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Hitchhiker Mobile Laboratory

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Hey folks,

iam pretty exited about 0.22, some great things have been implemented. Other things are left to be done, ive seen mutible suggestions for a rockomax experiment and other to support long term missions or storage of experiments so i got this idea:

How about a Hitchhiker lab. The idea is to make us rove/fly around a planet but to come back to a base or lander to analye and store experiments.

Lets say we make it contain 3-5 surface samples with an possiblity to analyse the data and greatly reduce the penalety on Transmission.

If we just send the data from a surface sample we should not get more than 5-10% but if we do it from after the analysis we get around 60-80%.

So we just have to return the Kerbal home, if we make it resonably heavy so you dont just send one to every Biome. You could fly it Back but it should not make sense since we by then got other Storage options. Iam not a fan of Stations but i also could make Stations viable duo to the weight.

Then we would have 3 Options: Return the Sample (we really need some kind of Storage/Transport for Samples), just send raw data, or send a Lab.

Should not be hard to make and the only requirement would be enough Biomes to go to.

What do you thing?

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This would certainly make the Hitchhiker pod a lot more useful. Currently it's not much more than crew storage.

Perhaps at the same time it would be a good suggestion to actually start new, long term experiments inside the pod. Only to be recoverable after a certain amount of time (a few days) has passed.

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