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List of places and biomes in KSP (planetary geology & geography) - UPDATING FOR v1.0.x.


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Excellent, thank you.

But what are badlands? :huh:

Looking at the Biomes map, the Badlands are the black colored area.

From what I gathered, these are the Biomes on the map (someone please correct me if I am wrong)



Kerbin Biomes:

* Grasslands - Green

* Highlands - Dark Green

* Mountains - Reddish Brown/Maroon

* Deserts - Yellow

* Badlands - Black

* Tundra - Don't know exactly, maybe the lighter green area near the poles?

* Ice Caps - White

* Shores - Pink

* Water - Blue (duh! :D )

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Last night I put a satellite in low polar orbit around the moon last night and did a few dozen passes. I created an action group for the gravity wave detector, and ran a report whenever I saw something interesting. I found 13 different geographic features; there may be more.

* Mun's Poles (I think these both count as one)

They can't as I landed within 8 degrees of both poles and got separate science (and names) from each. See my post a few up this page. I only just unlocked the gravity detector so thanks for the tip. It should help hunt down the last couple.

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They can't as I landed within 8 degrees of both poles and got separate science (and names) from each. See my post a few up this page. I only just unlocked the gravity detector so thanks for the tip. It should help hunt down the last couple.

Here's what I think is happening, based on your post: you landed at the "Mun's Polar Lowlands," close to the North Pole. However, the separate "Mun's Poles" biome is also present near the North pole. Indeed, both biomes can be found at BOTH the North and South poles, very similar to Tundra and Ice biomes on Kerbin.

But I don't *think* you get additional science for visiting both, anymore than you get additional science for visiting both of Kerbin's Ice caps.

Here's evidence:

Bill's pooched landing very close to the north pole: 79º 42' 5" N 14º 53' 23" E


Surface sample from his location reads "Mun's Poles"


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Filled these in:

Kerbin Height Differences:

* Flying (0 - 18k)

* Upper atmosphere (18k - 70k)

* Space near Kerbin (70k - 250k)

* Space high above Kerbin (>250k)

I'll keep updating this post with other celestial bodies as well.



* Flying (0-12k)

* Upper Atmosphere (12k-42k)

* Space near Duna (42k-140k)

* Space high above Duna (140k-SOI)

Right now the Ice caps don't register as a separate biome. I'm busy the rest of the weekend, so someone else should update for Eve, Jool and moons.

Edited by kerm
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Here are rough co ordinates for all 15 Mun Biomes:

South pole - Mun's Poles - 83 31S 239W

North pole - Muns Polar Lowlands - 85 34N 205W

Northern Basin - 53N 53E

Highlands (generic)- 10 27S 84 27W

Midlands (generic) - 0N 255W

Polar Crater - 59N 42W

East Crater - 16S 83E

East Farside Crater - 6 31N 209 38E

Farside Crater - 7N 52W

Northwest Crater - 15N 30E

Highland Craters - 73S 156E

Midland Craters - 37S 105W

Twin Craters - 21S 136E

Southwest Crater - 38 21S 1 14E

Canyons - 27N 49W

The generics are of course all over the place but those places are where I flagged it. I've almost finished the whole tech tree and not left Kerbin + moons yet. Which is good I suppose if mods are going to cost science too.

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Considering there are different sciencepoints to be gained for the areas *near* planets, I think these should be considered Biomes as well ("In Atmosphere", "Space High Over" and "Space Near"). That way you can compile a full matrix of Biomes and Experiments to check them off to see when you've exhausted all science in the game. There seems to be 13 at Kerbin, all with a Scientific (Data) Value of x1. The Mun's gives Scientific (Data) Values of x4 on all 17 Biomes (including Space-High and Space-Near), Minmus x5 on three Biomes (Space High, Space Near and Surface), Eeloo gives x12 for the "Space High" and "Space Near" parts and x15 for the Surface parts, and other celestial bodies x8 as far as I have seen so far.

There are 11 different ways to run experiments to gather Science. These have a constant Data Size (in reports) or Data Gathered (in the post-flight Science Summary) value, which is multiplied with the Biome specific Scientific Value to give a base yield (with diminishing returns for further repeat experiments).

Crew Report (5)

Eva Report (8)

Eva Report - Space Above [surface] (8)

Mystery Goo (10)

Materials Study (25)

Surface Sample (30)

Temperature (8)

Pressure (8)

Gravity Scan (50)

Seismic Scan (50)

Vehicle Recovery (points per celestial)

All in all currently there are about 75 different places to do science on, times 12 types of experiments, is about 900 experiments.

Calculating the science yield when doing them all, only once, gives about 60.000 science points in total. Of these, about 15.000 are found within the Kerbin-Mun-Minmus system. The Vehicle Recovery bonus is a bit hard to understand.

Edited by Martijn404
updated data
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Any of you guys run into the Mun's Poles biomes somewhere you shouldn't? I got science from an EVA report above one, while I was hopping out of one of the equatorial craters.

I don't remember which crater but I'll do a flyby and get the name again.

Edited by boomerdog2000
unnecessary quote
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Any of you guys run into the Mun's Poles biomes somewhere you shouldn't? I got science from an EVA report above one, while I was hopping out of one of the equatorial craters.

I don't remember which crater but I'll do a flyby and get the name again.

You get Eva report from space close to biome if your kerbal jump into the air. Its pretty practical as its hard to do then you do suborbital jumps.

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Ok people, I've updated the first post. As before, please do not clutter up this thread. It's rather hard to keep an eye to updated info users give when there are lots of comments.

If anyone is heading for Duna today, please take notes. Only Eve has been partially(?) covered at this moment.

Currently we need a confirmation about height zones of Mün, Minmus and Eve. I'm sending a probe to one of Eve's poles today, but the more reports there are, the better.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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Crew Report (5)

Eva Report (8)

Eva Report - Space Above [surface] (8)

Mystery Goo (10)

Materials Study (25)

Surface Sample (30)

Temperature (8)

Pressure (8)

Gravity Scan (50)

Seismic Scan (50)

Vehicle Recovery (points per celestial)

Don't forget the Sensor Array Computing Nose Cone (formerly the Avionics package.) At 200 Mits, it's by far the highest data-yielding experiment in the game. Dropping one into an atmospheric planet gives you 3 sampling options (upper atmosphere, flying, and surface) with a 90% transmission rate.

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i thought i remembered hearing that mun craters where their own biomes...

I just wanted to clarify that a biome is a more narrow term than a "place". Place can be a runway, tundra, low orbit over Kerbol, or the twin craters on Mün, but any other body except Kerbin can't have biomes because biomes are:

climatically and geographically defined as contiguous areas with similar climatic conditions on the Earth, such as communities of plants, animals, and soil organisms,[1] and are often referred to as ecosystems.

Only Kerbin has biomes because it has life. Mün is dead, and so is the rest of Kerbol system, so when referring to other places, it's best to just say "a place".

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For the Mün high. Going Of from the top of my head. Was Less then 45-60 km was low ish for when the zone starts to count. Will check after I finish hittting all of Kerbin's Biodomes. And they EVA report of fly goes all the way down from 60 km to landed just need to be on the ladder.

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Best grammatically perhaps but not for getting your point across. Saying there are over 8 places on the Mun sounds terrible.

It has nothing to do with grammar, but with science. It's a definition, and "a place" is by all means not silly at all. Talking about biomes on dead bodies is silly.

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^^ that's fine enough.

OK, I've finished a detailed mission on Eve system. Trem 1 went to Eve's north pole, Trem 2 went hopping around Gilly.

I've forgot to mark where are the orbital borders for Eve, but I've got one for Gilly. It's 6 km (+/- 50 m) and it took ages because you can't warp time being so close, and the peaks are over 4 km high so it's really tedious. Also for some reason my probe didn't want to settle on the ground. It was a bit shaky.

Seismometer says Gilly is tectonically dead. Gravioli gives lots of points and says the KSC crew will be satisfied with the results or something like that.

There are no special places on Gilly's surface.

Eve's north pole is fascinating.



(distorted panoramic shot, full circle around the probe)

There's a huge cliff right in the center which goes straight into the ocean, and half of the view always has that green belt somewhere over the horizon.



Kerbol's rays come at very steep angle, so the ocean is very dark and the cliff is sometimes illuminated. It's kind of uncanny.

I forgot to retract my solar panels before reentry, so I was left with a 1000 unit battery. After few reports, I could not do anything anymore. The thing still floats there.

It also seems there are no special places on Eve, it's just oceans and land.

I think there could be a similar cliff on the south pole, judging by the map.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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Differentiating between midlands and lowlands is going to be difficult. Do we know if it's just a geographic region or a terrain altitude? Because I definitely ran into the highlands just north of the East Crater.

Possibly that "Hi/Mid/Low land" are define by the Altitude of the Mun. Which generally every where between some altitude.

So, Green are Mid, Red are Hi, and Blue are Low, if not found any special landmark (like crater etc.)

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