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Where is YOUR Jebediah Kerman?


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  Brotoro said:
Where is my Jebediah? He is ALWAYS sneaking on board every ship I launch that has a pod on it, even though I don't WANT anybody on board. He's driving me nuts. I've had to re-do launches because I didn't notice the little bugger had snuck on board. Argh.

People used to joke that the Mercury astronauts had to remember to sweep the ape poo* off of their capsule seats before they got in... Jebediah is my ape poo.

*OK, they probably didn't say 'poo.'

That's what he's usually doing there too. The last time, he snuck aboard my rescue operation #4 (I think) for getting poor Bob Kerman out of münar orbit.

He was rescued in operation 3, along with the people from operation 1 and 2, but there was no space for Bob in that vessel because of some miscalculation when adding single digit integers during the design phase.

Rescue operation #4 was converted to a münar landing, that did return quite a lot of valuable science results. And there's now a flag and plaque on the Mün, commemorating Jebediah's epic butt slide, when he forgot to brake his considerable forward speed in the EVA suit before touching the ground.

He claims he was not joyriding, but his ****-eating grin makes it a bit hard to believe him.

(this is my first post btw, I'll introduce myself later in the appropriate thread)

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I just got done rescuing him from a ~20 year orbit of Eeloo. You see, it was an ambitious science gathering mission, but in the Kerbalverse, 'ambition' is interchangeable with 'poorly considered' and he didn't have quite enough fuel on board. A rescue wasn't feasible until much later in the future.

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He's scattered across Eve's lake country after he got clipped in the head and knocked out of his command seat during entry by a tank that was jettisoned at what turned out to be the wrong time. That was actually merciful, since his lander/ascent vehicle couldn't handle the stress of the 'chutes deploying and he would have been stranded there. Bob is now designing a stronger version, and he's remembering to test the 'chute deployment on Kerbin. Jeb only thought to test the ascent mode, not the descent.


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oh I can't remember.... WAIT, ya that's where I sent him.... hmmm.... bet you people would think i'm cruel.... ah well may as well let it out....

inter galactic space (measured with the altimeter)... well, isn't that nice, oh yes and if you visit him, the game breaks :D

I'm sure he's very happy ! he was when I last checked :P

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My Jeb is currently in an 80000m LKO without the unnecessary constraints of a capsule, I had a minor hiccough performing an EVA while my rocket was still slightly throttled up. That was about 3 years ago, I used his RCS to stabilize his orbit as best as I could, I keep meaning to send someone up to collect him.

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Right now, he's on the Duna Express on his way back to Kerbin. Despite being one of the worst missions I've done in a very long time, Jebediah looked like he was having the time of his life.

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In a mün sized space station enroute to destroy Kalderan, while ruling the galaxy with an iron fi... äh... commanding a team of 8 kerbals on my first constellation style duna base, with Bill as Science Officer.

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