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Your favorite Kerbal names


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  • 3 months later...

It was one of the happiest days of my space program when I managed to recruit Buzz Kerman and send him to the Mun! My other favorites include:

Kirbal Kerman (an exchange kerbalnaut from the former K.S.S.R);

Kirk Kerman (Mission Commander); and

Jenny Kerman (first female(?) Kerbal to join the space program and an ace rocket pilot.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recruit based on their names, rather than their attributes.

Some of my faves:

Kirbin Kerman

Dunkin and Donkin Kerman, my science lab crew.

Hudgel "The Cudgel" Kerman

Doodvis "The Dude" Kerman

Shepvis "Old Shep" Kerman (currently marooned on Duna)

Nelvis "The Pelvis" Kerman (KSC dance champion two years running)

Ribbus Kerman

Edited by Jank
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Hadlie Kerman was my favorite random Kerbal,on par with Jeb without the ba flag on true, although I'm finding it funny nobody has mentioned "billy-bobbles Kerman" (lol)..

Of course I do like my edited in Kerbals..

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I hired Chuck. Chuck drove the fuel truck. Chuck and his fuel truck didn't duck when the kraken struck. Rest in peace Chuck.

You win this thread. That genuinely brought me to tears with laughter, good job.

My favorite so far of mine? Hmmm... I'd have to say Billy-Boblo Kerman so far, that's the best I've had.

I've also had Ellan Kerman, the first female Kerbal I saw.

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I got Elfel Kerman once. For those of you who don't know Swedish, "elfel" basically means "electrical malfunction" which is perhaps not the first thing you want to think of when you see an astronaut...


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