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What did you name your first rocket?

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My first actual rocket, back in 0.13, was called "THE PENETRATOR".

Don't ask. :P

Honestly, I haven't played career mode yet. Yes, I know, burn the witch.

I want to wait a little until it has been reworked for normal users instead of being an introduction to newbs. :)

Mine too :D

My first career mode rocket was the Prospector through

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I'll go one better and also post the description for my first. I'm playing my game out as an evolving narrative based upon the events that follow each launch. I appear to be subconsciously channeling Cave Johnson for my descriptions.

No restarting flights. No debug menu. No mods (oh god there's so many to choose from nowadays)

E.P.I.C. "The First Attempt"

Those imbeciles in Quality Control seem to think our first E.P.I.C. (Explosion-Propelled Interstellar Craft) is UNSAFE. We'll show those idiots; I invited them to an all-you-can-eat buffet and told Jeb from accounting to hop on in. By the time they're done stuffing their greedy faces, it'll be too late for them to object.

Jeb insisted on taking that psychedelic dishrag he seems so obsessed about. Keeps calling it a "flag" and "The symbol of our glorious Kerbal race". Me, I think he's crazy. Crazy and stupid, which makes him the perfect Kerbal for the job.

I've estimated that we'll at least get into orbit around the planet with this design, and if Jeb gets out and pushes, we might even get him on the Mun.

Today is the first step on our path to glory! We'll show those idiots in the QC department, just you wait and see.

Here's a photo of the craft. I decided to keep it sane. It is, after all, the first real rocket the KSC has built in my universe.


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"Untitled Space Craft"

It was a basic capsule with a parachute on an SRB that made three launches. It was shortly replaced by a more advanced vehicle capable of doing much more, including orbit. It was, of course, named "Untitled Space Craft".

You stole my name! Mine was different to yours though. I honestly forget what it looked like, it certainly wasn't memorable.

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My very first craft was, i believe, the Alpha RV. In the demo :-).

What i consider my first carreer mode craft was the KameKameHa. It literally has three LV-30's meant just to overheat an engine for staging. And i have no idea how, but it managed to remain very stable compared to many other crafts during ascent.


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JEEBUS I. It didn't make orbit. JEEBUS II did and JEEBUS III-V did Minmus flybys and JEEBUS VI did a Minmus landing and return JEEBUS VII is a base core and JEEBUS VIII is a 3 man return vehicle I am planning to use to get home from the Minmus base.

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My first actual rocket, back in 0.13, was called "THE PENETRATOR".

Don't ask. :P

Honestly, I haven't played career mode yet. Yes, I know, burn the witch.

I want to wait a little until it has been reworked for normal users instead of being an introduction to newbs. :)


Freud, much? :P

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My first rocket in career was a vertical stack of capsule, five fuel tanks, engine and three small SRB's one under another. It was thin and tall and i thought: "There is no way this thing will remain stable after liftoff". So i called it "Needle" and sent it to launch pad, fully expecting amusing aerobatics ending in a fireball. And yet it ended in LKO with enough fuel to bring Jeb back to Kerba Firma. Wow.

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I have a very simple name patterns in career mode, which I see now is not that original. My first maned flight was simply called Kerbal 1.


All my maned flights launched with my "Kerbal Orbital launcher", which are capable of orbiting Kerbin, Mun and Minmus, are named Kerbal n.


And if it launches probes then the ships are called Probie I, Probie II and so forth...

When I unlock enough of the heavy launcher parts, I think I will just call them Kerbolo nto begin with, at least for the missions around Kerbin and its satellites.

When I finally get to visit another planet, then we'll see.

So much to explore! So many names to think off!

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My first rocket series were named

Aurora I

Aurora Ia (refined I)

Aurora Ib (refinded Ia)

Aurora II (2-Staged similar design)

Aurora III (3-Staged similar design)

Aurora IIIs (with Sensors)

The Aurora IIIs made it to the Mün somehow by total pilot failure. I renamed the design

LS 1-11 (Lucky Strike One-Eleven) ;)

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