be asking too much to give the ability to toggle this behaviour between the new system and the old?

First of all, under no circumstances go back to not having this menu please! That menu made my life a whole lot easier, since it means I don't accidently open containers while looking around my ship (especially with many of them around). Then again, maybe you can add some cycle buttons, like the ones you get when you collect multiple experiments at once, to switch through the containers? Maybe you could even highlight them, but for me it usually doesn't matter where something is (I wouldn't remember later anyway ^^).

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  Raffo said:
First of all, under no circumstances go back to not having this menu please! That menu made my life a whole lot easier, since it means I don't accidently open containers while looking around my ship (especially with many of them around). Then again, maybe you can add some cycle buttons, like the ones you get when you collect multiple experiments at once, to switch through the containers? Maybe you could even highlight them, but for me it usually doesn't matter where something is (I wouldn't remember later anyway ^^).

That's why I asked for a toggle, not a reversion, you'll notice. There are situations where the new menu is desirable, and situations where the old right-click-to-open is more desirable.

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Hrm, after updating i've got some error spam after placing a part in the VAB.

[EXC 14:27:52.472] FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'KAS, Version=1.0.5099.22946, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.

The actual 0.4.6 .dll version is 1.0.5160.33827, the 0.4.5 is the one mentioned in the log.

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  a.g. said:
How about maybe right click to switch container if the window is already open?

That's brilliant. Also right click to close if you hit the container that's already open. I would be totally happy with that solution.

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KAS 0.4.6 Just done an EVA and connected a heavy fuel tank to my ship using KAS struts one end stays attached but the other slides around when I move the ship. This is to stop the tank wobbling while I tow it with them connected by the largest docking ports. Tried re attaching them but they still slide around :( Wonder if reinforcement mod is conflicting with it :(

Edited by LMA
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I have a little idea to avoid loosing kerbals in space: allowing kerbals to fasten themselves to a rope already deployed between two objects, allowing them to move in both ways along the rope, and also crazy players to make a kerbals grape :).

I think of that because if you connect two things in space, I guess you have to play with the jetpack carefully, unless the kerbal himself is also "wired", but AFAIK, you can't carry two "ropes" at once yet.

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  Chestburster said:
It's part of the Cacteye-Telescope mod which fixes the "KAS-resize-bug" for non stock parts.. at least thats what the module is telling us. Deleting didn't remove them.

Speaking of... Has anyone figured out the reason the Processor cores are attaching 180 from where they should? See my post in the Cacteye thread, I've tried the KAS debug menu to try and flip the thing 180 but it didn't work.

EDIT: Please see my post in the Cacteye thread. For whatever reason it appears that KAS is ignoring the "bay" rotation settings. I had to flip the attach node in order to get the Cacteye parts working right.

Edited by rottielover
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  rottielover said:
I had to flip the attach node in order to get the Cacteye parts working right.

That is a side effect of some refactorings I made to the orientation math in KAS (for one, previously it used hard-coded cases for just 6 possible node orientations and would have broken with anything else), and fixing the stack nodes on parts where the new code fails is the right thing to do: https://github.com/Majiir/KAS/commit/56abd1710a1720555fd3c116a11158981ad82d64.

Since node orientations aren't stored in either crafts or launched vessel files, and flipping the vector like that doesn't really matter for stock, it's safe and won't damage any previous progress.

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I'm trying to create a part that can be connected to a winch. I added the following module code to my part config:



name = KASModulePort

attachNode = top

nodeType = kasplug

breakForce = 30

nodeTransformName = plugNode


I can extend the winch but the my part fall of the winch an the connector port hangs in the air without a cable and when i retract that cable the connector falls down when the cable is retracted completely.


How can I fix this?

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