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[1.2] VOID 1.1.0-beta - Vessel Orbital Informational Display


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Jacke, the "toggle" setting for each window should already be set per scene. If you open career status in KSC, it should not be open when you get to Flight.

It's possible that career status is actually the one exception to that rule... I'll take a look.

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Jacke, the "toggle" setting for each window should already be set per scene. If you open career status in KSC, it should not be open when you get to Flight.

It's possible that career status is actually the one exception to that rule... I'll take a look.

I've tracked down the trigger for the bug, toadicus. It's going directly from the KSC scene to the Launch Pad.

If I have the Career Status window out in the KSC scene, then enter the VAB, then go to Launch, both the VAB and Flight don't have the Career Status window up, which is what I want.

However, if I use an existing design and from the KSC scene click on the Launch Pad to go to Launch directly, the Career Status window stays up, and now it flags Flight as wanting that window up. If I revert to the VAB before closing the Career Status window, it is now open in the VAB and it is flagged there as wanting to be open.

So looks like going from KSC directly to the Launch Pad (also perhaps the Runway) is what's causing the problem.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm getting log spam under 1.0.4 from the latest version of ToadicusTools - note though that it's only for some craft and not others. It's also for craft I'm carrying over from 0.90. I've not been able to figure out why and I'm about ready to head to bed so I'm done debugging for now. Any ideas for me to look into when I wake up?

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'ToadicusTools.Tools.GetSceneRootPart'.

Full log

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So it's been long enough that I don't remember exactly which release of what contained that, but only TweakableEverything (and particularly TweakableStaging) should be using that method, and it should (at least) be in the version of TT that came with the latest version of TE. When I get home this evening I'll push up a newer version of TT, or maybe I'll finally release the big refactor I've been working towards.

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So it's been long enough that I don't remember exactly which release of what contained that, but only TweakableEverything (and particularly TweakableStaging) should be using that method, and it should (at least) be in the version of TT that came with the latest version of TE. When I get home this evening I'll push up a newer version of TT, or maybe I'll finally release the big refactor I've been working towards.

It's benign in the flight scene but in the VAB it's preventing me from loading some saved craft files

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Hey guys I think I might be doing something wrong but using this MOD my total Delta-V calculation seems to change from VAB to Launch pad.

For example I have a simple rocket to get into orbit which says I have total DV: 4.5Km in VAB and total DV: 2.7km on Launchpad - What am I doing wrong?

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I've double checked and it stays at 30tons both in VAB and on launch pad.

I've tried without the clamps with exactly the same result. This is weird right - I'm not imagining it?

Could it be giving me a DV without atmosphere taken into account when in VAB?

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That's probably actually correct functionality, Fizbanger. By default, VOID uses vacuum Isp in the editor (you can change that in the flyout at the bottom of the Stage Information window). In flight mode, it uses the current atmosphere to determine Isp. Especially for ships with a lot of dV coming from an engine with a very different sea level Isp (like the LV-909), you can see a big difference between those numbers.

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Hey folks! Long time no see. I'm trying to get back into the saddle here, but for now I do know that I have some updated code and a big ToadicusTools refactor to get out, and it's (well past) time to do something about that. So! Here's a development build with some minor fixes and big under-the-hood changes for ToadicusTools. I consider this build to be a "beta" release.

[zip] [tar.gz] [tar.xz]

I have gone to great lengths to make the refactor of ToadicusTools binary-compatible with the old version, and in general that appears to be the case in all but two spots in VOID. Nevertheless, if you use my other mods and want to use this development build, I strongly recommend you download the dev builds I'm uploading for the others, as well.

CHANGELOG (from 0.18.3)

* DataLogger: Now uses numeric latitude and longitude for easier parsing.
* Generally refactored calls to ToadicusTools methods to support the new refactor.
* Bugfix: Modules will now more-consistently retain their settings around Flight reversions, particularly to the Editor.
* Workaround: Implemented our own horizontal surface speed to avoid Squad's broken one.

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Actually yea, setting too - I remove old versions completely when upgrading so I have to remember to copy over old settings files and that can be a pain. Plus having everything as centralized as possible makes backing things up a lot easier

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  • 3 weeks later...
Horizontal speed also seems to be wrong... when parachuting down on Kerbin it always shows roughly the vertical velocity (~7m/s when descending at 7m/s, e.g.) rather than nearly 0.

I don't think this is VOID's fault. In other places (eg the RemoteTech thread) it has also been reported that "horizontal speed" seems in fact to be total surface speed; KSP itself may be confused.

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Gaiiden, as usual that's probably a VesselSimulator issue. Is it wrong in all simple cases, or is this a specific case with odd staging or nonstandard parts of some kind?

The horizontal velocity issue is a KSP bug. Horizontal velocity has technically always been wrong as reported by KSP, but an attempt to fix it in 1.0 made it much worse. I wrote a detailed bug report to Squad a few months ago, and wrote a workaround here but it hasn't been released yet. The dev build I put up recently includes the workaround.

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New dev build up with per-save settings files and CSV save locations. "New" saves will automatically copy settings from the old global settings file if it exists; both the current save's file and the old global file will be deleted if you click Factory Reset.

Also tweaks the Celestial Body Info Browser and the Vessel Register to use the sorted list of bodies, and puts range checking on their body indexes to avoid problems when removing mods that add lots of CelestialBody objects.


[zip] [tar.gz] [tar.xz]

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Gaiiden, as usual that's probably a VesselSimulator issue. Is it wrong in all simple cases, or is this a specific case with odd staging or nonstandard parts of some kind?

I've not taken time to look into this further because I haven't seen more people report it and I can calculate mass myself no problem and usually have to break down my mass calculations anyways rather than use just a total, but here's an example:


It's just a MP tank. Although I think the problem here is that there's no stage showing for the vessel, because it was detached from the transfer vehicle and has no further staging events. I've seen lack of staging throw KER for a loop in the VAB

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VOID has been updated to version 0.18.4! This version moves the settings file and data logger targets to the active save's folder and brings some minor feature improvements.


v.0.18.4 [2015-10-02]
* VOID_DataLogger: Now emits lat/long data in a more machine-readable format.
* VOID_CBInfoBrowser & VOID_VesselRegister: Now using a list of CelestialBodies sorted by distance, depth-first.
* Now correctly saving settings to the right scene when reverting.
* Moved VOID settings file and CSV target directory to the active save directory. Existing settings will be copied to each "new" save.
* Updated for the ToadicusTools refactor.

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